The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1215 Tender Green Grass

Chapter 1215 Tender Green Grass
"This is also frightening to me, my wife. It's just a spiritual meridian, why did I fly directly from the sea to the sea? How many miles is this moving?" A sword cultivator in the beginning flew up in astonishment.

"I just flew back and forth. From our original place, the straight-line distance is exactly [-] miles." A Sword Cultivator of Absolute Beginning quickly flew back and hovered in front of all his fellow disciples. "It's so embarrassing, I've never seen someone with such a promotion of spiritual veins."

"Oh my god, I'm not dreaming. Nuguan directly moved [-] miles from the sea to the sea. What's the plan?" This is a golden elixir of loose cultivation.It's not a sword cultivator in the early days, but he is also a self-taught sword cultivator.

"You really can't feel it. The dragon's head is directly stuck here. This is where the earth's orifice is, the eye of the earth, and the place where thousands of earth veins gather. If this is in our Shenting Great World, it is the foundation of the sect.

Otherwise, how can an ordinary place withstand the consumption of spirit energy by many monks?
We, Nuguan, are sitting here, and in the next city, it is equivalent to having the aura of the sect headquarters for our use.Do you say it is good or bad? "A monk who seemed to have a high status among the sword cultivators in the early days explained loudly.

Ahhh, someone screamed excitedly when they heard it.

"is this real?"

"I said, why did I feel that the aura in the pass has increased so much?"

"When you go back later, you will feel that the aura in the pass has improved even more."

"Oh my god, that's really great. When I first came out of the sect, I thought that my cultivation would be delayed, but I didn't expect that just a few months after I came here, Nuguan's spiritual veins would be promoted. This anger If the aura of Customs can really catch up with Zongmen, then we will be very happy.

In order for us to come here to guard, the Zongmen allocates 60 spirit stones to us every year as training expenses.This saved 60 yo.What's wrong with buying something? "

"No, I was also thinking about how I should spend the 60 spirit stones, hahaha..."

"I have to send a message to my elder brother quickly so that he can apply for it too."

"I've finished spreading the news a long time ago. My father still praised me for being smart, and he wanted to send all my brothers over."

"Cultivate in the sect as well."

"The sect doesn't have spirit stone subsidies."

"Ahem, cough, yes."

"Ahem, ahem, the aura here cannot be cultivated for the time being, right?"

"Wait, it's fine after the formation has purified those toxins. Because a large formation is needed to purify the aura, the richness of the aura does not increase all at once, but gradually."

"That's great too. In a few days, we'll have to experience the richness of Da Zongmen's aura?! Hahaha! We're so lucky that we were assigned to the Nuguan Pass." A loose cultivator Dan laughed.

"The head of the Nuguan Customs only likes sword cultivators, so you take advantage of the sword cultivators, so you are assigned here." The other casual cultivator Golden Elixir is also a sword cultivator, but this did not stop him from complaining about his friends.

Here in Nuhaiguan, except for the slaves, almost [-]% of the monks are sword cultivators, and all of them are sword cultivators above the golden core level.

"Hmph, that's also my luck."

"Yes, yes, as long as you are lucky."

"I said, where is our place now? Although it is in the sea, there must be a direction, right?" Someone asked again.

"Fellow Daoist, wait a minute, let me investigate." A technician dressed as a feng shui master immediately took out his feng shui compass.

As soon as the compass moved, the surrounding scenery came into everyone's eyes.

"I checked it with a feng shui compass. We are in the direction of Zhenhaiguan.

You can see that this direction is Zhenhai Customs. We are much closer to Zhenhai Customs than before.But we are farther away from the Black Mountain Pass behind us.

They are still on the mainland.

We plunged into the sea obliquely from here, and about five or six hundred miles southeast of here is the Giant Whale Islands.About three hundred miles to the northwest is the Conch Islands.Due west is the Ghostwood Islands, and due east is the Black Reef Islands.

In general, we are not far into the ocean at this point.It should be in the transition zone between shallow sea and deep sea. "

"Speaking of which, how did Master Guan do it? How did he succeed in promoting his spiritual veins?" Someone pointed at Da Tulong and asked.

"Then who knows what Guan Master did?"

"Here comes the mission, everyone, let's do the mission. This time the reward for the mission will be high." Someone flew out from the pass and shouted.

"What's the mission?" a Loose Cultivator Gold Core asked.

"Planting trees. The task of planting golden sunflowers. The Lord Guan ordered that this bare hill should be filled with golden sunflowers. Anyone who is willing to do the task can get the seeds and saplings." The visitor shouted.

"Ah? How do you plant such a large earth mountain? How long do you have to plant it?" Someone asked dejectedly.

"Our master Guan said, don't worry, everyone, we have a lot of people, and each of us can plant a hundred trees, and the planting will be finished in a few days.

It is easy to plant hundreds of thousands of saplings and seeds. "

Now that the boss has said so, those who are interested will go directly to accept the task.

Plant one to give 100 Yuan Lingshi, and return three drops of Yuehua Linglu.

Even Peach Blossom knew about it, so without further ado, she called her family's monks who had broken through the Golden Core Realm and were good at planting to earn spirit dew.Although I also have a collection at home, it's a drop in the bucket. Such a little moonlight dew is really not enough for the cultivation of golden sunflower on the two islands that have become larger in size.

Most of the newly planted golden sunflowers are small saplings less than knee height.Taohua is in a hurry.

She also took four to five hundred people and ran to pick up the task.

Even Chu Ziyan was brought to plant trees.Chu Shinian led people to take care of the logistics, digging holes for water and so on.

Everyone planted trees for a day, and when they returned to the temporary camp, everyone turned their heads and looked embarrassed.

But dinner is still very good.There are pancakes, broth, and barbecue.There is also a variety of grilled vegetables.

Not to mention it was a fun day.

After planting trees for a few days and mixing a small jar of Yuehua Linglu, everyone can finally go home.

Just before everyone went home at night, the heavy rain came again unexpectedly.

God is like being poked a big hole.It rained heavily for a whole day and night.

After the heavy rain, everyone found that the golden sunflower on Tulong Mountain had miraculously grown taller.

Of course, the Naxi Golden Sunflower that was protected in the formation remained unchanged.The golden sunflower trees growing outside have grown taller.

And the ground near the golden sunflower is also covered with tender green grass.

Not much, not dark green or gray green, but tender green grass.

(End of this chapter)

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