The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1089 Clan Luck

Chapter 1089 Clan Luck
"Then how do I increase my soul power?" Song Pingzhi asked.

"I can teach you a secret technique." Taohua said.

"Then what price do I have to pay for this secret technique? Or is there any huge side effect of this secret technique?" Song Pingzhi asked.

"I didn't expect you to be quite exciting." Tao Hua said.

Song Pingzhi said, can I not be smart?You told me so much, I almost collapsed from your fright.

"If I pass on this secret technique to you, you must become a guest of the Chu family. And you must continue to serve my Chu family for the next sixty years. Of course, the Chu family will provide you with all the treatment as a guest. It will also protect you from being harassed by some outside forces.

You can rely on the Chu family to strengthen yourself as soon as possible.

As long as the Chu family needs your power, listen to the announcement. "

"It's okay, I can accept it." Song Pingzhi said after thinking about it.

"In addition, you must swear not to pass on the secret technique I taught you. Otherwise, your soul will be scattered. This special oath will be imprinted in your soul, even if the other party's soul power is far superior to yours. It is impossible for him to read it. This secret technique in your mind.

As long as he forcibly reads this secret technique, you will be out of your wits. "

Taohua is outspoken about Song Ping's way.

Song Pingzhi suddenly asked in horror. "What kind of secret technique is this?"

"Take it." Taohua handed a jade cocoon to Song Pingzhi, "Remember to destroy the jade cocoon. Don't leave any traces of this secret technique."

Song Pingzhi carefully formed the jade cocoon, and then used his divine sense to probe.

A quarter of an hour, a quarter of an hour... Soon he was completely addicted to it.By the time he memorized this secret technique here, it was already more than two hours later.The jade cocoon turned into jade powder in the palm of his hand, but there really wasn't a single bit left behind.

"Seeing you off, please follow me. I will take you to receive your welfare and token." A young guard boy said respectfully to Song Pingzhi.

"Thank you." Song Pingzhi said kindly.

"You're welcome."

"By the way, is anyone coming to see me?" Song Pingzhi asked.

"A little boy came to say that someone brought you a message, so that you can take care of yourself." The dark guard boy said indifferently.

Song Pingzhi's face was ugly.He didn't suspect that the dark guard kid called the guy.Because there is no need.

And the person who brought the words was appointed to be Marshal Ma.

Sure enough, he was dropped immediately after the investigation found out who had detained him.

"Where is the Patriarch?" Song Pingzhi asked again.

"The Patriarch has already entered the city. Song Keqing, if you want to enter the city, you can also visit the city now. Although it is already night, it is not yet time to close the city gate." The dark guard said.

"Then after we get the things, I plan to go back, at least to get back some of my personal belongings." Song Pingzhi said.

"Okay, then I will accompany you, Song Keqing. My name is Chu Zixiang, and I am a small person in the Chu family." The dark guard boy grinned.

"My name is Song Pingzhi. Don't call me Song Keqing anymore. You can just call me Song Pingzhi or Brother Song." Song Pingzhi didn't mean to put on his identity either.

"Then I'll call you Brother Song."

"Then I'll call you..."

"You can just call him Zixiang. If you call him Brother Chu, believe it or not, most of the people on this boat will turn back." Chu Zixiang said in a low voice.

Only then did Song Pingzhi realize that this is the Chu family, but there are not many people with the surname Chu.

"I heard that there are many people in your Chu family?" Chu Zixiang led the way, and Song Pingzhi asked while walking side by side with him.

"A lot, but not too many. There are only about 70 people in our family." Chu Zixiang said.

"That's not much?" Song Pingzhi asked in surprise.

"That's how many people. Our Chu family occupies a large territory in the main line, and the clan members only have this point. Among them, Quan Man can't even control all the cities under his command. We can only recruit a large number of people with foreign surnames to join our clan .” Chu Zixiang said calmly.

"If I had such a family as a backer, I probably wouldn't lose my parents and sister, and I'm sure I'd be proud, and maybe I'd turn into a flamboyant dude. You really explode with a good attitude.

I'm afraid I can't keep your calm state of mind. "

After hearing what he said, Chu Zixiang couldn't help laughing, "You've made yourself too miserable. In my opinion, you've done a good job. I've also come here since the beginning of the recovery of the spiritual energy. The recovery of the spiritual energy, I It also failed to prevent my father from going hunting in the mountains in time and never returning.

There was no way to prevent my brother from being dragged away by the monster in the water in time, and the body was never recovered.

Sometimes, I often feel that this should be fate.Even if we have mastered extraordinary power, it is impossible for us to control the fate of ourselves and those around us.How difficult is it to escape?
I can't change my destiny, and I can't change others. What I can change is myself.As long as I work hard to become stronger and keep getting stronger, I can work hard to change the fate of relatives and friends around me, at least give them a chance to change their lives against the sky. "

Song Pingzhi was startled when he heard this.

"You have done a good job. After your relatives left one after another, you are still able to make positive progress, work hard to change yourself, strengthen yourself, and work hard to live a good life. You have lived up to the expectations of your relatives. You have done a good job. "

Song Pingzhi's eyes couldn't help turning red.Hot teardrops slid down the corners of his eyes.

Some hardships, he has never confided, some grief, also do not put them in the open for others to see.

"Thank you." Song Pingzhi said in a calm tone.

"You're welcome. I can roughly understand your sadness a little bit. But man, you have to hold on no matter what time comes."

"Of course, I have to rescue my sister from Soul Jade. I can't fall down now." Song Pingzhi smiled with tears in his eyes.

Chu Zixiang took Song Pingzhi to familiarize himself with the purpose of the people on and off the warship and the cabins.He took something with him again.Finally, he accompanied him into the city.

Before the gate of the city was closed, Taohua led the people back to the Qingpeng boat.

Hearing that Chu Zixiang accompanied Song Pingzhi back to the city, he asked Chu Zilan who stayed behind, "What do you think of Song Pingzhi?"

"His soul jade really has such a miraculous effect?" Chu Zilan asked.

"Of course." Taohua said.

"Then we really don't need to get it? If it's for the family, even if they are cursed, many people are willing to try that piece of soul jade?" Chu Zilan said.

Taohua shook her head. "It's better to put that weird thing in Song Pingzhi's hands. It's not worth damaging our family's fortune for it."

"But Patriarch, didn't you say it has that magical effect?" Chu Zilan asked. "It's not a small ability to be able to predict good and bad luck, and to predict treasures."

"The problem is that our clan is prosperous, and we don't need divination to have good luck, but we can walk on treasures. Why do we use divination and prediction?" Taohua said. "On the contrary, if you rob it, let alone the troubles, if you become deeply entangled with it, it will also damage the family fortune of our family."

(End of this chapter)

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