Chapter 1221
Everyone in the Chu family fell into deep thought.

I agree, it may have some bad effects on my own Lingshan.

Disagree, lose money.

"Actually, I agree with Patriarch to get Lingshan out." Chu Ziyan suddenly said. "First of all, according to my understanding, the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect also moved their Nuhai City above the ground aperture. And it has already made a profit. Their side has almost become a holy place for the cultivation of the big sects of the Shenting.

Thinking about it, there won't be too many things like this in the future.

Then there is another question, will the Taichu Sword Sect order to strictly prohibit other forces from using the Eye of Earth Aperture in the Baidou Realm one day? "

It was rare for Chu Ziyan to directly think of the idea this time.

"If we get out the Lingshan Mountain and put it there, will there be no chance to return it in the future. Wait until the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect completely restricts the ground aperture. We won't even be able to take advantage of it."

What Chu Ziyan said makes sense.

Originally, many members of the Chu family were still hesitant, but they changed their attitudes after hearing his words.

So a few days later, Tao Hua, Chu Shinian and the others felt the sky above a certain eye that came out of the earth's orifice.With the power of peach blossoms, a huge suspended giant island world appeared out of thin air, revealing a huge shadow on the sea.

Taohua didn't wait too long, and adjusted the structure of Lingshan again.

A sharp section in the shape of an awl is formed below Lingshan.Then it crashed into the sea.

The sharp point of the awl stabbed deeply into the deep sea cave.

Then, with the help of the great power of the weight of ten thousand mountains in the island world, the tip of the awl was deeply plunged into the cave.

Boom boom boom...

The sea was rolling and shaking, and the bottom layer under the sea was also shaking violently.

The huge seabed fluctuations and bottom vibrations actually triggered the eruption of several nearby submarine volcanoes.

When Lingshan completely smashes the ground orifice, absorbs the violent power of the leylines and the formation of the base, all the way through the screening of layers of formations, it becomes a rich aura that is absorbed by Lingshan, or kindly enters the various spaces inside the barrier of Lingshan among.

The aura intensity of Lingshan is rising rapidly at a speed that can be detected by the naked eye.

The main reason is that there are not too many people in their own Lingshan.

Moreover, the ground orifice that Taohua and the others smashed open this time was deeper than that of Nuguan, and the gap was bigger, directly exposing a big hole.

On the other side of the Nuguan Pass is a big crack at best.

As a result, part of the earth's air inevitably spilled out.Therefore, the eruptions of several underwater volcanoes within hundreds of miles around have formed quite small volcanic islands, exposing the sea.

Riyue Island took advantage of this convenience to double its size.

So at the same time, all the islands in the Giant Whale Islands area inexplicably increased in size.

It's just that the size of the increased area is not the same. The closer to the direction of the earth's air leakage, the larger the increased area of ​​the island.

And it was within a dozen or so miles of where Chu's Wuyuan Mountain landed.

Also because of the atmosphere of the earth, many small new islands suddenly appeared on the sea.

Because the movement of their family's Wuyuan Mountain falling to the ground was too loud.It hasn't waited for my Lingshan to completely stabilize.The head of the Nu Customs flew over with his grandfather, Old Man Hang, another old man Hei, and Fu Su, the high-level Nu Customs of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.

"What are you doing? Is this the Lingshan Mountain?" Nu Haiguan looked at the huge Lingshan Mountain in astonishment.

This was much larger than the Lingshan Mountains he had seen in and around the sect.No wonder it was coveted by the old monsters of Guanghan Jianzong.

"If your spiritual mountain is cultivated well, I'm afraid it can be promoted to the seventh level." Old man Hang said in amazement.

"And you also raised two caves. Are you preparing for your promotion to the sixth level? This kind of small cave is also needed for the seventh level." Another old man in black also said, stroking his beard.

"We really don't know if we can advance to the seventh level. But our family's Lingshan is too big. If everyone can't absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world in a small space for a long time, it will become unstable." Taohua said. "It is impossible for us to leave the Baidou world for the time being, so we have to release it."

The angry customs master twitched his face angrily, "So you just put it on the eye of the earth orifice in Baidou world."

"Then why don't our family donate 100 million golden sunflower seeds every year as the usage fee for the Earth's Aperture Eye?" Taohua asked.

"Five million seeds. Or the same number of saplings." Nu Guan said.

This time it was Taohua's turn to turn black.

Chu Shinian also looked at the angry customs master speechlessly for a while.

It's so deceitful.

"That's it." The angry customs master said with a grin. "You send over 500 million seeds or saplings as soon as possible."

Chu Shinian and his wife were both speechless.

The old man hang and the old man in black were very happy to see it.

This is a good idea, since there are no people in the Baidou Realm anyway, if you want to use the Eye of the Earth's Aperture to cultivate or refine something, then you have to be able to lift the lid?
These old men can do it.But who does this coolie?

What are their identities?

If other people and forces want to open the hole, they will have to use brute force.Without the great dragon of the Nuguan Spirit Vein, and the existence of such a huge weight and volume as the Chu Family Spirit Mountain, how can it be possible if you want to plunge into the ground for more than ten miles at once?

If it was so easy to open, would it still be called the Silent Aperture?
At this time, Mingzhe also flew over with his own people.Chu Shinian flew over quickly, and then explained clearly the true identities of himself and the others.

"You are actually disciples of the Guanghan Sword Sect, and you even brought your own Lingshan to fly into the sect of Shenting Great World. It's just that your Lingshan has been moved up, why did you end up here again?" Mingzhe was shocked by his words. Got to be dumbfounded.asked back in horror.

"Well, it's hard to say. Our family's Lingshan has a good foundation and high potential, and some people in the sect have taken a fancy to it. We don't want to dedicate the Lingshan to some people in the sect. So we brought it here to live here coming."

To put it bluntly, I am a top iron, and I just refuse to give it.

Mingzhe was ashamed and stared at Chu Shinian for a while, speechless.

He wanted to say, why are you so rigid?
If you give me a mere spiritual mountain, I will give it... I can't give it.

He took a closer look at his spiritual mountain. Even if he looked down from a high altitude, he could see that his spiritual mountain formed a world of its own and was very large.Furthermore, there are too many people.

There are so many cities and mountains of medicinal herbs, a large number of elixir and elixir trees.

Emma, ​​if he can't give it.

Whoever wants to rob him, he will have to do his best.

The cultivation of this Lingshan is too good.

"You are also guilty of carrying a jade." Mingzhe said with emotion.

"We come from the lower realms. How could anyone not go all out to build a spiritual mountain? Who would have thought that someone would be so shameless and insist on taking away our spiritual mountain." Taohua didn't spare anyone, and complained directly.

"It's been a long time seeing each other, and it has made our husband and wife gain a lot of insight."

(End of this chapter)

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