Chapter 1233 Ants
"It was dug by a different kind? Are you sure?" Another hidden guard boy put his hand on his partner's shoulder and said.

"It looks like it. I can't be sure. But before Er Gouzi said that there were a lot of bug corpses below. Then we can roughly speculate that this should be something that happened to the bugs, and they dug the whole cave deliberately and hastily."

"How do you say you dug it hastily?" the little partner asked puzzled.

"Didn't you pay attention when we pulled away the big rocks around? Those big rocks were pushed by bugs from the side to block the entrance. Look at the rock walls around the cave, are there many traces?" !Those are little paw scratches."

"Amazing, observing so carefully?"

"Where, where, do one line, love one line. If you want to be a geologist, you have to observe carefully."

After listening to what they said, Taohua smiled at them.

I said in my heart that these guys can do it, they have all grown up and are much more mature than before.

At this time, someone shouted to the guy below again, "Let's put the rope down, you hold the rope and we will pull you up."

"Why don't you come down and take a look. My God, there are so many bug corpses here, it's endless. And they're all a kind of bug. I took a closer look, and it's actually a kind of big ant. Hey." The kid below made a fuss shouted.

"It's really an ant?" Taohua shouted from above.

"Yes, Patriarch, there are all big ants here."

"Wait for me to go down and have a look." Taohua said, and jumped down directly.No rope at all.

But even though she jumped down, her body didn't fall like a heavy object.Instead, it borrowed strength like a dragonfly touching water on the stone wall, and flew down rapidly in the darkness.

When she stepped on the ground, she roughly estimated that it was more than 600 meters deep, more than two hundred feet.

One by one, the lighting beads of the magic weapon flew out of her storage ring, and they were steadily suspended in the nearby midair.

It completely illuminated the entire large stone cave that went deep into the ground.

Probably no one has been here for a long time.

There is thick dust everywhere here.Under the dust was a large pile of tall bug corpses.

The corpses of these bugs... actually still have a faint fragrance.

And some insect corpses are not decomposed.

"Patriarch, what kind of ant is this? It's not small. Look at the one I caught, it's as big as an adult's fist." The dark guard said while holding a big ant that was struggling and waving its small claws.

This ant looks like it has a big head.

The body is relatively short.

Especially its mouth strength, a pair of big palates are actually black and green.

"It turned out to be a green-jawed honey ant. I said that the huge corpse didn't have any rotten smell at all, and it still had a faint fragrance. I didn't expect it to be this kind of treasure ant." Tao Hua carefully looked at the small dark guard's booty, and was very happy. the way.

"What is the green palate honey ant?"

"It is a very useful treasure ant. If you raise too many, it will produce a kind of ant sugar. It is said that it has a miraculous effect on expelling soul toxins. But you only caught one? What's the use of one? Anyway, catch more live ones." , catch more, our family may be able to raise it." Tao Hua said.

"But it's been a long time since I fell, and I saw one alive." The little dark guard said helplessly.

"You go to the corpse and look for it. Pull them apart, even if there are no live ants, there should be live eggs left behind." Tao Hua said.

"It's impossible to have live eggs, right? Look at the eggs over there, but they're all shriveled, and they definitely won't hatch."

"Those were given up by the green-jawed honey ants on purpose. In order to protect the eggs with the most outstanding bloodlines among their offspring, they usually produce some fake eggs and put them aside as bait. I think they should be under the mountain of corpses." A hiding place for live eggs. Maybe even fort sugar.

Dig quickly. "

Bang bang bang, someone jumped down again at this time.

Chu Shinian also brought people over.

"What is this?" Chu Shinian asked in astonishment as he saw a large number of bug corpses piling up into mountains.

"The mountain of bones of the green palate honey ants. I think this is a treasure trove. Maybe the green palate honey ants left their offspring and ant sugar down there?" Tao Hua said.

"Do you want to raise this green-jawed honey ant?" Chu Shinian keenly discovered Tao Hua's intentions.

"This is a good thing. Green-jawed honey ants are said to be ancient alien species. Although their combat power is not very strong, their reproductive ability is not weak. The most important thing is that they can produce ant sugar, a kind of poison that can relieve all kinds of spirits. Wonder medicine." Tao Hua said.

"It turns out that's the case, so it's good to take care of her." Chu Shinian said. "Everyone, go up and have a look, move the bugs away, and see if there are live eggs and fort sugar underneath?"

As soon as the dark guard boys heard this, they immediately started their work neatly.

Soon the mountain of ant corpses began to move.

The mountain of ant corpses has just been moved away.A special fragrance came out.

"There is also fort sugar below, which is the fragrance of fort sugar. If the fort sugar is completely gone, there will be no such fragrance." Tao Hua immediately said. "Everyone, dig faster."

As soon as they heard that Ant Sugar was still there, the hidden guards cheered up one by one.

And they all speeded up their movements.

The mountain of ant corpses was peeled away layer by layer.Finally, everyone saw a shriveled queen ant.Just like a mummy queen ant.Under its abdomen, there is a bright white egg.In addition to this egg, there are also a large number of equally shriveled eggs stored under the mummy of the queen ant.

Except for that plump, bright white egg.That is, the few slightly larger eggs near the white eggs are not shriveled and a little angry.

The other eggs are directly the same as the queen, becoming shriveled mummified eggs.All that's left is a transparent layer of skin.

Just at the bottom of these transparent shells is a thick layer of black amber paste-like substance.That other fragrance emanates from these pasty substances.

"Oh my God, this color has turned into a paste, can I still have this kind of ant sugar?" Tao Hua said in a disgusted tone.

"Let's dig it out first, let the pharmacists and alchemists go back and study it, and then we'll know if it's still usable," Chu Shinian said. "It's the live eggs you want, and there are. It seems that there are a few left for you."

"These bugs are also quite great. They would rather not eat or drink, starve to death, but also leave ant sugar for their offspring. Even the queen ant did this. It's amazing, even if it is Few humans can do it." Taohua said.

Not to mention starving to death to resist the animal instinct, even after death, he will turn into a mountain of corpses to protect his offspring.

This group of ants is really capable of sacrifice.

"Actually, what I'm more curious about is, what is the purpose of these ants, digging holes here, dying here, and leaving their offspring here?"

(End of this chapter)

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