The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1100 Du Ziqi's Eight Hexagrams: The Secret of the Chu Family

Chapter 1100 Du Ziqi Gossips about the Secret of the Chu Family
"Huh? Those people are quite strong. Five or six people can directly pull out a big tree stump?" At this time, the horse bandits had a new change.They took the initiative to mobilize more elites, and a group of several people directly pulled the stump out of the ground.

Of course, this kind of blunt talk is really not very shrewd.

There are also some fire symbols that are simply used to burn the roots of the tree.This is even more of half the effort.A large number of fire charms are used to burn down the low stumps that are not so easy to burn.The consumption of the fire talisman is a bit unbearable.

As a result, the fire talisman was gone without burning a few rows of tree stumps.But not every force is as rich as the Chu family, with abundant supplies, self-produced and self-marketed, and confident.

The horse bandits who lost the usefulness of the fire talisman continued to rely on brute force to dig tree stumps.

In front of them, there are not many tree stumps that affect the movement of their war horses, but there are also many.

Except for a specially reserved narrow tree-lined road, the flat ground leading to the small town is planted with a large number of semi-spiritual woods, even if there is a fire talisman, it is not very easy to burn.The semi-spiritual wood cultivated by the Chu family belongs to that fire-resistant variety.Even if there is a big fire, it is not easy to burn.

This is a good wood for making fire-resistant charcoal and furniture and building materials.

The problem is that the wood is good, but it is unlucky for the horse bandits. They are sweating profusely when digging holes and tree roots.

"There seems to be something wrong with the half spirit tree planted by the Chu family," Sinan said.

"It should be a special species. The Chu family will not easily plant any tree species that are easy to be used by the enemy in such places outside their own territory. If they are so stupid, they are not the Chu family that is good at planting." Daoist Xie said.

"The Chu family is really interesting. I have also seen some families in Shenting who are good at planting or cultivating a large number of spiritual seeds. But I don't think any of them are behind the Chu family's potential. Their family is too rich from bloodlines to Lingshan. It's suitable for planting." Du Ziqi said.

"It's not just about bloodlines and spirit mountains. Their family also has a very peculiar set of planting inheritance. Some small magics take root and sprout, small magics flourish, small magics bloom and bear fruit, etc. It's really amazing and mysterious.

It is well known that the biggest difficulty in cultivation is the germination of seeds.

But this difficulty does not exist for the Chu family.Ling Zhifu of their same clan, if he randomly pulls out one, he will basically know how to take root in this little magic. "Xie Taoist said.

"Because of their own family, they have cultivated a large number of spiritual plants and husbands. There are countless spiritual objects and spiritual food in the random family. Because of family restrictions, a large amount of food, spiritual fruits, and spiritual medicines are not allowed to be traded. For the forces outside the clan, the one who actually ate and hoarded a large number of spiritual plants, spiritual fruits, and spiritual food over the years is the Chu family themselves. How much spiritual food, spiritual fruit and so on their clan has hoarded, and only they themselves just got it.

I estimate that the total stockpile may be enough for a big country on the Yun'an mainland to use it for a year or two. "

Simon also nodded.

Du Ziqi's eyes were miraculous, and he said with a smile, "You still underestimate this family. The Chu family is selling a large amount of their own food to the outer battlefield through the same door of the Guanghan Sword Sect. First-level spiritual materials to enrich their material warehouse.

What copper iron ring ore, all kinds of rare ore, spar, jade ore, etc. were all copied by them like bottom-selling.After the transfer, a lot of materials are digested into various magic weapons, and large equipment and warships are sold to those who are willing to trade with them.

Make huge profits from it. "

Sinan gasped, "It's too capable to actually buy food and take it to the battlefield outside the realm." He is not a native of the lower realm who knows nothing, but the son of a well-informed hidden family in the lower realm.

He already knew about the news of the battlefield outside the boundary.

"This is too ruthless. They've made the business out of our world. Why are they so powerful? Besides, the people from the Guanghan Sword Sect are not fools, so why would they come here?" Sinan said puzzled. .

"Of course it's the ultra-low price. For the Chu family, even if the ultra-low price is given, they will not lose money. Because the cost of cultivating spiritual plants is already low, and they used to rely on the huge profits from selling spiritual food He raised the whole Chu family.

Although the Chu family seems to be earning less now.But because it can be exchanged for more cheap and various spiritual materials, after refining by yourself, you can resell them to earn huge profits from the spiritual materials.On the whole, the deal was actually not a loss at all. " Du Ziqi said.

"Furthermore, this transaction of the Chu family is only temporary. When they leave this world, they will naturally take away their own Lingshan. When they return to the sect, the production of their own Lingshan can still allow them to continue to make huge profits." Du Ziqi envied He said, "It's better to cultivate your own Lingshan. This is equivalent to a fief that you can own forever without using meritorious service."

"Wait, can Lingshan be taken away?" Daoist Xie asked in astonishment.

"Of course it is possible. Otherwise, why do you need to understand a little way of time and a little way of space when you are promoted to the sixth level of Lingshan? Isn't it because Lingshan is promoted to the sixth level, and you can call yourself a piece of space. Not only can you leave this world, but also You can swim in the void." Du Ziqi said with a smile.

Daoist Xie and Sinan couldn't help the intense turmoil in their hearts.

It can be taken away, Lingshan can travel in the void.

No wonder, no wonder everyone attaches so much importance to building Lingshan.

"Sinan, your family still has a chance, but we master and apprentice have no hope." Daoist Xie smiled casually.

"Don't make trouble, the cultivation of my family's spiritual veins is also a problem. My parents and seniors are also studying it, and we don't understand the promotion to the fifth level." Sinan also smiled wryly.

"It's really not that easy to get promoted in Lingshan. I once had a fight with a group of life and death partners, but it didn't work out, and I wasted everyone's savings for many years. In the end, everyone's pockets were cleaner than their faces." Du Ziqi also smiled wryly. "Many of the spiritual mountains of the big forces have taken shortcuts. The incomplete spiritual mountains that have been promoted through special methods have no potential for development in the future. At most, they are more convenient to use. Small forces can't cultivate the spiritual mountains with real potential."

"What about the Chu family, their Lingshan is very unusual depending on how they were cultivated," Sinan said.

"That's right. I can also see that the Chu family's spiritual mountain has extraordinary potential. It depends on whether they can continue to hold that spiritual mountain in their hands after entering the world of Shenting. Although Chu Shinian worshiped Tong Tianxing Master, but there are also many factions that are not against his master."

(End of this chapter)

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