The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 114 Chu Changjie

Chapter 114 Chu Changjie

The Chu family in Changyang didn't know what kind of evil it was. First, they were the heads of the farms in various places, and later they were the shopkeepers in the nearby cities.

This drove a lot of people back!

However, it is true that Chu Chu has no shortage of people to use, and if someone retreats, someone will take over.Changyang Di Chu's talent accumulation is very rich, which is many times better than Chu Dashan who is looking for people everywhere!
No wonder Chu Da has her eye on Di Chu's power from the very beginning!
I heard that Chu Da is now disposing of the major caravans again, and they can only leave if they don't sign the deed of sale!

When Taohua knew the news, her own father had already talked with Chu Changjie, Chu Dalong and Chu Shizhao several times, and they agreed that they would go to work directly in three days.

Chu Dashan gave Chu Changjie 300 taels a year, and Chu Dalong and Chu Shizhao 100 taels a year, which was the same as the sixth uncle's salary.

Taohua deliberately went to sneak a few times at these three people, and his father's vision was quite good when it came to selecting candidates, at least these few were not hypocritical and low-minded.

Especially Chu Changjie, who is very shrewd, capable and resourceful.

Before going home, Taohua went to the ginseng field and dug a grass ginseng back.

Then, while her mother wasn't paying attention, she washed it and let her sister who is the chef cook it.During dinner, his elder brother Chu Shiluo was a little absent-minded.At night, Chu Shiluo also took a small bag out.

Come back when it's daylight.

When Taohua entered his brother's room, she saw that his brother had just finished taking a shower and hadn't put on his clothes yet.

Chu Shiluo looked at Xiao Taohua who was deliberately smirking with a dark face.

"You're ten years old, and you still dare to break into a man's room?" Chu Shiluo asked Taohua in a low voice.

"Brother, hurry up and wear it, I promise not to see if you are whiter than me."

Chu Shiluo angrily threw a quilt to cover Taohua, and then quickly put on his clothes. At this time, Taohua struggled out of the quilt.

"Brother, you are too bad, and I didn't want to see you, why did you throw the quilt at me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, why did you come here so early in the morning?" Chu Shiluo asked angrily.

"Brother, you went out in the middle of the night last night and came back early in the morning. What did you do?"

"You care about so many things, go back quickly." Chu Shiluo hurried away.

"If you don't tell me, I'll go to Zhuangzi and tell you that you have three red moles on your butt."

"Chu Taohua!" Chu Shiluo was so angry that he couldn't believe it, how did this damn girl find out that there was a red mole on his buttocks?

Peek at him taking a shower?
Thinking of this, Chu Shiluo felt his head was about to burst.

"Then if you tell me where you have been, I will stop talking nonsense in Zhuangzi." Hua Taohua blinked her big eyes slyly and said.

Chu Shiluo asked in a very serious tone, "How do you know that I have a red mole on my body?"

"My sister told me, she said she remembered those things when she took a bath with you when she was very young."

Chu Shiluo's head tightened instantly, and there was a sharp pain, "Taohua, tell me, do you remember any black moles or red moles on Xiao Wu's body when he was young?"

"Remember, there is a black bug-like birthmark on Xiao Wu's shoulder."

Chu Shiluo's head hurt even more.

What kind of little monsters are raised by their family.When the twins took care of each other and took a bath together, it was all one and a half years ago.At that time, the two stinky girls started to have memories?
He really didn't know whether to praise the two sisters for their good memory, or feel sorry for himself and Xiao Wu!

"In the future, you don't go to Zhuangzi to talk nonsense about me and Xiao Wu, you know? If you get into any trouble, I won't intercede for you when my mother beats you up."

Xiao Taohua hummed him speechlessly.

"Brother, are you going to tell me where you went? Then I will follow you next time." Xiao Taohua said proudly.

Wait, she still knows about you.

"You also followed us out last night, tell me where you have been following?" Chu Shiluo asked with a dark face.

"I didn't follow very far. I won't follow when I get out of the valley."

"Did you stop following, or did you find out about it?"

Chu Taohua looked at him dumbfounded.

He knew that the dead girl wanted to follow them but was caught by her father. That's why she failed to follow them last night, and came to ask as soon as she found out that she was back.

But this dead girl must have seen Chu Moyan.

Chu Shiluo thought and thought, and then said, "We went to the market of a casual repair organization last night. We thought we could find some useful things, but there was nothing there. What everyone sold were some wild medicinal materials.

The cover of wild ganoderma lucidum is bigger than the belly of a finger, and the wild vermilion fruit is only as big as a broad bean, and it looks like it has just produced fruit and is not yet ripe.

There are no exercises, magic tools, formation materials, or talismans.

Spiritual grains, spiritual grains, and other spiritual food did not dare to be sold.

There were so many unfamiliar faces with weapons last night that Chu Moyan didn't even dare to sell the Bigu Pill in his hand.

The square city over there is quite chaotic, and people fight in it from time to time. Chu Moyan and I were almost caught and beaten up. That guy led a group of people to chase us, and he insisted that Chu Moyan was selling fake medicines!
Fortunately, we ran very fast.

In short, this market is not very good. It is far from what I expected. Chu Moyan and I don't plan to go there again. "

Unexpectedly, the final result would be like this, and Taohua was a little dumbfounded when she heard it.

Why do you hear that Fangshi looks like he wants a yellow shop?

When Chu Changjie came, he first had a long talk with Uncle Six.Then immediately started to deal with the various affairs that Uncle Liu had accumulated in his hands.

Silver and copper are piled into a special money bank.

Then Chu Dalong asked Chu Dalong to renovate a small two-story building that was selected as the accounting room.

Especially the first floor of the accounting room where the income and expenditure are managed.

After the house was slightly remodeled, the entire two-story building on the left side of the courtyard became a money bank and account room.

The copper is placed in several empty rooms on the first floor.

The silver is kept in the money vault converted from the cellar.

Chu Dalong, Chu Dashan and Chu Shiluo each hold a key.

Chu Dalong had to rebuild the account.

Chu Dalong was dealt with first, and then Chu Changjie asked Chu Shizhao to take the long-term workers and short-term workers to work up and down the mountain.

He ran to the kitchen, looked at the dishes made by the cooks, and then went to Chu Dashan and said, "The cooks can't tell the difference between raw and cooked, and the dishes are not clean. Just put everything in the pot. It also made the kitchen dirty.

Do you dare to eat this kind of meal in the future?And they waste a lot of food when cooking.

Go to Miryang quickly and buy a few women who are capable in the back kitchen of a big family and come back and let them teach these cooks how to do things while managing them. "

Chu Dashan nodded immediately when he heard this, and went to Miryang to buy two kitchen ladies who were said to be good at cooking.

These two people are a pair of mother and daughter, one is in his thirties, and the other is only twelve or thirteen years old.

(End of this chapter)

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