Chapter 1224
"With just a single white mist, they have produced so many associations. These two people are either very lucky or very intelligent." Zhang Beihai wondered.

"Hahaha, don't say it, both of them have good luck." Old Man Hang said. "Since they came, our detection of Blue Moon has become even better."

"Everyone must pay more attention to the matter of Lanyue, and don't be careless." Chen Min said.

"Speaking of which, if it weren't for Chen Min, you would have noticed the anomaly, and we don't know how long we would be deceived. The black hand behind the Baidou world also knows what kind of existence it is?" Zhang Beihai said.

"It could be a person, it could be a corpse, it could be a ghost, or a remnant spirit, of course there are other things." Old Man Hang said. "Although I am at the peak of the sixth order, I still feel that I have seen few things.

Besides, in front of the ancestors, they are still juniors, and they really don't know as much as they do. "

"Don't be like this. When you say this, I feel my scalp numb. You are a hundred years older than me. You say you know little, so what should I do?" Zhang Beihai was speechless. Seeing old man Hang pretending to be old Versailles, his hairs stood on end.

Old man Hang rolled his eyes angrily.

"I think we should rectify the monitoring of each city. First, we have to check the inspection system ourselves, and then we are looking for someone to do a normal inspection to see if there are any problems.

Instead, let the inspection department investigate more about whether the people of our sect and casual cultivators in our various cities have any connection with mysterious forces.

It’s fine if it’s only related to our Shenting world, but if it’s related to the Moon Master, then you should pay more attention.

Follow the clues, I believe that there are no big guys who can't do it, right? "The old man Hang said again.

"You are a former battle between the two worlds, and you were a battlefield commander. You can arrange these things. We just need to dig out that mysterious force. In terms of force, you can use us vigorously." Zhang Beihai said.

"After the Loushan pass is broken, the clues have to be found again." Old man Hang nodded and thought. "However, there are also great benefits. I'm afraid that in the next blue moon night, that voice will not be able to pull some special people into the sea of ​​clouds again."

To have a sea of ​​clouds, you must first have a compatible ground.

And your small world has to be near the area where you pull people.

Loushan Pass is right in the middle of the first-line defensive pass city on the side of Taichu Sword Sect.

It radiated a lot of Guancheng nearby.

Now that there is no place, no hole, that small world, he wants to gain a foothold again, hehe, Old Man Hang smirked, "They probably have to go to the Wandu people."

"Yeah, it would be nice to harm the saint over there a little more." Chen Min also thought of it.

"Report, a large-scale earthquake has occurred in the Honggu River Plain. The Honggu River Plain has grown a large area abnormally." A boy from the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect hastily established a report.

"Wait, Hongguhe Plain, hurry up, everyone, look for a map." Old Man Hang said immediately.

The head of the angry customs immediately spread out the big map of Baidou Realm to the elders with swift hands and feet.

Everyone take a closer look.Well, it really is going to the place where ten thousand poisonous people live.

"They chose this place because there must be a ground hole below, and the quality of the ground hole is very good, just like the Loushanguan ground hole that they destroyed before." Chen Min thought for a while.

"In addition, this place is in the hinterland of the area occupied by the Wanduren. Even if we only lose their foothold, there is no way to rush there and continue to attack them. Unless we have a war with the Wanduren." Old Man Hang said.

"Then what if we tell Wanduren the news about the Moon Lord and the Small World?" a new mid-sixth-rank grandmaster who followed Zhang Beihai asked.

"Wandu people are very stubborn and conceited. They won't listen to our opinions. Whatever we say, they often fart like dogs." Although the old man Hang has not been here for a few years, he has some experience with Wandu people. .

This is a bunch of stubborn savages.

"Their power is very strange, it comes from the spirit of ten thousand poisons in their world.

It is the ancestor gods believed by their major tribes. As long as the ancestor gods receive the sacrifices from everyone, they will feed back various mysterious powers to them.All their tribes developed in this way.

According to my analysis over the years, the Spirit of Ten Thousand Poisons is probably the world will of their world, which gave birth to wisdom.He has cultivated direct big hands and exploratory tentacles, and he is the Wanduren.

The Wanduren are likely to be a subspecies of wilderness in the first place.

Later, the body was gradually transformed by the will of the world, and the spiritual wisdom was gradually opened.But the spiritually activated ones should be good, they are relatively stupid as a whole.

But being stupid also has its benefits. Being stupid is more obedient and more fearless. "The old man Hang explained to the newcomers.

As cannon fodder and pioneers, it is necessary to cultivate them.

Many subspecies of human beings in the small world were also cultivated by the Shenting world in this way.

In fact, these new princes had checked all kinds of information about the Baidou world given to them by the sect before they came.There are also stories and speculations about Wanduren's origins at the door.

But none of them are as clear and concise as the old man Hang said.

Not to mention the old man Hang who dared to guess so boldly that the mysterious spirit of ten thousand poisons might be the will of the other party's world.This was the first time old man Hang brought it up.

But after listening to his guess, everyone agrees with him.

"It's also possible. We were in the Kuntian Realm before, and the great will of the world over there was not to pretend to be a god and pretend to be the God of Creation. If it wasn't discovered by everyone in the end, and the true spirit was scattered again. There is still no way to tell What kind of moth do you want to make?" Zhang Beihai said.

"That's right, if the great will of the world hadn't been broken, I'm afraid Kuntian Realm wouldn't dare to develop it." The last newcomer, the mid-sixth-order, couldn't hold back his voice.

"Forget it, anyway, we won't take care of the battlefield outside Kuntian's realm." Chen Min said. "Now Shenting has a total of more than a dozen out-of-boundary battlefields. They are all fighting against out-of-boundary battles. The first few out-of-boundary battlefields are jointly guarded by several forces. Unfortunately, we are unlucky. One sect suppressed the entire annoying Baidou world."

Cough, cough, old man Hang coughed a few times to cover up.

"Don't talk about it. Although it is a bit troublesome for us to suppress the Baidou world, the nearby Baihai world is of great use to the sect. When the hidden dangers of the Baidou world are removed, the Baidou Baihai world will probably become the sect's leader." An important source of resources." Old man Hang's words surprised Zhang Beihai and the new sixth-rankers.

"Really. If you stay in the Baidou world for a while, you will know. This place just looks barren on the surface."

(End of this chapter)

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