The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 122 The first batch of green mountain peaches

Chapter 122 The Batch of Green Mountain Peaches
Chen Gong and the others were brought into Hechu's compound, and they were indeed placed in the second-floor building in the left wing room.Several large rooms on the second floor were opened for them to freshen up.

Although the quilts and other daily necessities in the room are common, they are all new. If they want to stay, these things will be used by them.

After Chu Shiluo arranged for them, he went to the inner courtyard to meet his father.

But at this time his father didn't have time to see him.

Because Chu Dashan was receiving the people from Changyang's descendant Chu and his father, Chu Changyuan.

Old man Chu seemed to have aged several years all of a sudden, and his clothes were hanging on his body.The expression on his face was extremely ferocious.

"Chu Dashan, let me tell you, if you don't return those [-] spirit peach trees to me, I will die in front of you."

Chu Dashan gave him a contemptuous look.

"Okay, then you die. Don't think too highly of yourself, you can't even compare to a branch of a high-grade spirit peach tree. If you die ten thousand times, I won't bring you a tree. "

The middle-aged scribe who came over from Yichu: "..."

Although he had heard about Chu Changyuan and Chu Dashan's father and son not being on good terms for a long time, only after seeing him for real did he know that the two of them were like fire and water.

But Chu Changyuan saw that Chu Dashan didn't care about his life and there was no way out, so he immediately cried and hugged Chu Dashan's thigh.He begged pitifully, "Second brother, second child, please, please save your father. Please return Qingyang Lingtao to Di Chu, as long as you return it, father will be able to live."

Chu Dashan suddenly laughed, and then he stretched out his hand to touch the old man's head, "What stupid things are you talking about? How dare the little Changyang Dichu do anything to you? If they dare to kill you, in order to avenge your own father, I can only hand these two over 4000 high-grade spirit peach trees to Baicao Pavilion, and let them kill Changyang Chuchu's bloodline for me, that's absolutely possible. And it's easy."

Si Chu Wenshi, who was sitting next door, stood up suddenly and looked at Chu Dashan in horror.

"Father, your biggest mistake is to think that I am still a commoner in the past. You are wrong, father! I am Chu Dashan, the husband of Lingzhi!! With my ability to cultivate tens of thousands of spiritual roots, who can do it? If I dare to kill you, I will kill his whole family."

The face of the middle-aged scribe was as gloomy as water.

But Chu Changyuan stared at his second son in a daze for a while, and it took a little more time for the second son to grow up to the point where he could wrestle with Chu Chu?
Chu Dashan had a tough attitude and didn't even return a branch.If you, Chu Chu, kill Chu Changyuan and his family, kill them all.When I look back, I will destroy all of your Chuchu bloodlines.

A small Changyang Chu family, where do you have the confidence to rival tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual roots?

In a hurry, I don't want Qingyang Lingtao, and I will directly exchange your lives! !
In the end, the middle-aged scribe carried Chu Changyuan away with a gloomy face.When Chu Changyuan was about to leave, he looked at his second son with complicated eyes, as if countless emotions were rolling in it.

If it is said that the world is unpredictable, it is their family.

At the beginning, Chu Changyuan sold thousands of old peach trees to his second son, earning 1 taels.Later, with this sum of money, he won the praise of Chu Da, the second daughter of the direct line. Of course, he told Chu Da that he sold 8000 taels, and the remaining two thousand taels were left for his old son as private money.

Later, Chu Changyuan was promoted by Chu Da by virtue of his old-fashioned skills and vicious style of not being famous. He even took the opportunity to send his old son Chu Zheng to the Chu Clan School, which has cultivated generations of high-ranking officials of the Chu family! !
As long as Chu Zheng continues to study hard, being an official butcher will no longer be a dream!
He himself also walked into Chu Chu and became the servant under Chu Da's command.

But when he was enjoying himself, one night, Di Chu's guards suddenly rushed into his rented yard, not only tied up his whole family, but also ransacked his house.

Money, land deeds, jewelry and other valuables were confiscated, and the family closed the small black house, giving them a dry steamed bun and a bowl of water a day.

This is a day's ration for three people.

Two days later, Chu San Chu Si's family was also thrown in collectively.

It's useless for everyone to cry and beg for mercy, and they don't even know what happened!
The relatives of the family complained to each other for several days, but they couldn't find out the reason, they just broke their throats.Young Master Shui was still crying and yelling, but if he could resist that voice, he was an Iron Man.

After another four or five days, Chu Changyuan was taken out alone to meet Chu Da.

"Do you know what happened to you?" Chu Da asked indifferently with anger and hostility.

"Second Miss, please forgive me, please forgive me." Chu Changyuan actually didn't know what he had done, but he knew how Chu Da was.This little girl is vicious and vicious.

So when he came up and begged for mercy, even if he couldn't live, he still hoped that his son Chu Zheng could be taken out.

"You dare to cooperate with your son Chu Dashan to sell the Qingyang spirit peach tree that the family has cultivated for many years, and you only sold it for 8000 taels. You deserve death!!"

Chu Da angrily smashed the teacup on Chu Changyuan's head.

Snapped! !

The teacup shattered, Chu Changyuan's head was also broken, and blood flowed down the crack to his face.

But the pain in Chu Changyuan's body at this moment is far less than the shock in his heart, "What Qingyang spirit peach trees? This is impossible, aren't those old peach trees Qingshan peaches? No one wants those batches, and the results are not good." How did the old peach trees become Qingyang Spirit Peach Trees?"

After he himself was promoted to be a steward in the Chu Chu mansion, his horizons were broadened and he knew more things. Naturally, he knew what a spiritual fruit tree was! ! !
But the problem is that the trees that were sold back then were not a batch of spiritual fruit trees!
"I'm wronged, I'm wronged, Second Miss, everyone who sold the trees at the beginning knew that they were old trees with green peaches, and they were the kind that no one wanted. Those trees were worthless for a thousand taels, so I sold them I bought 8000 taels!!"

"What two thousand taels are worthless? Your son Chu Dashan himself is the husband of Lingzhi. He clearly saw that the Qingshan peach is the Qingyang spirit peach. It only needs to be carefully cultivated to transform the ordinary tree into a top-grade spirit root Qingyang spirit peach tree .

So I colluded with you to buy more than 4000 top-grade spirit peach trees.

Beast, you deserve death! ! "

Because of these spirit peach trees, even the master who always cared for her and never said a harsh word to her called her over and scolded her for the first time.

When she was scolded by her master, Chu Da was almost annoyed and ashamed to death! ! !
They even have one or two middle-grade spiritual roots in the Chu Chu lineage, and they are still protected like treasures.But someone sold more than [-] top-grade spiritual roots under her nose.

asshole! ! !

If it weren't for Chu Changyuan and Chu Dashan's father-son relationship, she would have torn Chu Changyuan's body to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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