Chapter 1091
"Is this Zhuangzi really mine?" Song Pingzhi asked.

"Really, in Chu's blessed land, a five-hundred-acre village is worth about 40 spirit stones. I'm talking about the kind of spirit that has a complete formation, the fields have never been abandoned, and the spirit energy and land fertility are well controlled. Tian." Chu Zixiang said.

Song Pingzhi staggered, "How much? How much do you say?"

"40 spirit stones." Chu Zixiang said.

"40 spirit stones, 40?" Song Pingzhi asked in amazement.


"Does your Chu family have money and no place to spend it? How can you give such a generous gift?" Song Pingzhi asked in surprise.

"A person who can be a first-class guest minister in the Chu family is not an idle person. A small village worth 40 yuan can at most be seen by them." Chu Zixiang smiled wryly.

Song Pingzhi didn't know what to say after listening for a while.

He suddenly felt like a little moth flew into the big garden.

"It's kind of ashamed."

"Give it all, you can keep it calmly. When you make more achievements in the Chu family in the future, you can get other rewards." Chu Zixiang said.

The two of them also talked about some real power figures of the Chu family, some management departments of the Chu family and so on.

Then there are all kinds of gossip.

Not long after, someone brought the food and wine.The two drank and chatted.

Really talking about the mountains, talking about the whole night.

Early in the morning of the second day, the two guys who were seven or eight minutes drunk and lying in Song Pingzhi's room heard the sound of banging on the door.

"Who is it?" Song Pingzhi asked loudly in a daze.

"It's me." A familiar voice came in.

When Song Pingzhi heard this voice, he immediately regained his energy.He rushed to the gate angrily and opened it.Then I saw that round, chubby face.

"Well, you are fat and fat, how can I feel sorry for you? You bastard, I copied my house. I let you copy my house, I let you copy my house..." Song Pingzhi put himself at the gate and swept the yard. He took out the broom and started beating the fat man with the round face.

He actually confiscated all the valuables from his house.

Asshole, he didn't even save the best quilt for him.I can't beat this grandson to death.

"Oh, what are you doing? I have no choice but to copy your home. Who knows if people from the Chu family will come and copy your home. You can have a lot of things in your home that belong to Da Ma. It was stolen, and Marshal Ma asked someone to ask for the bill, how do you pay it back? If you can’t pay it back, I can’t pay it back either, so the two of us must die together?
Hey, stop hitting.All your things are at my house. If I had known you were fine, I would have sent them back to you if I found them. "

"Hoho, so you have become my benefactor?" Song Pingzhi said with a grim expression.

"Then I'm not your benefactor, who is your benefactor?" Da Pang Pang said with a natural expression.

"Come on, who doesn't know that you are a person who specializes in giving money to brothers who die. At the beginning, when our brothers died, you immediately ran to pick up other people's things. As long as they are worth a little money, you Can't help but pull it into my hand.

He also said that brotherhood is deep, you have to sell it to a good coffin and hide it in a good place.The brothers are willing to blame you in the underground for taking other people's floating wealth.As a result, you stripped those brothers and threw them on the mass grave.

If you hadn't hooked up with Marshal Ma later, Angkor and the others would have been unable to beat you to death long ago.

What you do is also called personnel affairs? "

"I'm not very kind to those brothers, but I've always been kind to you?" Pang Dapang said aggrievedly.

"Come on, you come to my house when you are free and have nothing to do. You have counted how many pickle jars there are in my house. You can't wait for me to die, and then move all the things in my house. You yesterday I brought those people here to designate that I didn’t want to leave any scraps of paper to me. It’s a pity that you underestimate the people of Marshal Ma, so they can’t look down on the rags in my house. At most, they hid my paper For some gold and silver, I took some spiritual objects at home and took them away.

Others don't want it.But if you want, you can take away all the finishing touches from my house.Hmph, you think I don't know? "

Song Pingzhi's questioning directly tore the last bit of Pang Pang's face.

"Don't make it sound like I've bullied you too much. I'm the one who set you up for your job. Without me, you can become a handsome man in Malaysia?" Pang Dafa said angrily.

"If you hadn't brought Marshal Ma's people to my house to force me to be your food worker, you thought I would be willing to do it. With such a crazy purchase amount every month, do you think I love doing it? All I have to do is to complete the task. If I really can’t outrun those under Marshal Ma, I would have run the ball a long time ago.”

He did a good job in the scattered small household food, but in the end he was recommended to Marshal Ma by the fat man.As expected, that Marshal Ma's people are all desperadoes, forcing him to be a food servant for Marshal Ma.One hundred thousand catties of grain must be purchased a month.

It is simply a huge pit.

He has been doing it for three months.It's getting harder every month.There is still [-] catties left to complete the task this month, and Song Pingzhi's hairs stand on end as long as he thinks about the consequences of not completing the task.That's why he approached the Patriarch of the Chu family so recklessly.In the end, he was accidentally recruited by the Patriarch of the Chu family.

"Then you are all right?" Pang Pang said.

"I almost died." Song Pingzhi said angrily.Is the Chu family the one he can offend and provoke?
"Then you're back with all your beard and tail now." Da Dapang said angrily, "I came here to see how you came back? I'm relieved to see that you are safe. Your [-]-jin food mission , the adults said..."

"Don't tell me what the adults said. Now I am a member of the Chu family. You, what an adult, you can deal with it directly. I won't serve you anymore."

"What did you say?" Pang Fatty said in astonishment, "You actually joined the Chu family? Why did you join the Chu family? Because of your good looks? No, you are just an ordinary person."

"I was bullied. I joined the Chu family based on my talent. It's different from a shameless person like you." Song Pingzhi said angrily.

"What? You really joined the Chu family? Then what should I do? What about Marshal Ma's food?"

"I don't care what you do? Who do you think you are? You have a relationship with Marshal Ma and you have bullied and deducted our commission. Now you have to spit it out for me. I don't want anything else. My own share, and You must spit out the things you stole from my house." Song Pingzhi grabbed the other party's skirt and said.

(End of this chapter)

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