The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1222 Concussion

Chapter 1222 Concussion
As time went by, the formations on Wuyuan Mountain were activated layer by layer, completely covering the ground orifice.The earth qi gushing out of the earth orifice was absorbed by the formation and filtered heavily, turning into non-toxic aura and flying into the spirit mountain.Some of them spilled directly into the air in Lingshan.

From the outside, the entire Lingshan Mountain seems to be continuously emitting white smoke condensed with spiritual energy.

Groups rise from the earth, from the river, and from the ocean.

On the outermost barrier of the entire Lingshan Mountain, the white mist gradually dissipated, forming a sea of ​​clouds that covered everything.

"The sea of ​​clouds..."

"A lot of white fog..."

Taohua and Mingzhe are shocked.

"What's wrong?" Chu Shinian asked.

"During the blue moon, as soon as we woke up, we found ourselves in a vast sea of ​​clouds. Then we walked and walked until we lost consciousness and woke up again." Mingzhe said with a frown.

"You think..." Chu Shinian looked at Lingshan and said in surprise.

"At the beginning we thought of the blue moon, and thought that the sea of ​​clouds might be in the sky. Or on the illusory silver moon. But looking at our Lingshan Mountain, we may have misunderstood. The sea of ​​clouds may also be Underground." Taohua said.

"That's right, it's also on an orifice." Mingzhe's eyes lit up.

"We can't get out, it's probably because there is a formation in the sea of ​​clouds, which prevents us from getting out." Tao Hua said again, "If you always wander around in place, you won't be tired and stupid from flying all the time."

Mingzhe: Why does it sound like I'm connoting me?

"But in the whole Baidou world, there are too many holes." The head of Nuguan and others were shocked by Taohua and Mingzhe just now.

Just a sea of ​​clouds, they have found out the key points of the ground.

These two little guys have great brains.

"Maybe it's a small world, a small cave, a small secret realm, a small spirit mountain, or some small space." Taohua guessed, "No matter who cultivates these kinds of space treasures, they are reluctant to leave them too far away. , inconvenient to take care of.

Just like me, since I started to cultivate my family Wuyuan Mountain, I have hardly left.

In the same way, it is conceivable that the other party should be the same.

The one who is now called Yuezhu seems to be a very influential one among the forces in the Baidou world.Then this Earth Aperture could not be where she is. "

"Louisan Pass." The angry customs chief and Old Man Hang exclaimed in unison. "No, I want to take a look secretly." Old Man Hang said.

"What are you going to do? I'll go." The old man in black immediately said, "Your ability to hide and hide is much worse than mine."

"No, I'll go with you if you want to go. It's too dangerous. Who knows what other tricks the Moon Lord has. Don't forget that Guan Feiyun is also at the sixth level. It's not much weaker than us." Hang The old man said immediately.

The old man in black looked at him, and saw the persistence on the old man's face.Chen Sheng said, "Okay, let's go, let's get something first, don't be unprepared."

After speaking, they both left.

Angry Customs Master: Why are you walking so fast?

"Who are those two?" Chu Shinian asked suspiciously.

"Those are the two Supreme Elders of our Absolute Beginning Sword Sect." The head of Nuguan felt that there was no need to hide the matter now, so he directly told Chu Shinian, Taohua and the others their identities.

"Will the production of your Lingshan Mountain be traded with other countries in the future?" Fu Su regained his energy and asked Tao Hua and Chu Shinian.

"A deal. We plant a lot of spiritual medicine, spiritual fruit, and spiritual food every year. Do you need it?" Chu Shinian asked.

"I need it, why don't I need it?" Fu Su immediately said with a smile on his face.

"But most of our family's elixir, spiritual fruit, and spiritual food are relatively low-grade. Many of them are grown for ordinary people in the world." Taohua said doubtfully.

"Hey, this is why you young people who just arrived are ignorant. In such a ghost place as the outer battlefield. I can eat even half-spiritual food happily. Not to mention serious advanced spiritual food and Spirit fruit.

Some people want to eat.

Even if it is a low-level elixir, it can actually be eaten as a elixir.

It's okay to fry a plate and eat something fresh, why not do it? "

Come, fry me a plate of radishes, ahem, a plate of fried ginseng, and then someone comes up with a plate of fried sapphire ginseng? !Thinking of that scene, Taohua also felt like laughing.

Anyway, with a high cultivation level, taking some low-level elixir is not afraid of making your nose bleed.

"The masters are among the people." Taohua laughed.

When Fu Su heard this, he immediately understood what she meant, and laughed too.

"However, now that everyone is planting golden sunflower trees, do you still need so many low-level spiritual food, spiritual fruit and spiritual medicine?" Taohua asked with a smile.

"Need it. You have to see how many people there are in our Nu Customs. Nu Customs has a hundred thousand golden pills." Nu Customs said.

"That's good." Taohua agreed after hearing this.

It would be a real loss if this kind of business was rejected.Who would dislike Lingshi Burning Hands?

At this time, many island owners of the Giant Whale Islands flew over one after another.

The head of the angry customs saw too many people rushing here, so he became impatient and took Fu Sufei away.

Mingzhe and Chu Shinian were left to deal with the flying people.

Tao Hua and Chu Shinian are really good acquaintances. When they see someone they know asks a question, they just talk about it. If they don't, they simply ignore it.

"So you are from the Guanghan Sword Sect?" Ding Wen and Wu Shixin were taken aback.

Taohua laughed awkwardly.

"This is the spiritual mountain that your family cultivated by yourself. I said, how can you be so familiar with cultivating the spiritual mountain? When you made the prototype of the spiritual mountain, your little hands were so skilled." Ding Wen suddenly realized.

It turned out that this person already had the foundation to cultivate Lingshan.

Suddenly, the earth's energy suddenly exploded in the earth's orifice.

This time, Lingshan didn't seem to hold back the earthly spirit it had.

Then the earth's air formed a huge air current, rising from the deep sea to the sky.It also triggered a huge column of sea water, stirring up a large amount of sea water to spin into the sky.

Boom boom boom, all the islands around the Giant Whale Islands shook again.

The islands around were once again enlarged several times at a speed visible to the naked eye.

ah ah ah...

Many monks were horrified when they saw this scene, and quickly flew back to their own island.

Especially for those who have already started to cultivate the prototype of Lingshan, it is faster to fly back.

With the continuous fall of the large water column.

Earthquakes also fade away.

The large-scale earth qi surge also disappeared little by little until it became completely quiet.

The surrounding islands also became quiet again, no longer growing up.

It wasn't until this time that everyone was surprised to find that the entire Giant Whale Islands seemed to have grown bigger.The distance between islands and islands becomes larger.

The distance between Taohua's Riyue Island and his own Lingshan has also changed from more than 100 miles to more than 60 miles.The distance is shortened.

(End of this chapter)

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