Chapter 1227
What Master Nuguan admired was the development potential of Lingshan.To be able to grow spiritual plants on such a large scale, the potential of this spiritual mountain is extremely strong.

Master Zhenhai thought that his senior brother was envious of his ability to plant spiritual plants and the huge dividends that would be brought by the growth of large Lingzhi in the future.

The ideas of the brothers and sisters are not on the same idea.But everyone didn't say anything.

"By the way, brother, what's the matter with that muddy bluestone? How come there are so many muddy bluestone storage rings and storage bracelets here?"

"The Chu family discovered a bluestone vein underground on their own island. According to the agreement, they handed over [-]% to us. The remaining [-]% was taken by the family, and half was distributed to their diggers."

"What, what? There are mineral veins here? Why have I never heard of it?" Zhenhai asked in astonishment.

"It's also the first time I've heard that there are mineral veins here." The angry customs master also said in amazement.

"But that's where the ore veins were really discovered. The Chu family has sent hundreds of gold pills and has been mining recently. The quality of all kinds of muddy bluestone products refined in their workshops is also good. Some of them have huge space. The small best storage container appears.

It is a lot of convenience for everyone.

They sell all kinds of bluestone storage rings and storage bracelets, jade pendants, hairpins, pendants, belts and other items.The selling price is not high, and the sales volume is very hot.

The only sticking point is not to lower the price.

Once found, there are price cuts to squeeze them out.They sold it.When will it rise and come back to sell again. "

In the beginning, many shops sold them out, and all of them cut prices for promotion.

They may not buy goods, and they may not cut prices.

Just stand there rigidly.

Anyway, everyone knows about space rings, so there is no problem in keeping them for a few more years.

The other shops that were blocked in the end had nothing to do with them. After all, their family had food, drink, and various resources, so they didn't have to worry about losing money and shouting, but those shops cost a lot of money every day.So the price reduction promotion really can't last long.Had to restore the original price.

As long as people restore the original price, they will sell the goods again.

Then people organized price cuts to squeeze them out, and when they couldn't hold on, they returned to the original price.

After a few runs, the Chu family did not move.

Anyway, if you sell it, you will make money, and if you don't sell it, you won't lose much money.

Who knows who is depressed in the end.

The biggest difficulty for those shops is that there is no logistics base that can be replenished anytime and anywhere.Daling Mountain.

Moreover, the various space instruments made by the Chu family are novel and beautiful. After mass production, the cost has come down. Selling one can make a lot of money. Selling five or six, the cost of a month's work is all out.

The anti-strike ability is really not comparable to some small shops.

So even if the Chu family sells the bluestone space equipment and only sells it in a few stalls connected together, they can still make a lot of money.

What's wrong with no shop, we don't need a shop at all.

"Why is your Nuguan Pass so strange? It's the first time you have the golden sunflower tree here, and so is the thunderstorm, and then there is the upgrade of the spiritual veins, and then the muddy bluestone veins... It really makes me envy and hate."

"Actually, I think that if there is a vein of bluestone, then there are other veins. I have asked our Feng Shui master to look for it, and maybe we can find a vein."

At this moment, a sergeant rushed in.

"Master Guan, under the sea fifteen miles northwest of our city, Feng Shui masters discovered a vein of Haixin Stone. Haixin Stone is a fifth-order spirit ore. It is higher than the fourth-order spirit ore of Hunqingshi."

"This is the Sea Heart Stone?" The angry customs chief stood up in surprise.

"Guanzhu is really Haixin Stone, and the reserves are quite rich. It is a super-large vein. The only bad thing is that it is 600 meters deep under the sea. There are always some large sea fish and sea monsters haunting it. .

Even knowing that there are mines over there, no one dares to go to the sea to dig easily. "

"Why are you so stupid? Tell the army to kill them. Kill the larger sea beasts nearby. Then organize people to patrol the sea area over there, and deal with any dangerous things as soon as they are found. Isn't that all right? Let's A group of sword cultivators may not be able to do it, but who are you afraid of?" the head of the angry customs explained.

Master Guan, what you said makes sense.The little sergeant looked at the angry customs master with admiration.

"Okay, you go down and rest first, I will arrange the rest."

"Brother, I also want the sea heart stone mine." Master Zhenhai yelled and pulled the sleeve of the angry customs master coquettishly.

"Okay, you send people to mine. If you get the Haixin Stone and throw the cost and hand it over to the sect, we will split the bill fifty-fifty."

Master Zhenhai was stunned for a moment.Cai said, "Five to 600 meters is not too deep, but is it easy to mine? Don't always have accidents, then I will get into big trouble."

"What's the matter with you? If something happens, you won't go over there to have a look. Anyway, it's our property, and you're also a shareholder."

After hearing what his senior brother said, a certain Guanzhu gritted his teeth and made up his mind. "Okay, that's it."

"Why are you fooling your little junior brother?" At this moment, an old man Hang walked in leisurely all the way.

Master Zhenhai hurriedly told his brother and the others with a smile on their faces that they had discovered the Haixin Stone and agreed to cooperate with him in mining.

"What? You actually discovered the sea heart stone vein? Is that the vein? We also found a lot of veins in the Baidou world at the beginning, but they were either the most inferior mines, or completely lost the spirit stone and turned into waste mines. mines."

"There is something wrong with the survey. Why don't you survey near the orifice? Look at us and Chu Shinian. They found the bluestone vein, which is near the orifice. I followed their method and caught it. I found a big rabbit, the sea heart stone vein." The angry customs master said while thinking.

After hearing these words, Old Man Hang slapped his thigh. "Oh, I ignored it, I ignored it. Feng Shui masters shouldn't be allowed to investigate indiscriminately. We should also follow the ground orifice to investigate the ore veins in the nearby area."

"Is it a miscalculation?" The angry customs chief said contemptuously.Then his chubby yelling was severely beaten.That knock made him almost dizzy.

"How dare you laugh at your grandfather. I think you are the third wife. If you don't fight, you will go to the house to Jiewa."

Angry Customs Master: Hey...what did I do wrong?
Why did my grandfather beat me up when he was free?Beep beep.

Fu Su was watching cautiously at the side, thinking that you should continue to be unable to speak, Master Guan, and you will have to hang up sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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