The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1217 Bad Things

Chapter 1217 Bad Things
As a result, Mingzhe of the Giant Whale Islands made No.1.He lent 50 spirit stones to the master of Nuguan in his own name.These are all in exchange for his innate interest with the hostess of Nuguan before.

Mingzhe has two congenital interest land deals to the head of Nuguan.In exchange for some spiritual stones and some spiritual objects that I need.

These two innate soils have been put into the current earth dragon.It is precisely because of the input of innate soil that this big earth dragon can grow so fast despite its anger.The leylines stimulated the potential of the inborn soil.A promotion to grow a length of [-] miles, no innate breath soil, even if the earth veins give fuel to feed back, the spirit vein dragon can't do anything.

Fortunately, there is a congenital interest.

Moreover, the innate breath soil is a treasure of the soil system, and it has a keen sense of where the earth's orifice is.

So they went straight to the earth's orifice, and they can continue to grow with the earth's orifice.

With Mingzhe as an example, everyone suddenly realized that they themselves can also be creditors.As a result, many golden core casual cultivators began to find Guanzhu's mansion, and offered to ask for a loan to Guanzhu.When Chu Shinian and Taohua heard about this, they also sent 100 million spirit stones.

In this way, the accumulation of sand became mountains, and in just five or six days, Guanzhu Mansion received 800 million spirit stones.

It is twice as much as the 400 million spirit stones that the boss himself needs.

The angry customs master is so happy.I really didn't expect that this time it was not what Fu Su expected.Fu Su thought that those storekeepers or owners would definitely increase the interest on the loan after waiting and watching, and then lend him the spirit stone.

Who knew Mingzhe made a good start by lending him a loan in his own name.As a result, the backbones of the Qianshan Society also share a little bit with you, and a little bit with me.Collected millions of spirit stones for Mingzhe to send.Then there were Chu Shinian and his wife with millions of spirit stones.

The other casual cultivators saw that there were still people taking the lead in doing such good deeds, so they followed suit.

All go to borrow.I took out all the spirit stones that I didn't need in daily life, and lent them to Guanzhu's mansion, but they didn't use anyone else. The pen spirit stone was gathered together.

Fu Su didn't expect him to make such a start, but the ending would be so dramatic.

But no matter what, the spirit stones are all together.

Taking advantage of the bright moon in these two days, the head of the Nu Customs opened the Moonlight Umbrella on the vast sea area on the side of the Nu Customs.This is spiritual energy, just to activate it, it needs 400 million spiritual stones and all the spiritual power of the master of anger.

With all his spiritual power exhausted, Nu Hai focused on resting and recovering under the protection of many Absolute Beginning Sword Sect masters.

That huge umbrella with a diameter far exceeding a mile.It's like a huge tearing vortex.Tore off a large amount of moonlight from the sky, and inhaled it into his body.

It was pitch black under the Moonlight Umbrella.

Not a shred of moonlight exists.

Time passed quietly, until the sky was slightly bright, and the angry customs master finally recovered.

It seems that this job cannot be done every day.At least once every three days.He is a man and not a machine, and he has to rest and rest.

After the sky brightened, the head of Nuhai Customs finally took away the Yuehua Umbrella and returned to Nuhai City.

Just returned to the study of the lord's mansion.

The angry customs master directly manipulated the Yuehua Umbrella, and fell down for a while.

A large amount of moonlight crystals poured onto the ground.Moonlight crystals are big and small, the big ones are the size of an adult's fist, and the small ones are as big as soybean grains.

Even if the Yuehua spar is successfully condensed, its weight is relatively light.But the huge pile of Yuehua spar in front of him actually looked like it weighed hundreds of catties.

This trip is really not less profitable.

"Prepare the purchase quota on the loan side first, and then we will make our own net profit." The angry customs chief told Fu Su.

"Okay, no problem." Fu Su said while taking out the biggest Moonlight spar by himself.Then jump out of the small one and throw it to the loan side.

It didn't take long for Fu Su, who had settled the distribution of the Yuehua spar, to gather the golden elixir cultivators from all over the place.

Do you want to repay the loan with Lingshi, or you want to repay the loan with Yuehua Crystal Stone.

Who wants a spirit stone, of course it is a moonlight spar.

Crowds of Golden Core Loose Cultivators went to the Guanzhu Mansion one after another, and then took out cheap Moonlight Crystals or Moonlight Essence with a [-]% discount.There is no way, the number of spiritual stones produced by some people is too small, and if there is not enough one Yuehua spar, they can only give Yuehua spiritual liquid.

When Mingzhe arrived, Guanzhu was already waiting for him.He also personally gave him three small storage bags.

"Your, Qianshanhui's, and Chu Shinian's."

Mingzhe collected the three small storage bags, thinking that this guy really treats Chu Shinian and his young couple differently.

"Get the spar and you all go away quickly. Next time I open the spiritual weapon to harvest the spar, you won't have any share." Master Guan said when he saw him standing still.

"Well, Chu Shinian asked me to ask, is there any imitation of your precious umbrella, even if it can also condense moonlight crystals, but there are fewer of them." Mingzhe asked.

"Hahaha, it was Chu Shinian's wife who asked you to ask?"

Being noticed by others, Mingzhe was a little embarrassed.

"Go back and tell her that I really don't have a copy of this precious umbrella, but if she is willing to exchange it for spirit stones or other treasures, I can also exchange her for some moonlight crystals." The head of the angry customs laughed.

"Thank you sir."

"Yeah, it's a little effort, thank you."

After Mingzhe left, Master Nuguan still stared at the direction he was leaving for a long time in a daze.

"My lord, you seem to be very concerned about the wisdom of the Lord." Fu Su came over and asked in confusion.

"This wise man is interesting. If I hadn't exchanged the treasures in the treasury for the innate breath soil in his hands, then when our family's spiritual veins were promoted, there might not have been such a movement. The person who reminded me of the transaction at that time It's my old man."

"Master Hang reminded you?" Fu Su was really surprised this time.

"That's right, as soon as Mingzhe made this proposal, my old man reminded me to agree. He also sent me a voice transmission. This kind of thing is a great opportunity at the moment of spiritual promotion. It turned out to be a great opportunity." , directly moved Nuguan from the sea to the sea, not to mention, your majestic spirit veins actually occupied an eye of the earth orifice.

Squatting on the ground orifice, are you planning to hatch eggs?
The angry customs master couldn't help laughing secretly.

In fact, Lingmai seems to really have this idea.

"Let's not talk about Xiantian Xiyang, but he also accidentally broke into the reception of Lingshi this time, directly changing your plan. It really makes me happy, ahahahaha."

Fu Su curled his lips angrily.

Isn't it because you didn't let you bargain with the owners and shopkeepers of the shop, and then make a compromise?
(End of this chapter)

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