The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1206 I'm Shameless

Chapter 1206 I'm Shameless
"Otherwise, brother, you can treat me as a pastime, as long as you sell one hundred thousand golden sunflower seeds."

"No, I can't afford such an expensive pastime of yours."

"Senior brother!~" A certain junior brother cried like a bitter woman.

A certain brother's hair stood on end, "Okay, okay, Fu Su has already set off to find seeds and saplings for you. I really can't stand you. Do you think you scare me? My scalp is about to burst."

"Isn't I also doing this for Zhenhai Customs? Speaking of which, the first few senior uncles and senior brothers really cheated me. Zhenhai Customs will be played by them. When I accepted it, my spiritual veins were about to collapse. Zhenhai Customs almost died. Disappeared." Speaking of this matter, he wanted to blow his hair.

He is the youngest disciple of Master.Obviously, the younger brother should be well-loved.

As a result, both the master and the brothers always like to leave the most troublesome things to him.

Just like the broken customs.Otherwise, he would lose face and look around for alms.That dilapidated place has long been in ruins.

"I heard that Loushan Pass on your side was destroyed by Wandu people? Although they were taken back in the end, many people died." The city lord of Nuguan said with a gloomy expression.

"Don't mention when Tiantian's sons and daughters love each other. A Nascent Soul cultivator, like a brat, hangs around his wife all day long. I wonder if his wife has given him a Gu worm." A certain junior brother said Said with contempt on his face.

"That's just a small world who was pushed up to cover the bag. Don't worry about his affairs. The superiors are watching him." Angry Customs said.

"What are you looking at him for?" Master Zhenhai asked puzzled.

"Although your side is close to the front line. Thousands of poisonous people often visit, but there are inevitably too many passes. If you calculate that you have six pass cities, do you think it is normal?"

Master Zhenguan immediately asked in horror, "When did Lord Loushan have a problem?"

"You don't need to worry about this matter. This involves the game of the superiors above. This white fight world is not a simple world." Nuguan said.

"I see. I said why did I feel that something was abnormal at that moment, and the whole Loushan Pass was abnormal." Zhenhaiguan said.

"Cannon fodder, it's just a chess piece. You just need to keep an eye on him and Loushan Pass in secret. By the way, don't let the golden sunflower tree go to Loushan pass. Don't make a big deal about the effect of golden sunflower tree. It's over if you plant it secretly.

Now everyone knows that it rains here.But everyone doesn't know why it rains here, only our senior brothers know the effect of this golden sunflower. "

"I know." A certain junior nodded to express his understanding.

"Speaking of it, that guy Qin Si is right. He is also capable as a closed door junior. He actually made such a big baby. It has only been here for more than two months. He is really good at making big noises. "The angry customs said.

"Wait, senior brother, you mean this is the body of the Dao?" Master Zhenhai was surprised.

"That's right, Tong Tianxing has broken through the sixth level of retreat. Those old guys from the Guanghan Sword Sect can't help but suppress their young disciples. It's really shameless." The head of the angry customs said with a sneer.

"Speaking of which, brother, you're almost there, right?" A certain brother asked.

"I have to wait. Although I have all kinds of materials, I still feel that I am lacking something." The head of the angry customs said directly without thinking. "Until I find out where I am not consummated, I will not retreat to break through.

Anyway, our lineage, with your master, is about to step into the seventh rank.There is a senior brother and a second senior brother, both of whom are sixth-order great monks.Not bad for me either.I'm not in a rush to break through either.Let me accumulate more. "

A certain junior pouts angrily.

snort! !

It's as if you must pass the sixth level.

"By the way, isn't that guy very good with Tong Tianxing? And the two of them belong to the same faction? Why do you want to indulge your subordinates to suppress Tong Tianxing's little disciple?"

"Oh, children are debts. That girl fell in love with the Lingshan that the Chu family managed to get." Angry Customs said, "Too spoiled, that's what happens. When I'm for my girl, Keep offending people.

It would be fine if Chu Shinian died halfway, but if he didn't.Their family members will not have a good life for thousands of years. "

"No way?" Master Zhenhai said in disbelief.

"Why not? Have you forgotten the Bai family in our sect? The people of the suzerain line have been suppressing them. Even if they have wonderful disciples born in every generation. In the end, it is not impossible to enter the sect." The core layer of the door.

It's just low-level disciples, that's like cannon fodder.Either they are guarding the remote world to drive away, or they are completely used as pawns and cannon fodder.

Or our master said something.When did the position belong to Bai Shouqi again. "

"I didn't expect our master to be able to speak for him. I thought the Bai family was left alone in the sect." Zhenhaiguan said.

"It's just that everyone doesn't want to tear themselves apart with the suzerain's lineage. There is no retreat at all. We have no conflicts with the suzerain's lineage. But Bai Shouqi is very powerful. My master said that he will have the opportunity to climb to the seventh and eighth ranks or even in the future." Ninth step."

"He is so talented?"

"That's right, that's a body that is second only to the body of Dao. It is impervious to all poisons and impervious to white evils. Speaking of which, the blood of the Bai family produces an impurity body every few generations. It's really amazing. Envy, envy, hate." Although the head of the angry customs said such words, there was no trace of jealousy on his face.

At this time, Fu Su came back.

Upon hearing his return, the head of the angry customs immediately summoned him, "How is it? Have you bought the saplings and seeds?"

"I dug out all the bottoms of other people's homes. There are a total of [-] saplings, all of which were dug out directly from my family's land. There are also [-] seeds. The next time I go there will be at least three or four months later. The pressure is too tight It’s over, and there’s nothing left to do.”

After hearing this, the head of the angry customs immediately said angrily, "Am I the kind of person who doesn't know how to measure? I didn't do it for this kid this time. Otherwise, why would I insist on you wrapping up his family's wealth?" "

"Hey, you're here. I said that the boss is so desperate to ask me to get saplings and seeds." Fu Su angrily rolled his eyes at a certain boss.

Master Zhenhai also rolled his eyes angrily.Who wouldn't roll their eyes.

"I said you are almost ready to order, but you always go to our Guanzhu to pick things up, you say you are shameless?" Fu Su complained in a bad tone.

"Shameless. Why should I have shame? I'm already in Zhenhai Customs. If I don't have a thick skin, I will definitely not be able to live."

(End of this chapter)

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