The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 123 News from Chen Gong

Chapter 123 News from Chen Gong

But Chu Da was so angry that she ordered someone to beat Chu Changyuan to death.

If Chu Changyuan hadn't been killed and Qingyang Spirit Peach Tree would not have come back, she had ordered him to be killed.

She has never encountered such a big setback since her rebirth! ! !

Even Master looked at her with strange eyes, as if he was looking at an idiot! !

Where did this make her suffer?Old Chuzhuang, Chu Dashan! ! !
She remembered him!
The loss of more than [-] Qingyang spiritual peach trees caused Chu Da’s prestige in Dichu to drop. This time, the elders of Dichu sent people to suppress Chu Changyuan and came to ask for Qingyang spiritual peach trees without passing through her. agreed.

It made her even more angry.

Of course, the people in Changyang Dichu, including Chu Da, didn't believe it. They all overwhelmed Chu Changyuan and threatened Chu Dashan, but the other party dared not return the batch of Qingyang spiritual peach trees.

Not only did they not pay back, they also threatened them that if they dared to kill Chu Changyuan, they would slaughter Chu Chu's lineage.

It is conceivable that after being brought back by the middle-aged scribe, what kind of waves will be caused by Changyang Dichu! !

After sending away the troubled Chuchu people, Chu Dashan learned that his son received his future eldest son-in-law, Chen Gong.

"It's really Chen Gong?" Chu Dashan asked in surprise.

"He calls himself Chen Gong." Chu Shiluo said.

"How does he look like?" Chu Dashan asked.

"It's okay." Chu Shiluo thought for a while before saying.

"What do you mean it's okay?" Chu Dashan asked angrily.

"It's not bad, it's not bad, it looks similar." Chu Shiluo thought about it again and replied.

Chu Dashan said speechlessly, "Then what does your father look like in your eyes?"

"It's okay."

Chu Dashan threw a book directly on his son's head. "What do you mean it's okay? Your father and I have thick eyebrows that obstruct the eyes, and the facial features are upright. It's an excellent appearance at first glance. Otherwise, can your mother marry me?"

Chu Shiluo looked at his own father's face, it was obviously very ordinary! !

Where did the excellent looks come from?

His mother chose to marry his father because she couldn't find a better one at the beginning, so she had to give in.

Although Chu Dashan prides himself on his beauty, it is true that his son is more beautiful than him, so he simply yelled at his son to cover up his displeasure, "You are almost 20 years old, and you can't even tell the difference between beauty and ugliness. Hurry up and get out and bring me my eldest son-in-law."

Chu Shiluo walked out speechlessly, and approached Chen Gong, "My father wants to see you."

Chen Gong had just seen a group of knights with the emblem of the Changyang Chu clan pulling their mounts away. "The group of people just now belonged to the Changyang Chu family? Did they come for the Qingyang Lingtao?"

"You also know? My family's batch of Qingyang spirit peaches were cultivated by our own hard work, but people from the Changyang Chu family said that we used conspiracy to buy their peach trees. If you don't refuse, you must ask for it. to go back.

What a joke, they don't know how much a spiritual fruit tree with top-grade spiritual roots is really worth?
These spirit peach trees were all revived in my family's hands. Without our family's cultivation, they would still be ordinary trees!

Hmph, the Fanshu has turned into a spirit fruit tree, and immediately turned around and asked for it, what a shame! "

Chen Gong was secretly surprised when he heard this.I said in my heart that looking at Chu Shiluo's self-confidence, it seems that his family's cultivation skills are really strong.Is there really no celestial revival here?
Chu Dashan's study is on the east side of the first floor of the three-story building in the center of the inner courtyard.It is very spacious, and the windows are also enlarged, and a very transparent white paper is pasted, which makes the room very bright!
Chu Dashan really has thick eyebrows and big eyes, a tall and burly figure, and one is the standard face of a rough and tough guy.This is very similar to the sincerity of Chen Gong's father, Chen Dazhi.

It is said that his elder brother's original father-in-law also looks like this. I really don't know how his father chose a fiancée for their brother.

"Hello, Uncle Chu, I'm Chen Gong."

Chen Gong generously introduced himself, and handed the letter Chen Dazhi entrusted him to deliver to Chu Dashan, "This is the letter my father asked me to bring to you."

Chu Dashan carefully looked at Chen Gong. This child is good in both temperament and appearance, especially in appearance. Although he is not the same type of handsome as his son, they each have their own advantages and are very outstanding, which is in line with his expectations for a son-in-law.

Qingmei from his family should be satisfied seeing such a young gentleman.

Chu Dashan didn't know that the Chen Gong in front of him didn't make a good first impression on his daughter.

Chu Dashan opened the letter and laughed after reading it.

"How is your father now? Is he in good health?"

"My father is in good health. A few years ago, the emperor came up with some monk exercises, so my father changed his cultivation. In the past two years, his cultivation has broken through to the third level of the Meridian Realm."

"That's better than me. I've just entered the initial stage of the second stage of Tongmai Realm."

From finding the sense of qi, to the early stage of the first stage of Tongmai Realm, to the middle stage of the first stage, to the late stage of the first stage, to the peak of the first stage, and then to the early stage of the second stage.It's just one step at a time.Rao Chu Dashan felt that he was quite diligent in his cultivation, and it took more than a year. He killed an unknown number of spiritual ginseng and grass ginseng before he reached the early stage of the second level.

Of course, Chu Dashan's algorithm is also somewhat wrong!

People practice fast and concentrate on their cultivation, but he has to spend more time learning and refining small spells.Practicing small spells is actually more time-consuming than practicing kung fu.

Besides, he still has to take care of his family's affairs on weekdays. Being able to practice at this speed already shows that he is very good both in terms of physical talent and self-awareness.

Of course, the strongest thing about Chu Dashan is his will.

It's not that difficult to break the mirror. Even his daughter-in-law is still at the peak of the first level, and she hasn't broken through the second level after three times.And although his cultivation speed couldn't keep up with the rest of the family, he didn't have to wait, he rushed directly, and every time he broke through, he broke through the realm without hesitation.

What kind of double hurdle, he didn't seem to have passed it at all.

Peach Blossom and Qingmei, who are the fastest cultivators in his family, have already reached the third level or above of the Tongmai Realm.But Taohua often forgets that she still has cultivation, so she will be mischievous.Qingmei doesn't like to fight with people very much.

This damn girl prefers to be scheming!

Shi Luo is not bad, but his cultivation has not broken through to the third level of Tongmai, but has just broken through to the peak of the second level of Tongmai.

Brothers San Lang and Shi Lang always go hand in hand, and they are just in the middle stage of Tongmai Second Stage.

Goro, like his wife Chu Qi, is a peak of the first level.Chu Qi's willpower is a little weak, but fortunately she is an adult and relatively resilient, so she should be able to break through to the early stage of the second level by charging again.

But Xiao Wu's willpower is even worse, Chu Dashan is thinking, if it is impossible, he can marry a wife for Xiao Wu earlier, have a few more children, and live a peaceful and prosperous life for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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