Chapter 1226

It's a bit like...the place where the Spring Dragon's Skeleton was found gave her the feeling...

Is this another cemetery?

Taohua frowned a little, but still led the people to gradually widen the tunnel, and then gradually widened and strengthened the tunnel in the ground.Also used reinforcement runes and arrays.

Illumination also uses magic lamps.

The entire entrance of the tunnel is still as if it were daytime.

"Patriarch, why don't we send a team to investigate this crack?" someone asked.

"What's the rush? I didn't discover it alone this time. Since it was discovered by the family, we must maximize the benefits. Be more steady, discover little by little, and develop steadily." Taohua said calmly.

The ground seam at the beginning could only allow a child to walk in and out with his waist bent.But with the continuous excavation and reinforcement of the Chu family.

The ground fissures were continuously dug deep.

As a result, it didn't take long to dig a small vein of muddy bluestone.

"Is this a muddy bluestone?"

"It seems to be a muddy bluestone."

"Be bold, remove the appearance, and it will be a muddy bluestone."

A group of geologists and craftsmen grabbed some raw stones and laughed.

When Taohua and Chu Shinian came, they saw a group of land masters, craftsmen, and soldiers from the Chu family who were planing the wall frantically.

"Aiyo, aiyo, I dug up another piece of muddy bluestone the size of a fist."

"I dug out one that was the size of an egg, oops I dug up four that were the size of an egg, but there were no other bigger ones."

"I dug one that was as big as two fists."

"Oh my god, my god, why do I dig beans the size of broad beans?"

"The master is here"

"What kind of master is coming?"

"My God, everyone quickly put away the muddy bluestone, the Patriarch is here."

Taohua looked at everyone collecting things in a panic, speechless.

"As for it? Aren't you just digging some muddy bluestone?" Tao Hua and Chu Shinian walked in together.


Everyone was a little guilty and a little embarrassed.

"Is it really the Hunqingshi vein?" Taohua asked.

In fact, everyone collects some ore, Taohua doesn't mind at all.

Someone took the initiative to put a green stone the size of a broad bean into Taohua's hand.

A closer look at the peach blossoms reveals that it is really a muddy bluestone, and the quality is very good, with very few impurities.

"This is too surprising, it's really a muddy bluestone." Taohua was taken aback.

"Patriarch, on the stone walls on both sides of the seam, you only need to dig half a meter or one meter, and you can see the bluestone veins." A person in charge of a geotechnical engineer reported. "The output of the ore is very large, and we have already ran out hundreds of catties of muddy bluestone after only a few meters." A certain geologist pointed to a large stone wall that was thrown away by them.

"So many muddy bluestones?" Taohua was astonished.

"Yes, it's not only a high-quality turquoise mine, but also has a huge output. It's very valuable for development." A geologist said happily.

"Then ask more people to come down to mine." Taohua immediately decided.

"This is fine. It's just this seam, shall we continue to explore deeper?" A geologist asked again.

"Naturally, continue to explore. What does our mining have to do with exploring the ground fissures. You are responsible for calling people out to take charge of the mining, and don't give up on things that are constantly advancing into the ground fissures." Taohua arranged.

"In addition, the family except for this mine will charge [-]%. Those of you who first discovered the mine and those who will open the mine in the future will share the remaining [-]%. Therefore, the person in charge of opening the mine must find a good one and be safe. Don't dig a mine and dig out something. Come." Chu Shinian reminded everyone.

"Don't worry, don't worry, Patriarch, Grand Commander, it's not the first time we've mined mines." The earth masters and craftsmen all laughed happily.

Because there are more golden elixir coming soon.

So the geologists and craftsmen began to continue to widen the tunnel.

A large number of temporary caves were built on the ground.Fortunately, this seam extends toward the seabed.Otherwise, Jinri Island would probably be poached by them.But even so, a large amount of sand, gravel, soil, and broken rocks transported from the ground fissures were filled up by a nearby shallow sea.And this kind of filling will keep getting bigger and bigger.

A large number of muddy bluestones have been excavated.They were sent to Lingshan again, and after the toxins were removed, they were refined into various storage rings and storage bracelets in the family's internal refining workshop.

Then they were sold box by box at Nuguan Customs.

A large number of storage rings and storage bracelets of bluestone were sold.However, as long as the storage rings and storage bracelets in the market start to drop in price, the Chu family will not sell them.As long as the price rises, the Chu family will continue to buy goods.

A large number of spiritual stones, various rare resources, and various moonlight spiritual objects were all traded back by the Chu family.

At the same time, a large number of storage rings and storage bracelets of muddy bluestone appeared in the market at Nuguan Customs, and the news spread throughout Nuguan Customs and the surrounding Guancheng.

Master Zhenhai rushed over again in a rage.

"Senior brother, senior brother, I heard that you have a large number of storage rings and storage bracelets made of muddy bluestone here?"

"How do you know?" The angry customs master was the most sympathetic, and now he is lying comfortably at home eating fruit.

"Why do you have so many spiritual fruits here?" Lord Zhenhai rushed over, grabbed the brother's fruit plate, and said while eating.

"This is sent from Chu's Lingshan." The head of the angry customs was not angry, and asked his attendants to bring another plate.

The angry customs master looked at him with envy and hatred.

There are more than ten kinds of spiritual fruits in the two fruit plates, which are not the same.

"I heard that the Chu family is particularly good at growing spiritual fruits and elixir?"

"That's not particularly good at it, but very good at it." Nuguan Guan said. "Their family grows various varieties of ginseng, numbering in the hundreds of millions. Do you think it's amazing?"

Ah poof.

Master Zhenhai looked at him in shock.

"Impossible? How could they have planted so many?"

"The place is big, and it can be planted. The blood of this family is a bit special, and it can produce a large number of spiritual husbands. Seventy to eighty percent of the monks born among the clan have wood roots and water roots. And the descendants of this family are special. Good at learning some kinds of small spells.

So they planted elixir on a large scale, hundreds of thousands of acres, hundreds of thousands of acres of large-scale planting.

It is conceivable how much elixir this family has accumulated after such planting.

This is still short-lived.

If it takes a long time, the elixir hoarded by this family will probably attract the attention of the entire Shenting world.

You can see that there are not many panaceas planted by us in Nuguan, and they are not as good as others. "

"When we take down the entire Baidou Realm, the area that can be planted will be larger. There will be more spiritual plants that can be planted. It will be even more terrifying if we accumulate more years." Master Zhenhai immediately retorted plausibly.

Hahaha, the angry customs master laughed. "Think of beautiful things, you."

(End of this chapter)

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