Chapter 1216

There are tender green grasses, are these grasses poisonous?

Some people grabbed a tree without fear of death and chewed it in their mouths.

"No poison." Not long after, he suddenly said with surprise. "It's really not poisonous."

As soon as he said it was not poisonous, other bold ones immediately pulled out the grass and threw it into their mouths. "Not poisonous."

"Not poisonous."

Many people laughed and said one after another.

Even the angry customs master who flew over couldn't hold back his hand, and pulled out a grass.He also put it in his mouth and tasted it, and immediately held up his thumb and praised, "It's really not poisonous."

Fu Su looked around and said, "Even if it is not poisonous now, the golden sunflower has not yet grown up in patches, the effect of purifying toxins is poor, and there will be omissions, and besides, the outside world will sometimes rain poisonously.

So if it grows for a few more days, these grasses will also carry weak toxins. "

"Small poison is fine. Go back and use hot water to add some anti-poison powder to copy it, and you can still eat it. Fu Su, hurry up and ask someone to get me some wild vegetable seeds, and I will go to this mountain range three times. In the future, we will be angry with the customs. Maybe you can come out with a basket to pick some wild vegetables to eat."

"You can also plant a large amount of coarse grains and low-level spiritual food. A little bit of poison is fine." Fu Su nodded immediately and said, "I'll go back and arrange it."

Carrying it in the Baidou world for a long time, who can not be contaminated with some toxins.Besides, the ten thousand poisonous people on the opposite side are all poisonous and poisonous.So you can take nothing with you, but you absolutely must not carry a sword, and you must also carry various antidote pills and antidote powders.

"I couldn't have imagined before that in this Baidou world, I could still see tender green grass." The angry customs master was in a good mood.

"We still need to stock up on more moonlight spiritual objects." Fu Su frowned and said, "The golden sunflower tree can only grow up and bloom and bear fruit."

"Didn't you ask those crafting shops to step up refining all kinds of magic weapons that collect moonlight spirits?" The angry customs master immediately turned down when he heard this. "What? They dare to oblige and disobey? Don't you take mine seriously?"

"They actually refined a lot of magic tools for collecting moonlight. However, the moonlight collected by those magic tools is too little, it's just a drop in the bucket. I've been working hard every day, and it's not enough. Now everyone is clamoring to manage I want the Yuehua spiritual object. The warehouse is almost empty, where can I get it for them?"

"Do you want something big, something that can collect a lot of moonlight spirits at once?" The head of the angry customs had a strange expression.

"Yes." Fu Su admitted generously.

"Ahem, I can't use that thing very much. Of course, if you are willing to give up the spirit stone, I can use it for you." Nuguan said.

"What?" Fu Su asked in surprise.

"Have you heard of the fairy root laurel tree?" asked the angry customs chief.

"I've heard of it." Fu Su immediately said, "It doesn't mean that it has been extinct for many years."

"Even if the silver osmanthus tree is extinct, it still has branches and stumps left. I have a moonlight umbrella that my grandfather helped me refine. As long as it is in a place with a lot of moonlight, or in a spacious A place where the moon can be seen.

Once released, it will automatically absorb moonlight, and then condense into moonlight spar.

The moonlight spar is a moonlight spar with special attributes. The moonlight condensed and purified by the moonlight spar is countless times that of ordinary moonlight spirits.You said that if we bury it underground in the golden sunflower forest, what effect would it have? "

Fu Su's eyes lit up, "Where is the thing?"

"The Moonlight Umbrella is a spiritual tool, and it is a resource-heavy treasure, so it must consume a lot of spirit stones or special crystals to use it. Are you willing to let me use it? I will open it for one night, at least It needs 400 million spirit stones, or 60 special attribute crystals." The angry customs chief asked back.

Fu Su's face was as black as ink.

"Guanzhu, did you do it on purpose? No wonder you don't know that there are not many spirit stones in our house, and the remaining spirit stones need to be maintained by a new protective formation. The new protective formation is still Hang Tai The boss got it, it’s too high-level, and it’s too useless for spirit stones. I remember I told you about this last night.”

Fu Su said angrily.

The angry customs chief said that I did not suffer from Alzheimer's disease.Of course I remember.

"Isn't that what you said, saying that you need a treasure that can collect a lot of moonlight treasures at once." The angry customs master retorted angrily. "I exploded the thing, and you pushed it back and forth. Are you still talking about me?"

"Is that what I pushed? Since that treasure is so useful, you don't want to earn some spirit stones? Just count on me, where can I go to find and exchange spirit stones?" Fu Su said.

The angry customs chief looked at the other party in astonishment and said, "You let me, the dignified customs master, earn Lingshi?"

"What's wrong with the customs master? If you should bow down, you should bend down with hunger. If you should compromise, you must compromise. Who made you shoulder the burden of a pass? Are you angry with the customs master?!" Fu Su said.

"No way, you really plan to let me earn spirit stones?"

"That's right, come on, Master Guan, let me tell you a good idea that I thought of. As long as you step forward, you will surely succeed." Fu Su said.

As soon as the angry customs master heard this, he immediately retreated and fled.Last time, Fu Su also said that he had a good idea, but in the end he almost made him cry.

That guy made a bet, saying that he could see Nuguan mastering him, dressed as a woman and wearing a skirt.

The gambling capital is 3000 million spirit stones.That was when he had just joined the job as an angry customs master, his hands were cleaner than his face.There was really no other way, so he had no choice but to wear a skirt and pretend to be a woman.As a result, he was ridiculed by his fellow apprentices all these years.

It's just miserable.

From that time on, the head of Nuguan knew that one of his staff and deputy, Fu Su, was a murderer who would not pay for his life.

He can do anything for Lingshi.

But Fu Su quickly pulled him back, and then whispered.

After listening to the angry customs chief, it was rare for him to think seriously about the possibility. "Can it be done? Will it not lose money?"

"[-]% off, absolutely can't lose." Fu Su said confidently that you believe in me.

But the owner of the angry customs always felt that the other party was not so reliable.

"Okay, let's try."

Soon the head of Nu Customs planned to borrow spirit stones to activate the spirit weapon for collecting Yuehua spiritual objects, and the news spread in Nu Customs.

A lot of shops have heard that the Yuehua spiritual objects collected by the Nu Customs Master with the loan of the spirit stones this time will be excellent for those shop people to buy them at a [-]% discount.Immediately came the idea of ​​borrowing money.

Moreover, the owner of the customs is angry, and he will only receive Lingshi for a month.It must be returned within one month.

Just interest and nothing.

For short-term loans, there is also a discount of [-]% off on Yuehua Lingwu.Ordinarily, this preferential condition is very good, but everyone is still standing still and waiting to see, who will be willing to do this and be the first to stand out.

(End of this chapter)

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