The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 113 Accountants and Stewards

Chapter 113 Accountants and Stewards

"Ah? Tired and sick? How is that possible?" Chu Qi was taken aback. "Don't fool me. The sixth uncle is a monk. He has mana. How could he be sick because of fatigue?"

"Sixth Uncle has just become a monk, and his physical condition has not completely improved, so he needs to cultivate more. When his cultivation base is higher in the future, this kind of thing will probably not happen. Besides, Sixth Uncle was seriously ill due to fatigue in his early years. After one episode, Uncle Six's health has been worse than before since that illness!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Chu Qi sighed helplessly after hearing this.

"Besides, I secretly asked Uncle Liu's youngest son, and the boy said that Uncle Liu's illness has a lot to do with me this time. Uncle Liu is not good at accounting. I got so many coppers back to pay him , It’s really hard for him. Every day to settle the accounts, the sixth uncle has suffered from the boss, and sometimes he doesn’t sleep at night to settle the accounts.”

Chu Qi looked at Chu Dashan speechlessly this time, and saw him say guiltily, "Ninth Uncle usually takes care of the long-term workers going up and down the mountains and lakes during the day, and also takes care of the poultry and livestock in the valley. It's too hard. So I got tired."

"You might as well let me take care of the copper and the accounts." Chu Qi said angrily.

"You're not suitable either. You're the lady of the boss anyway. Sixth Uncle said, let me set up an accountant and two stewards. I'm just wondering where to find someone!"

"How can there be an accountant and a steward in our village? Why don't you go to Miryang and look for it. If it's not possible, there is also a dental shop in Miryang City. Why don't we spend money to buy two stewards and an accountant who have signed a death contract?" Chu The Qi family suggested to her husband.

When Chu Dashan heard his wife's words, he immediately shook his head.

"The accountants and stewards that I bought were either sold out because of their own crimes, or the owner's family was sold out if they committed crimes. In short, it is troublesome. Finding these two types of people would rather take a longer time and find someone who knows the basics, instead of buying outsiders whose background is unclear. of."

Don't blame him for thinking too badly about people, it's because his family is too weak and can't stand it.

Chu Qi nodded after hearing this. She knew about her own affairs. She was originally born in the yard of the old lady who used to be the eldest wife of Changyang Dichu, and she has been a first-class maid for nearly ten years.

She is very good at things in the inner courtyard, and she can also guard her own yard and children.

But it would be difficult to change it to something outside. She had only heard about many things, but hadn't actually done them. She had no confidence, so she just gave some advice to her husband.

Chu Dashan has been in the lower ranks since he was a child, and he has made friends with everyone from all walks of life, and he is very sophisticated and sharp in seeing people and the world.

He said he was not in a hurry, but Chu Dashan took the initiative to run to the patriarch's house early the next morning.

"Uncle Patriarch, there is something I want to inquire about."

"What's the matter?"

"Uncle Patriarch, I want to find some competent managers and a better accountant, can you introduce some?" Chu Dashan knew that the patriarch knew a lot of people, even if he went to Miryang, he would never see them. To be able to find the right person, it is better to ask the patriarch if he knows anyone.

The village chief suddenly said, "Are you planning to open up wasteland in that valley?"

Chu Dashan shook his head. "There are too many lands in my valley, and too few people. Later, I found some short-term workers, but there were too many people, and I couldn't manage it. Now I lack a few stewards and an accountant."

The patriarch Chu Changchun actually hoped that Chu Dashan would come over and bow his head. The matter of the snake salivary grass was only one step away from being promoted, but both sides were deadlocked. Asking everyone to plant snake salivary grass is not a good intention.

But on Chu Dashan's side, there is a silent and ignorant one. If you want to plant, come to me, and if you don't want to plant, then don't come.

Don't talk about others, just talk about my own brothers of the same generation, and I will be worried to death.

Who doesn't want to make money? The Yuan Clan secretly and carefully planted snake salivary grass, and it's not like everyone can't see it.The most annoying thing is that the Yuan family has already started to make money every month, and in two or three months, they will have to earn money for repairing the house.

I can only watch helplessly as people make money with their own clansmen, this feeling is simply amazing! !
It's a pity that Chu Dashan came here to ask for help!
Chu Changchun thought for a while and said, "It's a good time for you to come. A few days ago, Changyang's Dizhi branch insisted that the shopkeepers, managers and accountants from all over the country sign some kind of sales contract, forcing many branch clansmen to withdraw from the shop caravan on Dichu's side. Come down. We happen to have an uncle of yours in our Zhuangzi who is at home now. He is quite capable. He used to be the big shopkeeper of a restaurant in Changyang City. His name is Chu Changjie.

There are also some stewards, accountants and quite capable jobs who have retired. There are several in our village. I will give you the list, and you can talk to them yourself. "

When Chu Dashan heard this, he immediately regained his energy. After getting the list from Chu Changchun, he went to the Zhuangzi to inquire.

Chu Dazhuang appeared behind his own father, "Father, why don't you tell Dashan about the snake saliva, many people in our village will not be able to sit still."

Chu Changchun sighed, "What should I say, if I ask Chu Dashan to take a step back, will he be willing?"

After hearing this, Chu Dazhuang couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Father, you can't tell Uncle Chang Jin not to make trouble."

Chu Changchun said helplessly, "If I can stop Chang Jin from tossing about, how can this scene exist now?"

"Father, what do you think Uncle Chang Jin is tossing about? Why does he dislike the mountains so much?" Chu Dazhuang really didn't understand.

"This matter is actually Chang Jin's own business. He also had the opportunity to learn herbal medicine back then. It's a pity that your Uncle Chang Jin was framed and lost this opportunity. Later, when he saw Dashan make a fortune with herbal medicine, he became jealous. .

Besides, Dashan has made a fortune too quickly, and in just a few years he has acquired [-] mu of land. This is not [-] mu, [-] mu, but [-] mu.You, Uncle Chang Jin, were completely blinded by jealousy and couldn't listen to other people's words. "

"Is he hating Dashan because of jealousy?" Chu Dazhuang asked speechlessly.

Chu Changchun nodded.

Chu Dazhuang really didn't know what to say!
Chu Dashan inquired for several days. In addition to Chu Changjie recommended by the patriarch, there were also Chu Dalong, an accountant, and Chu Shizhao, the nephew of the clan who had been in charge.

Chu Changjie is in his forties. He looks calm and capable, loves to laugh, and is especially good at talking about scenes.Chu Dalong, the younger brother of the family, is less than thirty, 28, nine years old, a little fat, and he is very good at abacus. He used to work as a bookkeeper in the bank and pawnshop of Dichu in Changyang.

The family nephew Chu Shizhao was only in his early twenties, hardworking, capable, smart and brainy, he was almost promoted to the shopkeeper after only two years as a manager, and even the third shopkeeper's salary was greatly improved.It's a pity that the people in Chuchu had a fit, and they insisted on signing the deed of sale.

This made Chu Shizhao unacceptable, so he withdrew.

(End of this chapter)

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