The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1203 Island

Chapter 1203 Island
The key is that the flying is handsome and beautiful, so sassy and immortal!

It was the first time he discovered that Yu Jianfei still has so many ways.

Zhuge Wen is also a Dharma cultivator, and he has obviously heard and seen how the cultivators around him love swords.He took the initiative to pat Lei Fang on the shoulder, "Thanks for your hard work." Among a group of crazy sword cultivators, how difficult it is for you to be out of place.

Lei Fang was moved immediately after hearing this. "It's not hard work, it's really not hard work."

What's the hard work, since he entered Yujian's flight training class, he has made several friends who love flying.How about completely opening up the circle of sword cultivators in Nuguan Pass?

Sometimes a small hobby in common is also very useful.

At this time, the Giant Whale Islands.It can be described as a big change.In fact, most of the islands in the Giant Whale Islands already have owners.The islands with owners are all planted with a large number of golden sunflowers.So no matter which island you see, it is all golden.

Golden yellow, shining against the sun, especially shiny.At night, the golden leaves and branches are illuminated by the silver moonlight into a piece of silvery white.Therefore, the giant whale archipelago, which was originally silent and desolate, is now shimmering with silver light even at night.

The silver light illuminates the surrounding sea area, and many sea creatures swim to settle in groups.

Although the fish and shrimp here are poisonous, as long as it is a human, there is no one who does not like to see living things.And Mingzhe is also a person with a special plan in his heart.He saw that many people were not willing to manage those deserted islands without owners.He simply bought slaves, and planted golden sunflower trees all over the deserted islands, and then planted food when the ground was non-toxic.They also planted a large amount of grass and raised chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep and pigs.

Cough cough cough, the person who provided the baby is officially Chu Taohua.

The main reason is that they have raised a group of themselves.Just happened to be discovered by Mingzhe who came for a stroll.

Just raise a lot of groups.

Now that the cubs are already fat and plump, it is conceivable that in a year or two, they will be able to breed a large number of them.

Mingzhe simply called himself a little expert in breeding again.

Even though the deserted islands that Mingzhe took care of had no spiritual veins, they had planted golden sunflower trees after arranging defensive formations.Although the ground veins of Baidou Realm are quiet, they are full of earth energy.Although the surrounding air is poisonous, there is a lot of aura in the house.

So planting some unadulterated coarse grains and miscellaneous grains is still very successful.

Not to mention raising so many old livestock.

With this kind of foundation, Mingzhe has become a powerful person known far and wide.

Although there are many members of the Qianshan Society who raise chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep.But there can be compared with Mingzhe, so many people say strange things because of jealousy, yin and yang.

Ding Wen often came to gossip with Taohua.Taohua gets angry when she hears some words, but Mingzhe doesn't.This guy's temperament is really too generous, or too tolerant.

Ding Wen looked enviously at the Jindan monks of the Chu family who turned into small breeding experts to raise chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep.

The green and lush grass simply makes the original desert island look brand new.

"Your family members are really nice. I also have relatives in my family, and they also have Golden Core cultivators. But once they become a Golden Core cultivator, it's like becoming an old man. They won't do anything, and they will lose face."

Ding Wen looked at a young boy who was cleaning up the chicken coop.

Those movements are neat, and they must have done this kind of work before.

Tao Hua glanced at her, it was a kid from a dark guard.In the dark guard system, lazy people and people who are too shameless are not cultivated.What dirty work, tiring work can you not do in order to complete the task?So I didn't get used to them. I farmed and raised livestock when I was young.When I grow up, I raise cats, dogs, fish and birds, and learn from them in turn.

In fact, the kids trained by the dark guards are basically all-rounders.

The problem is that it is not so easy to become a teacher from the dark guard.Many little guys failed the exams every year and were gradually shunted out.

That's why the secret guards of the Chu family are said to be the elite among the elite.

"Sister Wen, I have hatched another batch of chicks here. Would you like to?" Taohua asked.Strange to say, after the aura of their world recovered, they immediately turned from small chickens into big ostrich chickens, and even the eggs turned into huge ostrich eggs, but the eggs laid in the Baidou world turned into small eggs again. The chicks also returned to their original appearance.

Ding Min shook her head directly, "My family has four or five hundred chickens, ducks and geese, no, I'm at my limit. That's all."

Taohua laughed, "Sister Ding, you can sell some slaves to work like Mingzhe."

"Forget it, I asked my nephew and nephew's wife to come here. I also asked them to escort my son and daughter. When they come, my family will have enough hands. The slaves are actually not very easy to manage. Some The slave has a different heart and always wants to kill the master and escape by himself." Ding Wen said.

"Is there such a thing?" Taohua asked in surprise.

"Yes, there are incidents of slaves killing their masters and running away every year. Of course, they don't necessarily want to escape. Some masters, I won't talk about them, anyway, they are not good, people always do animal things. Forced The slaves had to resist." Ding Wen sighed. "Besides, a small family like ours really doesn't need slaves."

Ding Wen is a slave resister, but in a broken place like Baidoujie, there are very few hired workers who can sign contracts.Only life and death slaves.

So her family simply summoned relatives to come and help.

In the past, their family in Kuntian Realm used hired workers, and there were more hired workers there.

Hey here, make do with it.

"It's better than your family, a bunch of clansmen. If you send any, they are young and strong, and they can help you work." Ding Wen said enviously.

"It's not that the two of us occupy two islands, so we are completely overwhelmed." Taohua said.

"By the way, do you mean to accept the long island in front of your house?" Ding Wen asked suddenly.

"What long island? That deserted sandy island in front of our two islands?" Taohua asked.

"Yes, that's it. Do you want it? If you don't want it, we will take it. After all, it is next to our island, and many people are eyeing it. Our old Wu said that if we are nearby, we will get it." , he is not happy to have another neighbor come over." Ding Wen asked nervously.

Although Mingzhe has developed a lot of islands, he chose to develop first those with important locations, large and unwanted islands.

The long island that Ding Wen mentioned is actually slightly larger than the island that Taohua and the others chose.It was too small and few people liked it, so no one picked it in the first place.Wu Shixin and his wife also chose a large island nearby.

(End of this chapter)

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