The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1101 Sinan talks about the Chu family they studied

Chapter 1101 Sinan talks about the Chu family they studied

As for the spiritual mountain in their house, they really have entered the world of Shenting, and they also have troubles when they go to Guanghan Jianzong.Du Ziqi thought secretly.

It's not that he can't see the goodness of the Chu family, but the real good things. How many times he has seen them over the years, how can they not cause fights.

Even if you want to live in peace, it is impossible to conceive the crime of jade.

"Hey, those of you look at the city wall over there, the soldiers of the Chu family have started to eat. At this hour, is this lunch?" Du Ziqi looked at the soldiers on the city wall in surprise.His face was so calm, and the food was very affordable.

Du Ziqi watched, each person had a vegetable bowl, which was fully filled with Siyang vegetables, both meat and vegetables.There is also a soup basin, which looks like broth.There is also a large bowl of rice and two steamed buns.There are also three cooked sweet potatoes per person.

"It's almost better than what I eat." Du Ziqi said speechlessly. "People's staple food, supplementary food, and vegetable soup are all snacks, made of spiritual vegetables and monster meat. The monster meat may have just been slaughtered, and the blood is still overflowing."

Si Nan was delighted to hear this. "Don't be sour, the Chu family has always had an abundance of various supplies in the army. Their family's sea fleet has been chasing and cleaning sea beasts all year round, so there is no shortage of all kinds of monster meat.

Those demon fishes captured by them, the essence and flesh of monster beasts were directly used as military supplies in various places.He almost sold his cheeks to ordinary people for food and drink.Like those demon fish meat, usually in the butcher shops in our side, at least one or two taels of silver a catty.

But in the Chu family, first-order monster fish and monster meat all cost thirty coppers.How cheap, it's like picking up for nothing.If it weren't for their butcher shop, the family would only be allowed to buy five catties of monster meat every day.

I'm afraid that there will be many peddlers who sell monster beast meat and monster fish meat to and from the Chu family. "

One tael of silver is equivalent to a thousand coppers, and these thirty coppers sell for a catty of monster meat, and monster fish meat is indeed too cheap.But this is the welfare that the Chu family promotes in various cities, and it is specially used to benefit the people.

"More monster beasts, monster fish bones, internal organs and other leftovers are directly sold to workshops everywhere. Or made into various special bone meal, or made into feed, and the sales are also very popular. Those monsters Beasts and demon fish have not been wasted at all from being hunted to using their flesh and membranes," Sinan said.

Du Ziqi was also amazed when he heard that.

"The development of the entire Chu family is so interesting. Why is there only one Chu family in the entire continent? Generally speaking, it's not because they have developed well that some people follow and imitate their development path?" Du Ziqi was puzzled. ask.

When Sinan heard this, he immediately smiled wryly, "It's not as easy as you said. The Chu family can develop and rise. The first thing is to have a visionary and a strange person who can think what others can't think. They have, and the female patriarch of the Chu family is This kind of people.

The vision is too strange, too far away.My grandfather bowed his hands and said, he is not as good as it.

You must know that before the female patriarch of the Chu family was born, my grandfather had never been convinced by anyone, and he had never said anything that he was inferior to.

Second, there must be a powerful violent group.

The group must also remain loyal at all times.As the existence of Dinghai Shenzhen developed by the Chu family.

The Chu family has the Chu family's secret guard system headed by Chu Shinian.Now the dark guard system has joined the legion system.It's still fun, Chu Shinian has played around with the entire Chu family's violent organization. "

Du Ziqi raised his eyebrows in surprise.He hasn't really thought about it that much.

After all, he was just a casual cultivator, while Sinan was from an ancient family.

The eyes of the two of them are not in the same way.

But Du Ziqi was right after thinking about it carefully.

"Is there a third?"

"There is a third, you have to have luck. With luck, the family can accumulate enough various resources, and everything can go smoothly, and everything can be successful. With these three points, it is enough. Our Si family One has all, and the other one does not account for much. That's why it has developed to the current embarrassing situation."

"I said you are too good at pretending to be pitiful. People like yours don't have much to say, so other people don't have to work." Daoist Xie directly complained about him.

"I'm not pretending to be pitiful. I just don't have much. Of course, it depends on who I'm with. If we compare with the Chu family, our family can't do it." Si Nan said with a wry smile. "Our family was the first to pay attention to this Chu family.

A long time ago, this Chu family has been stirring up trouble in the dark market. My third uncle was in charge of my family's dark market transactions back then.My third uncle told my grandfather and father that the female head of the Chu family is a character.But no one believed it at the time.I think it's just the female head of a small border tribe, the key issue is the female head.How strong can a woman be?Maybe after a few more years of marriage, this Chu family will become a vassal of a certain family or something. Who would have thought that in less than 20 years, they would completely develop the Chu family?
The current Chu family is not what it used to be, it is now a resounding overlord in the mainland. "

"It's also a power at the supremacy level of the sea. The Chu family owns too many fleets." Daoist Xie said.

"How did the overlord talk about it at this meeting?" Du Ziqi asked in surprise. "I heard that the Chu family has a huge sea fleet, but even though they are extraordinary, are the sea monsters and sea beasts really so easy to bully? The number of them is almost endless like the sea."

"Whether it's sea monsters or sea beasts, there are indeed a large number of them gathered together, but the problem is that everyone can't always gather together. But the number of Chu's warships is also huge. If there is a real fight, if the number is insufficient, it will be for the Chu family. The battleship delivers food.

If the number is huge, the head-to-head Chu family is not a vegetarian.The key is that they have fought a protracted battle with sea monsters and sea beasts.

In order to compete for the original White Crab Island, now Jinkui Island.

The Human Race and the Sea Race have fought for several years.

The humans and sea beasts died, and the flesh and blood mud on the island several meters deep was accumulated at that time.At the beginning of that battle, it was a battle between the human race and the monsters, and then the human race forces that participated in the war withdrew one by one.It is the Chu family's troops and fleet that really persevere and scare the monsters.

During that battle, the Chu family not only tamed a group of elite soldiers and completed the task of training troops, but even lifted the sea to build an island during the interval of the war and built the current Samsung Island. "

Cough, cough, Du Ziqi's jaw dropped in shock after hearing Si Nan's words.He has also been to the Chu family, Xianyang, and the Chu family's Lingshan.But he didn't go to sea.I just went to Longshanfang City for a walk.Sure enough, I still have to go to sea to see.

Chu's development at sea really surprised him.

(End of this chapter)

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