The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 121 Embarrassment

Chapter 121 Embarrassment
When Shao Wuzhou screamed, Chen Gong immediately rushed towards the place where a small stone was hit, and then... ahem grabbed a pink and cute little girl with a bun.

"Why did you hit people with stones? Look at you, you beat my little brother's face to bleed." Chen Gong tried his best to make his voice not so cold and scary.

"He killed my bees, even one or two, but he actually killed nine of my bees!!" The little girl pointed at Shao Wu with her chubby finger, staring and puffing her cheeks angrily.

Chen Gong immediately went to see the blood on his face was wiped off by the guards, and a big green bag was punched on his nose, poor Shao Wuzhou.

"What's going on, did you kill a house bee?" Chen Gong asked.

Shao Wuzhou was angry and his tone was aggressive.

"Second Brother Chen, why don't I just kill her a few bees? See how she slapped me in the face? This little girl has vicious thoughts and vicious methods. I must ask her father for an explanation. If her father doesn't give me an explanation I'll take care of her myself." Shao Wuzhou said angrily.

"You killed my bee, and you still dare to speak ill of me, and you still dare to find my father? Okay, I'll take you there right now, do you dare to come?" The little girl spat at him angrily.

When Shao Wu heard it on Monday, he became even angrier. He rolled up his sleeves and planned to teach this stinky girl a lesson.

"Damn, you've already fallen into my hands, yet you still dare to speak up. Let's see how I deal with you."

"Father, big brother, someone bullied me ~ wow wow..." The shrill and loud cries immediately spread throughout the surrounding mountains and forests.

Chen Gong immediately felt bad.

shhhhh! ! !

Birds scattered.Then a group of youths with weapons surrounded and hid themselves in the forest around them.The murderous arrows aimed directly at the seven or eight of them.

"Let go of the peach blossoms! Or die!" An unusually cold and angry voice came from the forest not far away.

Chen Gong has a headache! !
"Misunderstanding! This child hit my younger brother with a stone." Chen Gong gently put down Xiao Taohua who was caught by her, "We didn't mean to hurt her."

"My Taohua family never hits people casually. You are so old that you casually arrest girls in their teens. I think you are the one who disregards right from wrong and is shameless." An extremely melodious female voice came through. .

"Brother, sister." Tao Hua was thrown on the ground and cried pitifully.

Chen Gong's expression changed slightly, he just grabbed a little girl.Well, he had to admit that although this little girl didn't open her eyes wide, she was really delicate and tender.

When I grow up, I'm destined to be a stunning...

Chen Gong was stunned for a moment, looking at a pair of brothers and sisters walking from the forest, the elder brother was unparalleled in style, and the younger sister was so beautiful, it was so outstanding that he almost lost his composure and lost his former calmness.

"Who are you two?"

"Brother, sister, they bullied me, they killed my bee, my bee had just transformed into a black jade spirit bee, and he was killed by them a few days ago, blah blah..." The little girl said directly He got up from the ground and rushed into the girl's arms.

"Who killed your bee? Did you beat it back?" Qing Mei immediately said in support of her little sister.

"Yes, I beat that kid's nose and it bleeds, and he has a big bump." Taohua pointed to Shao Wuzhou's nose and said.

"Good job."

Chu Shiluo: Shame on you!

Chen Gong: What kind of education law is this?

Only Shao Wuzhou had just recovered from his gaffe when he saw the beauty, and his heart was pounding wildly, so he didn't speak for a while.

"Who are you, what are you doing here? Don't you know this is a private place?" Chu Shiluo asked seriously.

"We are here to visit Uncle Chu Dashan, my father's old friend."

Chu Shiluo was speechless, you came to find my father, and then killed my spirit bee and arrested my sister?
"Your names."

Chen Gong gasped secretly, he had a premonition that if he reported his name, the future would be very bad.

But now it's time to sign up, let alone change his name or surname!

"My surname is Chen, and the character is Shanzi. My father, Chen Dazhi!"

Chu Shiluo immediately stared at the man in front of him.

The corners of Qingmei's mouth suddenly hooked up, and the corners of her eyes showed sarcasm.But I was complaining in my heart, mother, this old man in front of me is actually her fiance?
"What about this one?" Chu Qingmei suddenly pointed to Shao Wuzhou and asked.

"This is Shao Wuzhou, the younger brother of my old family friend. The child is a bit naughty and offended, please forgive me." Chen Gong said.

"My bee can't die in vain, one is 100 taels, let's pay it, and I'll forgive you if you lose it." Qingmei said with a sweet smile, and Qingmei who smiled was even more beautiful.Seeing Shao Wuzhou's eyes straightened.

The disdain in Qingmei's eyes was about to overflow.

Chen Gong felt displeased, and directly stomped on Shao Wuzhou who was next to him, "Damn, can't you walk when you see a beautiful woman?"
Shao Wuzhou woke up with a cry of alarm, and immediately saw Chen Gong glaring at him.

"You killed someone else's spirit bee, and they want you to pay for it, one hundred taels."

"What, you still have to pay? Did they beat me?" Shao Wuzhou immediately quit. He hasn't been beaten a few times since he was a child.

"If you don't kill my bees, why should I beat you? The bees harvesting honey doesn't bother you, why did you kill them as soon as they came?" Tao Hua said angrily.

Shao Wuzhou faltered, "Then who knows if it's the spirit bee that died..."

"The corpse is here, you go and see." Taohua became even more angry, thinking that this brat looks like a dog, and his temper is so annoying.

A guard rushed to pick up the corpses of the nine bees. These nine bees were twice the size of ordinary bees, and the most important thing was that their heads had crystallized, giving off a special luster.

The black crystallized part of Feng'er's head shows its metamorphosis name, Black Jade Spirit Bee.

It's all grown up like this, it's definitely because the spirit bee didn't run away.

Shao Wuzhou lost money under Chen Gong's pressure.

After Qingmei got the silver ticket and took her sister back into the forest, the team in the forest also retreated deeper under Chu Shiluo's signal.

"You come with me, I am the eldest son of the Chu Dashan family you are looking for! My name is Chu Shiluo."

When Chen Gong heard this, he immediately felt bad, "Then who were those two girls just now?"

Chu Shiluo smiled, "That's my second sister Chu Qingmei and sixth sister Chu Taohua."

Well, on the first day at the future father-in-law's house, Chen Gong felt very embarrassed when he offended the future wife and sister-in-law first.

Chu Shiluo didn't seem to notice the embarrassment and embarrassment on Chen Gong's face, and led him all the way into a large valley.In the center of the valley is a small house built.

Many people are coming and going in and out of the house.Not far from the house is a small lake.From time to time, a big blue fish leaped out of the water, and then slammed into the small lake with a bang, splashing countless water splashes.

(End of this chapter)

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