The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1223 Layers of White Fog

Chapter 1223 Layers of White Fog
Although the young couple of the Chu family moved their Lingshan Mountains here, they were angry with the customs master and didn't care about it.Then discuss it for a few days.

Then, within a few days, the news about the Chu family Lingshan became the big news that the volcano erupted at Loushan Pass and a violent earthquake occurred.

It is said that half of the Loushan Pass collapsed.

The terrible black volcanic ash covered the entire Loushan Pass at that time.


At the same time, Hang Xinghe and Chen Min were listless, lying in the main courtyard of the main courtyard of Nuguan with serious injuries.

In fact, both of them took the healing medicine, but the injuries they received were too heavy. Even with the healing medicine, it would be difficult for them to recover from their injuries in a short period of time.

The angry customs master is doing his best to take care of the two of them.

One by one, Qingyang spiritual peaches will be delivered, and a bunch of Qingyang grapes will be delivered.

Although the two old men were listless, they did not forget to eat.Kacha Kacha gnawed happily.

One, two, three or four old men in black appeared together.

"Chen Min, Hang Xinghe, you guys are injured so badly? You almost hurt your foundation." The dignified old man who was the oldest person asked in surprise.

"Oh, it's you Zhang Beihai." Hang Xinghe looked at him in astonishment and said. "You don't know, we almost didn't come out."

"What's going on? I heard that you found a small underground world under Loushan Pass? Did you even fight an ancient troll?"

"Hey, what is it? It's actually a corpse of a troll, but that corpse was so powerful that it almost killed us. That corpse of a troll has at least a seventh-level cultivation. If it is alive, it may still have an eighth-level or even a ninth-level cultivation. level of cultivation." Chen Min said with lingering fear. "If it wasn't for Hang Xinghe who went in with me, I would really fall in."

Zhang Beihai's face became extremely serious after hearing this, "I heard that the last small world fell into the underground magma? Where did they go?"

"I don't know, that little world also took away the Yuezhu and Shixu and others. Loushan Pass has also become a mess, you choose one person to deal with it." Hang Xinghe said in a deep voice.

"You are the guardian envoy." Zhang Beihai said angrily.

"I'm a wounded person now, how can I still work? Do you still have a fellow student?" Hang Xinghe yelled loudly.

"Your body has rested, but you can still work with your brain," Zhang Beihai said.

"Zhang Beihai..."

"It's useless for you to do it a few more times. Just take care of your own affairs." Zhang Beihai was not willing to let him take care of so many junk things in the Baidou world.

"You really don't care? If you really don't care, I will give up Loushan Pass.

Anyway, the leylines over there are also ruined by others. "Hang Xinghe thought for a while before saying, "Go ahead, the Zongmen monks and casual monks in Loushanguan will be divided into six, and they will be divided into five nearby cities and Nuhai City.

The protected area of ​​Loushan Pass is also divided into six, one for each of the six families. "

"Our Nu Customs is still far away from there, can we not need people and defense?" The Nu Customs owner immediately said with a bitter face when he heard this.

"No, I'll give it to you, and you'll hurry. There's nothing to bargain about. All the closed cities in the Baidou world are responsible for the defense of the sect. I really think you can't do it here. The sect will naturally Build another pass city." Hang Xinghe said.


"Your work is really neat. Not only did you bring back the upper part of an ancient troll corpse, but you also brought back an ancient source of lightning that can operate heavy treasures. The sect really did not send you to replace Guan Feiyun." Seeing that Hang Xinghe had arranged the affairs of Loushan Pass, Zhang Beihai said happily.

"But we were also beaten to death by those two things that appeared later. It's so miserable." Hang Xinghe blew himself up directly. "I don't even know what those two long-haired black things are. Their bodies are too hard, so they can't be beaten much. But if you let him beat you, you'll fall down for a while and you won't be able to get up.

If it wasn't for Lao Chen pulling me desperately, my head would have been trampled all over by that thing.You must not underestimate them.

Let's think about it, Chen Min and I are both at the peak of the sixth order, and Chen Min is even more powerful at half a step to the seventh order.But we are still so miserable. "

Zhang Beihai's expression immediately became serious.

That's right, a few of them came, except that he was half-step seventh-order, the others were at most mid-sixth-order.

It's not very safe.

"Everyone, be careful. Don't go out alone when you go out. You should go with a company. The other people who came to support us will arrive in a few days. Let's help Hang Xinghe stabilize the situation here first." Zhang Hokkaidao .

"By the way, what happened to Guan Feiyun?" Chen Min asked suddenly.

"There are signs of being controlled. The ancestor has seen it. It is said that he has understood some things in her sea of ​​consciousness, so he directly let her stay in the ancestor's cave to practice." Zhang Beihai said.

Chen Min was shocked immediately.

The worry has been kept under the eyelids, which means that the ancestor still found something, which made him jealous.

"What about Fan Daqi?" Chen Min asked again.

"Should have been called back." Zhang Beihai said, "Leave his affairs to the ancestors."

"Chen Min, did you notice anything unusual about Guan Feiyun and Fan Daqi when you came here?" Hang Xinghe asked.

"I came not a few years earlier than you. I started investigating Lanyue, and I discovered that this Lanyue seemed to be covered up intentionally or unintentionally by Guan Feiyun. Fan Daqi often followed her lead. Almost never If you don't help me talk, I don't think it's possible, so I asked the sect to transfer Guan Feiyun away.

If she doesn't leave, Lanyue, Yuezhu's matter will not be investigated by you. "

"Where do you say that the small world will go after it goes deep into the ground? Apart from Loushan Pass, is there anything else that has been infiltrated and controlled by them like Loushan Pass?" Old Man Hang pondered.

"It is possible to go to other cities on our human race side. It is also possible to go directly to the Wanduren side. You must know that they have taken away a lot of saints, and their research on Wanduren is probably not as good as human beings. There are few studies." Chen Min said.

"Oh, it would be great if they didn't let them take away the small world. Unfortunately, we can't beat them at all, so we can only watch them run away." Old man Hang said angrily. "I haven't suffered such a big loss since I became the Supreme Supreme."

"Check slowly, they won't be able to escape. In the Baidou Realm where our Absolute Beginning Sword Sect is stationed, what kind of gods are they pretending to be, and what the hell are they doing?" Zhang Beihai snorted coldly.

"By the way, how did you go to Loushan Pass to capture the old lair this time?" Zhang Beihai couldn't help asking angrily.

"The thing is like this..." Old man Hang also associated Taohua and Mingzhe with the fact that Taohua and Mingzhe sat on the ground orifice from Chu's own Lingshan, and layers of white mist and clouds emerged on the inner wall. The layers of white fog.

 I can't help it, it's too late to go home, so I will update the two today.

(End of this chapter)

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