Chapter 1207

After hearing what he said, Fu Su almost died laughing.

Even the angry customs master laughed and cursed.There is such a cute little junior brother who makes his stomach hurt from laughing every time he comes.

While they were talking and laughing, Zhuge Wen secretly came to a private house in Nuguan Pass.

Someone had already been waiting for him in the bamboo forest in the back garden.

"Brother Zhuge is safe and sound."

Zhuge Wen also saluted the other party, but his face was stiff and he was cold. "I didn't tell you, don't contact me at Nuguan Pass."

"I'm not contacting you at Nuguan Pass. You're going back soon. What should I do?"

"You clearly know that this is the territory of the human race, and there are as many Nascent Soul cultivators as dogs." Zhuge Wen said with disgust.

"I can't help it. My hometown asked me to tell you that four saintesses have disappeared recently. Are they taken away by the human race?"

"How could it be done by the human race?" Zhuge Yan said angrily, "More than 40 years ago, before I came out as an undercover agent, I said that the disappearance of the saint was definitely not done by the human race. It has something to do with the blue moon. You just don't believe it. What else do you say?" There is no Lanyue. Now why are so many saintesses missing one after another, you should believe that it is the problem of Lanyue, right?"

Judging by the other party's expression, he also knew that the clan still didn't believe it.

"I'm just wondering, even the Wanqi clan admits that Lanyue caused the trouble, causing our clan to lose many saintesses. Why don't you believe it?"

"Your words are exactly the same as that guy Bai Shouqi's tone," said the other party.

"I think Bai Shouqi can at least recognize the truth."

The other party sneered. "Recognize what? Their ancestors carried the blood of our Wanduren. No matter how much they try to erase it, it will never be erased."

"You are wrong. There are many Shenting people with foreign blood. The senior swordsmen of Taichu Sword School have long known the origin of their ancestors." Zhuge Fan said angrily.

"Then does Taichu Sword Sect know that his ancestor is a spy?" the other party said coldly.

"What's the use of you talking about this now, the ancestors are already dead. They are still in the middle of the battle to protect the sect. Even if you spread this word everywhere, the Taichu Sword Sect will only think that it is the ghost of the Wandu people, deliberately Divide between the Bai family and the Taichu Sword Sect.

It is said that Bai Shouqi himself did not admit that his ancestors were Wandu people.

He has always thought of himself as a god. "Zhuge Yan said with gloomy eyes.

Ten thousand poisonous people are based on the clan and tribal system, which is far less prosperous and magnificent than the Shenting world.In addition, there are countless bad habits of clans and tribes.Even the inheritance of practice is not as extensive and sophisticated as that of Shenting.

He has only been out for a few years, and he doesn't want to go back.

What's more, the Bai family has been passed down for sixteen or seven generations in the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.

Except for the ancestors of the first generation, they are all orthodox Shenting people.So no matter what you say about Wandu Great World, the Bai family here are not fools, so why are they willing to go back with you and do things for you?

"Don't mention that scum to me." The other party said angrily, "Is there really a blue moon?"

"I heard my companion cry like this before he died. Blue moon, blue moon. It's all blue moon, and the saint is missing. The saint said that the moon suddenly changed from silver white to blue. On the night of the full moon. "

Hearing Zhuge Yan's words, the other party frowned deeply.

Blue moon, what does a blue moon look like?

"I've never seen a blue moon. Haven't we seen it on a full moon night? It's still silver."

"I think there must be something strange about it. If the clan is willing, I think it's best to give up one or two saintesses and let them come and have a look on the night of the full moon."

"Shut up. The saint can also be discarded casually?"

"Then I won't say anything. I'm leaving. Don't contact me in the future if there is no urgent need. Especially don't contact me in Nuhai Pass." Zhuge Fan warned.

Hmph, the other party snorted coldly with his nose.

It was very unpleasant to see him.

In fact, Zhuge Wen also disliked the other party.

He turned his head and left, since he wanted to see the two hate each other, then don't look at it.

When he, Zhuge Wen, left, a man who looked more like a confidant attendant quietly appeared beside him.

"I'm afraid he has a different heart."

"He got married and had children a long time ago over there. He has long forgotten about the family members in the clan." Someone said.

"He's also a wolf-hearted dog. I didn't recommend choosing him at the beginning. But the patriarch didn't choose anything else, so he insisted on choosing him."

"If you don't choose him, you will recommend him to be the next patriarch. The eldest son of the patriarchs is far from being comparable to him."

"But although the patriarch kicked him away, Zhuge Wen is doing very well with the human race. I would wonder if he intends to be the next Patriarch Bai."

"If I really find that he shows signs of betrayal, I will kill him if I try my best."

His confidant-like entourage sighed secretly in his heart, even if you tried your best, you might not be able to beat him or kill him in the end.Instead, it angered the other party, and then directly rebelled against the clan.

Although there were many blood relatives left by that person, he didn't care about them all.His biological parents and younger brother had long since died fighting for the clan.

Alas, Patriarch Bai and his biological parents were in the tribe, and they were wary of rats. Even if the local people took refuge in the Taichu Sword Sect, they did not turn against them.

But Zhuge knows, he really can't tell.

Zhuge Wen is actually a hungry wolf.

The patriarch of their tribe should have killed this guy instead of driving him out.

Zhuge Wen returned to his residence, the more he thought about it, the more he held his breath.

He thought that Wanduren would not procrastinate and would not be willing to unravel the truth about Lan Yue, so I will release the news and let Taichu Sword Sect to unravel the truth.

He thought about it carefully, A-Niang and A-Day told him about Lanyue, and what he had experienced, and summed it up.Then start writing your secret letter anonymously.Before he boarded the battleship and left the Baidou Realm, he was thrown into the compound of the angry customs master and several major folk forces in the pass.

Sure enough, these secret letters caused a huge storm.

Even the Supreme Elder Hang Taishang, who was stationed here by the Taichu Sword Sect, was alarmed.When Hang Taishang first arrived, he saw the boundless golden color.

A large number of golden sunflower trees are growing beautifully now.

It simply sets off Nuhaiguan as if it were a fairyland.

It was the first time Hang Taishang saw so many golden sunflowers.Then he felt the liveliness of the earth veins and spirit veins.Elder Hang Taishang just flew over the city, and there was still a light rain in the sky.

Hang Taishang felt it for a while, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he angrily photographed the bumps on the small broom of an ordinary family. When he saw a certain Guanzhu, he beat his ass.

(End of this chapter)

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