The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1204 Thunderstorm

Chapter 1204 Thunderstorm
"Isn't it the time to divide the islands? Why is it starting to divide again?" Taohua asked in astonishment.

"No, Mingzhe recruited a new group of people. It is said that they used to belong to the Jade Talisman Club. This Jade Talisman Club is very famous. Our old Wu also joined the Jade Talisman Club. But he can't draw talismans, so in Yufu Club Fuhui has always been a very ordinary member. Later he met Mingzhe and transferred to Qianshanhui." Ding Wen said.

"We actually met in Qianshanhui. This was just over 20 years ago. At that time, Yufuhui was really developing and flourishing. When they were the most powerful, they had tens of thousands of members. But Qianshanhui is too strong. .

Our Qianshan Association has only seven or eight hundred members.It is also the result of the efforts of Mingzhe and his father for generations. "

"Then why did this member of the Jade Talisman Society come to the Giant Whale Islands?" Tao Hua asked puzzled.

"You, you are so dedicated to planting your one-acre three-point land at home. You don't know, the president, vice-president and several boys from the president's family of the Jade Talisman Society were all arrested because they ran into Wan Duren. Killed. The Jade Talisman Club lost its host, so the tree fell and the monkeys scattered. I heard that the shops and warehouses of the Jade Talisman Club were all looted.

The jade talisman will fall apart, and many forces are wooing their people.

Unexpectedly, Mingzhe also recruited some of them, it is said that there are hundreds of people.

So the vacant desert island of the giant archipelago will be chosen by them.

Originally, we old people also got Mingde's promise, allowing us to choose more fancy islands near us.I just want to choose that long island.But if you take a fancy to..."

Taohua shook her head directly. "These two islands are the only ones for my family. I can't manage any more."

The two islands of her family look small, with only a small part exposed to the sea.

In fact, it is because of the depth of the sea here.

There is no long and wide continental shelf offshore.The small island is actually the tip of the submarine mountain range.

As she completely took away the remaining souls of the three earth unicorns, the spirit of the prototype of Lingshan was born.She also buried three piles of innate breath soil deep in the ground veins of the prototype of Lingshan Mountain.With the continuous development of the congenital soil.

The land of these two islands will gradually transform towards the soil type of land.

When the soil develops to a certain amount, the two islands will increase in area every year like Yutu Island and continue to grow.

No, it should be even more powerful than Yutu Island.

There is only West Loess underground on Yutu Island.

The underground of these two islands are innate spiritual creatures, and the earth-type heavy treasures are innately breathing soil.

In fact, since the peach blossoms buried the innate soil into the ground veins, in the past two months, the area of ​​these two deserted islands above the water has increased.Moreover, the underwater large area has grown even more.However, the original deserted island was full of golden sunflower trees.

There is no way to compare the size of Ding Min with the original deserted island.That's why Ding Wen didn't notice.But when these two islands grow bigger in the future, they will still be discovered.

Taohua didn't know at this time that Mingzhe had originally received five shares of Xiantian Xiyang.But he used three of them himself, on the three large islands he fancy.Later, those two shares were used by him to exchange for other precious things.

It wasn't until later that I realized that the area of ​​my island had grown crazily, and I regretted it.

Fortunately, the other items he traded were also special spiritual items, so he didn't suffer a loss.

But what is distressing is for sure, his big island suddenly disappeared.

Tao Huaxin thought that Mingzhe had brought newcomers to the Giant Whale Islands, so it would take a few days to arrive, right?Who knew that on the afternoon of the second day, someone went to another turtle-shaped deserted island besides Long Island.

The Wu family chose an oval leaf-shaped island and a long strip-shaped island.Coupled with the turtle-shaped island chosen by the newcomers, they chose all the nearby islands.

The other islands in the archipelago are a little far away from them.

The newcomer was a middle-aged uncle who looked slightly older than Wu Shixin.But in fact, he is seven or eight years younger than Wu Shixin.

This middle-aged uncle is a very introverted talisman master. ; With a mustache, except for the last time I came out to meet my neighbors, get to know them, and leave a name, I have never been out of my own island.

The golden sunflowers on his island were all paid by him, and he asked Mingzhe to plant them.

Peach blossoms have spawned a large number of water-purifying bamboos in the mini world.

These water-cleaning bamboos are now planted by her by the freshwater lake.Under the double purification of golden sunflower wood and water purification bamboo, the fish and shrimp in the freshwater lake are becoming more and more prosperous.Taohua doesn't know if the current fish and shrimp still have toxins.

I simply caught some from the net and asked the alchemists and doctors in Lingshan to study it.

This day caught up with the night of the full moon.

Peach Blossom waited with great apprehension, and it was like this on the nights of the full moon in these two months.

Night fell again, and as a result, the big silver moon turned blue again.

The peach blossom was once again absorbed into a sea of ​​white mist, and after dyeing, I heard that voice again: "Immortal Master... Immortal Master... Immortal... please... stay...step."

Unreal, ancient and distant, it seems to be whispering in the ear.

But this time Taohua guarded her mind and persisted silently.She had discussed it with her husband, Chu Shinian, and if she was in danger, she would clench her fists.Chu Shinian immediately forcibly woke her up.If she can persist, then Chu Shinian should not wake her up for the time being.

"Immortal Lord..."

Boom, thunder suddenly sounded in midair.

Tao Hua's mind returned again.Then I heard the thunder from above the island again.

"what happened?"

"Thunderstorm is coming." Chu Shinian said.

"Where's the formation?" Taohua asked again.

"It's all turned on, not to mention the rain, even the strong wind can't get in. At most, it can seep some majesty and wind in. It shouldn't bring in too much toxicity." Chu Shinian said.

"What about the grass? Has the formation been removed?" Tao Hua asked again.

"It's already been removed," Chu Shinian said. "rest assured."

"It's been several months since we came to Baidou Realm, and I just saw a rainy day. So it's really raining here. I thought it didn't rain in Baidou Realm." Rain said.

When these rainfalls are loaded into the formation, colorful smoke will continue to float.

A look is poisonous.

The surrounding marine life sank to the depths of the ocean early on.Or hide directly in various rock caves under the island.

It thundered and rained all night.

In the early morning of the second day, an airship landed on the Giant Whale Islands.

Mingzhe was shocked when he heard the visitor's request.

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no, how about I show you the way, sir, let's fly there with the airship?" Mingzhe said.

"Okay, you come on board with me."

(End of this chapter)

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