Chapter 1225
"If you don't believe me, just take a look around the Nuguan Pass. Recently, my little grandson has planted a lot of spiritual fruit trees inside and outside the pass. The elixir and other things grow very well." Old Man Hang said.

"Even my new palace under construction has been designed by me a lot of spiritual planting gardens. I plan to arrange formations and start planting spiritual medicines and spiritual fruit trees." Old man Hang said triumphantly.The point is that he has seen a large area of ​​spiritual plants on the Daling Mountain of the Chu family, and it is really likable to look at.

No wonder the group of old guys from Guanghan Sword Sect don't even want to face, and start thinking about their spiritual mountains.

Although Tong Tianxing is extremely talented and mentally tough, it will take decades of retreat to break through to the sixth level.In his opinion, these hours may not be a big deal, and besides, there are elders from his own faction to take care of them.My little disciples should be taken care of completely.

Who knew, who knew that this hand was stretched out from the top of his own faction?

If Chu Shinian stayed in the Baidou Realm for a long time, it might affect his progress in cultivation in the next hundred years or so.Maybe it will also affect his establishment of his own network in the sect.Let him take root in Guanghan Jianzong.

But I have to say that the body of the Dao is the body of the Dao. After a delay of one or two hundred years, he can still rise with the resources.

Even if the potential becomes a little worse in the future, he will definitely be the leader of Zhongmen.Such a character, if he really can't stay in Guanghan Jianzong, there are many people who like him and want to win him over.

In Old Man Hang's view, as long as the hoe digs deep, he may not be able to fool Chu Shinian into Taichu Sword.

"Then we really need to take a good walk in this Nuguan Pass." Zhang Beikai said, "But the strength of the aura here is really comparable to that of the Zongmen. How powerful is the earth's orifice in the Baidou Realm?"

"This Baidou world was absolutely extraordinary before." Old Man Hang said. "Even though we have been here in Baidou Realm for some years, why haven't we ever dug up any ancient buildings among the ruins here?"

"I haven't seen a trace of it all the time." Chen Min couldn't help but complain, "It's also strange, why are there no ancient architectural relics at all? It is said that there are not even ancient tombs."

While Chen Min and the others were discussing why there were no ancient relics in the Baidou world, Taohua received a reward from her family, Lingshan Xiaopang. "What did you say? You said that under Jinri Island, there is a crack that leads deep underground?"

"Yeah." Xiaopang responded.

Since coming out of the Taiyin Stone Pagoda, Xiaopang has become much more active.

That Taiyin stone pagoda is simply too scary, even if it is in it, the chubby does not dare to squirm too much.It took several days before I dared to move my limbs.

The world will of the Yinyue Small World is even pretending to be a good girl for many years, so cute, it almost didn't get blinded by seeing it.

What's even more frightening is that his good brother Xiao Chunlong has also learned to pretend to be a wooden dragon, and has remained unwavering for 100 years.

When did their brothers come out, when did it change from a dead dragon to an Erha who can tear down a house.

Xiaopang was almost drunk with his brother.

Fortunately, it didn't completely depend on the strength of the brothers.It also connected the other three little brothers who contracted with its owner.As long as its ignorant little brothers don't hate it and are willing to connect with it through the ley lines, it will take them to play and fly.

Isn't it just growing up, it is old and experienced.

As a result, the little brothers were subdued by the big brother in minutes.

Tell it everything without reservation.

Xiao Jin told it that there was a crack that went deep into the ground under his little foot.There are often some strange breaths leaking from this crack.Every time these broken breaths come out, it will make it dizzy once.

This directly caused Xiao Huang and Xiao Zi on Ziyue Island to develop a little faster than it.


Xiao Jin complained about this matter in particular.

Because its wisdom originated from the earth unicorn.Although the Qilin is born with wisdom, the Earth Kylin is not a Qilin.The brain is a bit stupid.Therefore, it is very safe to use them as the spirit of the spirit veins, and listen to the master.The problem is that IQ is a bit flawed.

Up to now, I haven't learned to express my thoughts to Taohua.

Taohua always thought that they only had instinct.Only now do I know that it is not, they have not learned how to communicate with themselves with consciousness.

I have contracted with the master for several months, and I haven't learned how to communicate with the master.This stupid peach blossom doesn't even know what to say.

Fortunately, there is also a chubby guy. This guy has a lot of time, a free spirit, and is super patient.If we can't communicate once, let's communicate several times.Anyway, I can communicate with you tens of thousands of times for twelve hours.

If tens of thousands of times is not enough, then we will start a few million times.

You can always learn.

Taohua is a human being, her total amount of thoughts is not as much as that of Xiaopang, and she is not as fast as Xiaopang, so she can afford to spend it.

So she hasn't settled her own earth unicorn yet, and she plans to raise it for a few years before talking about it, Xiaopang just let her take care of this matter.

But Xiaopang also posed a problem for her.

Xiao Jin said that it could not be accepted, and asked the owner to seal the crack, or get rid of the weird smell.

In order for his little brother's request to be taken seriously by Taohua, Xiaopang simply used it to get rid of his little brother's method, constantly tossing Taohua with his thoughts.In the end, Peach Blossom couldn't take it anymore, and promised it to do it.

Xiaopang just let it go.

Taohuaxin said that my heart is so tired.

You tossing me one by one is more tiring than raising my son.

In fact, Brother Chun is not to blame, since Lingshan was moved out, he can see his mother every day.Then he found Taohua, and needed her to accompany Man Xianyang for a walk outside the city every day.

Don't let go.

He has a small body and strong bones, and he seems to be walking around, holding his mother's hand, that is, walking around.

This kid is only a little over three years old.He has the demeanor of a little devil.

But Chu Dashan and Chu Qi's love this kid very much, they often play around with him and Qingmei's brother Xian at the same time.Anyway, you can walk freely in all the places in Xianyang. Wherever you like to stroll, let's stroll wherever you like.

It was hard to send the son back home, and let his father watch it while doing things.

Taohua immediately made up her mind to take someone to see the big crack in the underground of Jinyang Island first.

Because it is underground on Jinyang Island, even digging a hole would take a while.So even if Taohua called a large number of puppets to dig, it took four or five days to dig, turning around, and then chose a straight line from the island to dig into the big crack.

As soon as she entered the crack, Taohua immediately smelled a faint and strange special dead air.

(End of this chapter)

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