Chapter 1099

"Actually, Shenting doesn't lack things that can change one's life against the sky and mend one's talents. It's just that such items are relatively high in value." Du Ziqi said.

The most famous one is the Talent Pill, a talent pill refined by the most talented monks.Whether in the black market or in the hands of other underground forces, there is a large amount of circulation.The talented Xiu Shi, who was finally cultivated by the small and medium sects of Shenting, often disappeared when he went out to practice.There are too many things like this happening.

Daoist Xie said in astonishment, "Is there such a thing that reverses talent?"

"Yes, and there are a lot of them." Du Ziqi smiled a little troubled.But in the end he still talked about the Talent Pill.

Both Daoist Xie and Sinan were horrified.

"It sounds like a kind of sorcery. And it's too..." Si Nan said with a stiff face.

"Friar, monk, every monk hopes to live forever. Longevity has almost become everyone's heart demon. Even I, I dare not say that I have the courage to actively seek death like my parents did. I am a casual cultivator. Well, my master is naturally also a casual cultivator. He told me that he had a master who was stagnant because of his mediocre aptitude. When his lifespan was about to end, he went crazy. He killed him directly The members of the benefactor's family who had been desperately protected, the cultivation qualifications of his benefactor's family are far superior to his. Among them, the great-grandson of his benefactor is a young monk with the highest talent. After he killed the benefactor's family, he asked someone to take them The whole family has refined talent pills.

He devoured these talent pills, especially the talent pill refined by his benefactor's great-grandson, which really reversed his talent and promoted him from mediocrity to the best.Thus allowing him to break through the golden core realm and create a middle-grade golden core.It's a pity that he killed the benefactor's family, and he owed karma. When he was out on an adventure, he encountered a robbery and was killed directly. " Du Ziqi said with great emotion.

Daoist Xie and Si Nan didn't know what to say for a while.

This Changsheng Jiushi has become dazed, it seems to be embarrassing and even criticized.But if you really change yourself to that kind of despair, and you still know the magic of this talent pill, you may not be able to bear it.

"Does this talent pill have any side effects?" Daoist Xie asked.

"That's right, after swallowing this talent pill, although you can change your life against the sky and repair your talent, it will also cause a great cause and effect and bear bad luck. This bad luck may be found immediately, or it may be delayed for a while.

In short, it is impossible not to find it.If you get past the joint of this bad luck, then the cause and effect will be settled.You don't have to continue to be tortured by bad luck in the future, but if you can't make it through, you will naturally die. "Du Ziqi said. "In fact, the more mysterious the medicine is, the greater the side effects will be.It's not just pills, there are also some items that have great side effects.

Although there are plenty of items in the world of Shenting, you must be careful when choosing, maybe the treasure with great side effects will kill your life.

My own master was killed by a bone ring he collected from a stall.If it weren't for him, he had always kept notes on the items he researched.I don't even know how he died.

Who would have thought that a white bone ring, which looks inconspicuous at all, could actually transform the soul of its master into a monster with a soul body.

The monster my master transformed into was discovered and killed by monks when he came out of his body to devour the souls of the people in the surrounding cities.

I learned that the master died for no reason, so I went back to attend the funeral immediately.Then he found clues in his research notes, and after checking, he found out that the bone ring was responsible. "

Du Ziqi told Daoist Xie and the others about the strange events he had experienced in his own life.

Daoist Xie and Sinan were dumbfounded.

"Where did that bone ring come from? How did it end up in your master's hands?" Daoist Xie asked puzzled.

"I sent the bone ring directly to the Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals, and traced the origin of the bone ring through the treasure appraisers there. The bone ring came from another big world. It was originally from the big world over there. The treasure born in it.

These world treasures are sheltered in this world, and can receive energy supplements from the world in a steady stream.So nothing weird will happen.But when they drift to other big worlds, they can't absorb enough energy, and they will instinctively mutate into various weird abilities.In order to get more energy.

The bone ring turned my master's soul into a monster, also for the purpose of absorbing energy. "

"This is simply too wicked." Si Nan said in shock.

"It's not evil, my master died unjustly." Du Ziqi said. "Afterwards, every time I took an adventure, I had to send the items I obtained to the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals to be appraised, and I ran into something unlucky."

"Don't say your habit is too good, I will learn it in the future." Sinan said.

"This Temple of Ten Thousand Immortals must be more powerful than any other sect. It is simply a place where all the monks in Shenting must go?" Daoist Xie asked.

"Even if it is a sect, it is connected to the various functions of the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals internally. For the family, there are fewer people who can access the various functions of the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals. They basically use the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals that is available in every city. .

Our casual cultivators are actually the regular visitors and the main force of activities in the Temple of Ten Thousand Immortals.There are various short-term rentals and long-term rental training rooms in Wanxian Temple, and there are especially many training rooms.And basically not expensive, breakthrough, long-term residence can be.Some casual cultivators marry and have children in the rented rooms of the Wanxian Temple.Even if they have the money to buy a house outside, they will not go. Renting a house in Wanxiandian is at least much safer than going outside. "

After hearing this, Taoist Xie and Si Nan were also secretly amazed at the living conditions of the casual cultivators in Shenting.

"Then the houses in the Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals may not be easy to rent, right?" Daoist Xie said.

"That's right, you guessed it right. The Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals is basically full. When one person leaves, someone will come in again immediately. Many casual cultivators can't get a house in the Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals, so Go to the Loose Cultivation Alliance to find a house to rent." Du Ziqi said.

"Speaking of which, monks are much more comfortable than ordinary people. If you feel uncomfortable staying in one place, you can immediately change to another place." Sinan said.

"It's okay, after all, they are not real common people." Du Ziqi said.If he hadn't embarked on the path of a monk back then, he probably wouldn't be the Du Ziqi he is today.Thanks to his biological parents for what he has done for him, otherwise, he would have died in early childhood.

(End of this chapter)

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