The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1202 Yujian Flight Refresher Class

Chapter 1202 Yujian Flight Refresher Class

"To put it bluntly, it's too easy to raise. And it's low-grade, and it breeds fast. It's very suitable for large-scale promotion, but not suitable for monopoly."

Zhuge Shun naturally understood Lei Fang's words.

But understanding is one thing, and being willing or not is another.

"Then can you cooperate with the people at Nuguan Pass to modify the seeds of the golden sunflower tree so that they don't germinate casually? Or cut off the seeds and only divide the roots to reproduce? As long as it is rare, this kind of golden sunflower will not germinate casually. We'll start now." Zhuge Wen thought.

"Someone has tried it before, and it's too difficult. Golden sunflower wood is a very peculiar spirit wood. Although it is low-grade, it looks good to feed, but it is very delicate. As long as someone transforms its woodiness, for example Seeds, leaves, branch color, etc., it will die." Lei Fang said.

"What?" Zhuge Wen was astonished. "Are you looking for those Lingzhi masters to help?"

"Well, after the city lord discovered the golden sunflower, he immediately found a certain spiritual ancestor of the gods. The improvement of the golden sunflower was the one who said it. He said that the golden sunflower is relatively independent, not to mention improvement. Even variation is extremely difficult.

If this kind of spiritual plant is not naturally suitable for the Baidou world, otherwise no one can do anything about it. "

"Spiritual plants can be so difficult to improve? How do I see that new varieties of spiritual plants are improved every day in our Shenting Great World?" Zhuge asked puzzled.

"I don't understand either. Many people don't answer. I heard that the city lord asked the ancestor to find out what happened. I heard the news that even in the world of Shenting, there are many spiritual plants. It cannot be improved.

They have unique properties.Any improvement will destroy their unique attributes.If you have to improve it as much as possible, the improved things will have nothing to do with the original Lingzhi.

Golden sunflower belongs to this kind of very individual spiritual plant.

You can improve it, but its characteristic is to absorb miscellaneous gas, absorb toxins, and promote its own growth.The growing golden sunflower has its own purification properties.

This is a very precious property.

If they don’t have the properties of absorbing miscellaneous gas, absorbing toxins, and self-purification after you improve them, is it still called golden sunflower wood? "

Zhuge Wen fell into deep thought when he heard this.

After a while he said, "I always feel that this matter is not as simple as what the ancestors said." Zhuge Wen took a deep breath and said, "But I don't know, we can wait. We have time and patience.

There will always be a day when they show their feet. "

Lei Fang nodded in agreement.

"What about the casual cultivator couple who provided the golden sunflower seeds?" Zhuge Wen asked again.

"I asked, and they said that this kind of golden sunflower is also very rare in their small world. The main reason is that the species are not viable." Lei Fang laughed.

"What does it mean to be unable to grow enough work? Didn't you say that the golden sunflower is very easy to reproduce?" Zhuge was puzzled.

"This golden sunflower must absorb miscellaneous qi and toxins to grow. How can there be a large area where miscellaneous qi and toxins are bred in a small world?" Lei Fang laughed.

Zhuge Wen was astonished.

"So this kind of golden sunflower is about to become an extinct species in the small world. But it has unexpectedly regained its vitality in the Baidou world." Even Lei Fang had to sigh, the world is really wonderful.

Zhuge Wen looked at Nuguan and was completely surrounded by many vitality.In his view, it should actually be a two-way achievement.

The Baidou world has made Jinkuimu, and Jinkuimu has changed the desolation of the Baidou world.

"That young couple of casual cultivators, when will you bring me to meet them. I remember that they discovered the ancient scroll, right?"

Lei Fang smiled wryly.

"I really want them to come here. I sent them an invitation long before you came. As a result, something happened in the outer sea, and there were tens of thousands of poisonous people. The entire outer sea was sealed off, and the two of them couldn't come out at all. .We can't get in."

"Ah?" Zhuge Wen was taken aback.Then he said solemnly, "If there are really a large number of poisonous people over there, you can find a way to transfer their husband and wife to Nuguan. In case the army of poisonous people attacks, on the island over there, it is simply Send to death."

"Who doesn't say it. But that is the jurisdiction of the city lord of Nuguan Customs, and it's not easy for casual cultivators to move here. If there is too much movement, I'm afraid they will anger the lord of the city." Lei Fang said annoyed.

The opponent is also a great monk of the five realms.

He also came from the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning, but he was not so easy to talk about.

Zhuge Wen also had a headache when he heard this.

He also didn't want to confront the Taichu Sword Sect head-on in the Baidou world.

It's not that I'm tired of living.

The Absolute Beginning Sword Sect is the number one Sword Sect in Shenting.

The brains of sword repairers are different from normal people.When they can use a sword, they will never use their hands.

Moreover, they are still a group of guys who think that Jian has character, can breathe, is conscious, and is the brain of his partner, and he doesn't want to provoke him at all if he can't be provoked.

"Shenting's top ten sword sects..." Lei Fang sighed when he said this.In fact, he really wanted to say that the sword cultivators of Shenting's top ten sword cultivating sects are all mentally abnormal lunatics.However, no one dared to speak uprightly at the Angry Customs.

Just take a look at the flow of people on the street at Nuguan Customs and you will understand.On average, the monks on Nuguan Street wear at least two magic swords on their bodies.One handle is carried behind the back, and the other is hung on the waist.

There are also some people who are more powerful, directly refining magic swords into men's hairpins.Insert it directly into the bun on the head.Not just one, but three or four, five or six, seven or eight.

Sometimes Lei Fang saw the truth and asked those boys, are you all women?
There are such slender chopsticks stuck in the head?

Usually, when two familiar monks meet, their greetings are also very special, "My dear brother, have you bought a sword recently?"

"I didn't buy a sword, but I bought a lot of materials. My beloved Huo Ning has been re-sacrificed and improved. It has raised my little baby to a whole level."

"That's really good. Sigh, what kind of material did you buy? Is it useful or not? If it's useful, I also want to buy a booster material for my little cutie."

"Come on, let's find a place to drink while I tell you the list of ingredients."

"Let's go, we gentlemen love Sword Restaurant."

"Okay, that restaurant is really good, I like his Zhuyun Jianjun wine the most."

"The hobbies are the same, let's go have a drink together."

Whether it is Zongmen monks or casual monks, they all look like this, which makes Lei Fang, a French monk, deeply feel that he is a bit out of place here.No way, he also sold two magic swords.One of them is used as a flying sword, and the other is used as a supporting sword.

For this reason, he also specially signed up for a Yujian flight training class.I studied it for three months.

Not to mention, the money was not wasted, he felt that his Yujian flying level had improved by more than one level.

(End of this chapter)

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