The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1228 Do not accept slavery and coercion

Chapter 1228 Do not accept slavery and coercion
However, the reminder from the angry customs master is indeed very important.After he reminded himself, the old man Hang immediately sent letters to various Guancheng to check whether there were mines near the ground orifice.

Although not all veins are formed near the eye.However, more than 100 various mineral veins have indeed been discovered.In fact, there are only seven places worthy of vigorous mining by the sect.That's not bad either.They finally had mining income in the Baidou world.

The Zongmen immediately sent more disciples to the Jindan cultivators from the affiliated world to build large-scale Guancheng, and then survey and mine veins.

If it is really not suitable for mining by oneself, it is simply auctioned off to other forces.Let them pick it.

The Absolute Beginning Sword Sect suddenly increased the amount of personnel invested in the Baidou Realm, and also brought a large number of Loose Cultivation Golden Core monks and affiliated Zongmen monks from the affiliated world.It is simply a posture of system development.In fact, when it was determined that Lanyue had nothing to do with Baidoujie, the ancestors of the Sword Sect in the Beginning made up their minds to get that Lanyue out of Baidoujie.Then completely occupy the Baidou world.

What kind of poisonous people let them go.

The Ten Thousand Poison Realm also discovered the great move of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.Not to be outdone, he mobilized a large number of people to re-enter the Baidou world.And also launched a large-scale development on its own site.To build this kind of underground fortress building, a large number of Wandu people will be sent in.

But the Myriad Poison Realm is different from the Shenting Great World, there is no affiliated world there.Therefore, simply comparing the population, it is difficult for them to compare with the speed of Absolute Beginning Sword Sect's mobilization of manpower.

In just one month, the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect recruited 1000 million Golden Core cultivators from various affiliated worlds.

And only 50 Tier [-] monks came from the Ten Thousand Poison Realm.

There was a huge gap in the power comparison between the two sides in the Baidou world.Absolute Beginning Sword Sect quietly advanced their territory by thirty thousand miles.

Wan Duren didn't even dare to move.

At this time, Wandu finally saw the power of the cultivators in Shenting.

There are too many people, and people are numb.

In the past, the two sides each occupied half of the Baidou world, each with about 3000 million people.

Now when Taichu Sword Sect exerts its strength, it directly exerts 1000 million golden pills.And it took less than a month.

The newly settled Jindan monks not only need to complete their cultivation, but also need to survey the nearby ground orifices. It is best to build the new pass city on the ground orifices.Or near the orifice.Then large-scale, large-scale planting of golden sunflower.

The more golden sunflowers are planted, the better the detoxification effect will be.

Because of the continuous cultivation and planting of golden sunflower trees, it has now rained heavily in the eastern half of the territory occupied by the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning.

Whether it's pouring rain, torrential rain, or thunderstorms, it's raining more and more.The originally dry river channel has water flow again, and the originally dry lake has a large amount of water again.

The eastern half is becoming more and more like a vibrant world.

Months passed, and this time it was another full moon.

Blue Moon appeared again.But after the appearance of the blue moon this time, the entire eastern half of the territory was immediately covered by dark clouds, and thunderstorms came again.

Taohua clearly saw the originally bright blue moon, but for some reason it dimmed a little.

On the side of the Wanduren in the western half of the territory, due to the effect of a small world and the lack of cover from thunderstorms, a large number of Wanduren discovered the blue moon.This time it turned out that anyone who practiced femininity-oriented techniques could see the blue moon in the sky.

Lan Yue didn't even pick her mouth.

Another day passed, and in the early morning of the third day, a large-scale disappearance unexpectedly occurred in the temporary tribal camp on Wanduren's side.

A large tribe has dozens of people missing at a time, and more than 100 people can be found everywhere.

Once this kind of thing happens, all fools know there is a problem.

Wan Duren's missing a large number of people can't be hidden, and no one is missing from Shenting's side, and they also have no intention of hiding it from them.

So soon Wan Du came up with a painful problem, Lan Yue.

Even if the priests over there cover their ears and steal their bells, they can't hide it. Too many people have disappeared this time.Blue moons do exist.There is no need to discuss this.

But Lanyue is so hungry, it's too much to choose Wanduren for all.

Why didn't any of you choose Shenting people?

Do you think we are soft persimmons?

So Wanduren also started a large-scale investigation against Lanyue.However, their investigation speed is very slow, and the investigation methods are limited, so no results can be obtained for a long time.

After this blue moon came again in March, so they lost more people.

Some tribes lost more than 300 people at once.

This is too pitiful.

This blue moon is simply a man-eating monster.

Just when Wanduren was stunned and panicked, Taohua once again broke through the golden elixir's mid-stage golden elixir.Well, Chu Shinian is already in the late Jindan stage.

When it comes to breakthroughs, Chu Shinian is simply the weird one.After eating a meal, he had the opportunity to break through, and then broke through directly.

Peach Blossom toothache from anger.

This is the son of heaven, right?

However, it has been less than a year since they arrived in the Baidou Realm, and Tao Hua and Chu Shinian broke through the small realm one after another.Although it has something to do with the two people's own talents, it is more because the aura in this world is too abundant, and the quality of aura is too high.

Otherwise, their breakthrough would never be so easy and fast.

The quality of aura here is absolutely incomparable in the original world.

I didn't see that my Lingshan has been gobbling up since coming out.

Spiritual energy and earth atmosphere are fundamentally from non-rejection.He not only eats, but also concentrates on researching why the aura here is so good, and then concentrates on changing his original aura and earth energy towards others.

Taohua doesn't know whether it's good or bad for Xiaopang to do this.

Anyway, just do it, good or bad can be discussed later.

But Taohua is also in a good mood recently, because she feels that she is about to awaken a new supernatural power.

The supernatural power came very early this time.

She is only in the middle stage, and she has a faint feeling that supernatural powers are about to be born.I don't know what stimulated it.

In addition to the supernatural power that is about to awaken, Taohua also faintly felt a mysterious black seal on the back of her head.I don't know exactly what it does.The location is more dangerous. If it really explodes, she will die without discussion.

Although she is dead, it is not necessarily true death.

But if she died again, she would have to practice again.She didn't want to waste those decades at all.

Of course, if you really come to that step.

Then you can only die once.

In short, she will not accept being enslaved and coerced.

If so, I would rather die.

In her previous life, she planned to blew herself up.

(End of this chapter)

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