The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1090 The spirit of the veins likes mountain terrain

Chapter 1090 The spirit of the veins likes mountain terrain

Taohua knew that she didn't deliberately avoid Chu Ziyan and the others when she was talking to Song Pingzhi, so they all heard about the strange piece of parrot soul jade.

It is impossible to say that Chu Zilan and the others have no idea about this parrot soul jade.

In the family, because of the existence of Chu Liyao, a humanoid treasure detector, everyone knows how much a treasure that can foresee treasures is worth.

The Parrot Soul Jade doesn't want to be taken home and used, it can be done.

Chu Zilan frowned, he knew that the Patriarch had no need to deceive him.So this parrot soul jade designation is a double-edged sword.

"Then let's take a step and see. We have already decided to let Zixiang get in touch with him more."

"Anything. We just need to treat him with the attitude of entertaining guests. That Song Pingzhi is not a cheap lamp. We can't treat him like a fool." Song Pingzhi is a ruthless person!
It is said that she was optimistic about Chu Xi in her previous life, and there are very few people who appreciate her.But this Song Pingzhi is one.


Song Pingzhi returned to the small courtyard he rented.

The gate of the yard is open, and the gate of the house is open.He walked into his room quickly, and the things inside had been turned over.But everything worth anything, even the last new quilt was taken away.

There is no need to ask whoever stole his things.It was written directly on the wall. "We have taken away the things belonging to my Marshal Ma. If you are sensible, you should know what to say and what not to say. From now on, we have nothing to do with you."

At the end of the text is a strange small blood red handprint.Like a baby, but with six fingers.

"Does Marshal Ma have six fingers?"

"No, that's the mark of a military adviser's bloody hand. Marshal Ma has four military advisers, all of whom are very powerful. Their methods are cruel and cruel, and most people are afraid of them." Song Pingzhi paused after saying this. "But to you, this Marshal Ma should be nothing."

"Not necessarily." Chu Zixiang said, "I've heard people say that many people in the Great Wasteland don't think highly of us. They think that our Chu family's command and notice is a territory with rich land, which is completely unsuitable for the poor mountains and rivers of the Great Wasteland. There is no way."

Song Pingzhi smiled awkwardly, and then said, "Actually, I thought so too at the beginning. I'm not talking nonsense, it's really that the Great Wasteland is very different in terms of climate, people, and the humid mountainous regions of your Chu family." .”

After hearing this, Chu Zixiang smiled plainly again, "Since you are the guest of our family, there is no need to continue to hide some things from you. You may not know that Chu's current territory is benefited from outsiders' eyes. Several times the world has changed drastically, and the terrain has changed greatly, so the geographical environment with mountains and peaks has long been formed.

In fact, it is not. The mountainous environment in the Chu family's current territory is not caused by the great changes in the world.It was chosen by the spirit of the spiritual pulse cultivated by our Chu family.

The Five Elements Spirit Vessel of our Chu Clan has been promoted to the fifth rank.

Lingmai has long been born with spiritual wisdom. Every time the world changes, it will automatically adjust the terrain in its territory in accordance with the changes of the earth veins.Because it wants mountains within its domain.

So our Chu family is mountainous, humid and rainy. "

After Song Pingzhi heard this, he didn't pay much attention to it at first, but the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

"Wait. Choose by yourself, choose by yourself... That is to say, if..." He suddenly had difficulty swallowing. "If the spirit vein of the Chu family advances to Lingshan, it will expand its territory again. Then in which direction will it expand, the big sea? The Silent Mountains? The Southwest Mountains? Or the Great Wasteland..."

He felt his mouth go dry.

"It was your last thought." Chu Zixiang said with a smile.

"It...if it expands towards the wilderness...will the wilderness...become a mountainous forest?" Song Pingzhi asked dryly.

"Think about the current territory of the Chu family. If you think about the original area of ​​the Chu family, it is not all mountainous terrain with one water. We used to have plains, rocky beaches and so on. Now they are gone. It's all mountains.

Basically, there are spiritual veins entrenched under every mountain range. There are many spiritual springs, spiritual lands on each mountain range, and there are many spiritual water swamps and spiritual lakes under the mountains.There are not a few spiritual veins of water attribute hidden in the lake. "

Song Ping was shocked for a while, then weak for a while.

"How can there be such a spiritual spirit that likes to transform the terrain? And it actually likes the terrain of mountains, so it's not necessary, right? Some territories have been transformed into mountains, right?"

"It is very necessary for it." Chu Zixiang said. "Your guest, you don't quite understand that our spirit of the veins, the original master of the innate Yimu, and the remnant dragon soul of the spring dragon. Since its birth, it has an inexplicable affection for planting elixir and spiritual things.

Mountain terrain is the most suitable for planting elixir and various spiritual things. "

After hearing Chu Zixiang's words, Song Pingzhi didn't know what to say.

If Chu Zixiang didn't tell, who would have thought that the Chu family still had such a secret.

If he wasn't a guest of the Chu family, he probably wouldn't have had the chance to get such news.

"That is to say, the Great Northwest Wilderness, in fact, the Chu family doesn't care about people, as long as the land is there? Anyway, you will eventually transform this place into mountains and forests." Song Pingzhi said.

"It should be us, or Lingmai Zhiling." Chu Zixiang instructed him.

"It's really embarrassing. Why do you think I met a family like yours?" Song Pingzhi simply tidied up his home.Then call the boy next door to bring them food and drink, "Just don't sleep at night, just tell me about the specific situation of your Chu family. Just tell me what you can tell. You don't know, I don't care about your family. Really curious now."

Chu Zixiang was amused by him and laughed.

"Okay, no problem, let me tell you about it. Then let's talk about the benefits of guest officials given by the Chu family. You, the most senior guest official, can directly own a [-]-acre small Zhuangzi of the Chu family as soon as you come. You Do you know how much such a small Zhuangzi is worth?"

"We have a small Lingtian farm here, if it is [-] mu, there are at least [-] spirit stones." Song Pingzhi was immediately stunned after finishing speaking.Sixty thousand spirit stones, let alone sixty thousand, he has never seen even [-] spirit stones.And the price he directly revealed was the price of the Chu family, the lowest-ranked Lingtian Zhuangzi in the Great Wasteland.

So if it is Xiaozhuangzi near the city in the fertile hinterland of the Chu family, with five hundred acres, how many spirit stones are there?
(End of this chapter)

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