The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1234 Part-time job

Chapter 1234 Part-time job
Taohua watched suspiciously as the tribe took away the few ants eggs that were still alive, and scraped away the thick ointment under the shriveled ants eggs.Those pastes are more than one foot thick, which must be the sediment of how much fort sugar.

The doctors and alchemists in Lingshan were overjoyed when they got the ant syrup.

I dug it out a little, and just after feeding a rabbit, the rabbit exploded and died.The dog who ate the rabbit meat also exploded.Later, everyone caught a monster tiger. This time, they didn't dare to feed it more, so they ate about one-sixth of a dog's amount. After eating it, it exploded again.

"It was too fierce, so I gave him a small spoonful." A doctor watched the whole process in amazement.

In particular, a man as big as a tiger didn't hold on, which surprised everyone.

"If it can only be eaten by high-level monsters, it will lose the value of promotion." Another middle-aged doctor said with a frown.

The potions and elixir they make are popular among the general public and used in the military.If it can only be used by certain people, then the future value of this kind of spiritual material will be much smaller.

"Collect the tiger's meat paste and mix it with other meat paste and miscellaneous grains. The portion is smaller. Only take one-thousandth of the amount and feed it to the ducks." Another doctor suggested. "This is fine." Everyone nodded after hearing this.

Although the ducks are far less physically powerful than the tigers, they are still monsters.

As long as it is a monster, its resistance is stronger than that of a human.

This time the ducks finally exploded without eating.But within two days after eating it, not only did the coat color change, but it also had an ant candy body fragrance.

The doctors killed a duck and found that the duck's bones had turned green.

It's kind of scary.

The doctors who watched were horrified.It seems that even if it is made into medicinal materials, the side effects of this fort sugar must be eliminated.Otherwise, they would all become green-haired men, or green-boned men, how scary would that be?
This is still eaten after several layers, if it is eaten directly.

That's really hehehehe.

Fortunately, it is a duck.

"It's a bit scary, won't it be possible to have this effect as long as the medicine like fort sugar is added in the future?" Someone asked in shock.

"But the green palate honey ants themselves haven't completely turned green. So there must be some way to prevent the fort sugar from exerting this weird effect." Doctor You said. "Let's do some research together, more experiments will be enough. Isn't that how our new prescriptions are researched together?
Why does a single ant sugar make you afraid? "

"We're either afraid, or scary. Who wants to become a green-haired man or a green-skeleton man. And I don't know if you have noticed that the duck's bones and feathers also smell of ant candy. Maybe these bones and feathers are also Can be used as medicine.

This raises the question of raising, will people who eat the potion made by fort sugar in the future also be able to use it as medicine? "

Emma, ​​old man, you really know how to think.

The surrounding doctors and alchemists looked at him in shock.

"Is it possible?" The doctor was still plausible.

"Be bold and remove it. In fact, I didn't eat ant sugar. I have also experimented. Human flesh and blood can indeed be used as medicine, especially monks. Of course, it is more valuable for doctors and alchemists like us to use medicine." One The energetic little old man came over.



"Grand Master."

"Old Yang."

Obviously, this little old man has a high reputation among doctors, no matter whether he is a doctor or an alchemist, everyone knows him.

"Strictly speaking, there is nothing in the world that cannot be used as medicine. If it cannot be used as medicine for the time being, it must be because we have not found a suitable method. Human beings are no exception." The little old man said. "It is said that the Shenting was fighting with the outside world, and when it was a life-and-death situation, a large number of outside monks were directly used as medicine, refining batches of good-quality essence and blood pills."

Many doctors and pharmacists who heard the news vomited directly.

"It's really... vomit..." A young monk asked in amazement.

"When people are pushed to that point, they will eat the living, not to mention the dead enemies. However, if you eat too much human flesh, various abnormalities will appear. It is best not to eat it. Especially for monks who eat human flesh , even more unfriendly. Nine out of ten either fell into the devil way, or turned into a different kind in the end." The little old man said.

"..." Many doctors and alchemists were silent.

Really forced to that point, there is no such thing as a good death.

"This green palate honey ant and ant sugar, the owner ordered me to preside over the research. I hope everyone can come up with a lot of proposals. We have to work hard to make a name for this kind of honey ant and fort sugar. I heard that the research The group of people who mutated the golden sunflower is about to produce results.

They also improved the water purification bamboo.

Both the purification effect and the purification area of ​​the listener are better than those of the original species. "In order to inspire everyone, Mr. Yang did not hesitate to expose his success.

But it doesn't matter, they are all in the family, and these people have been reviewed by the family many times.

So it doesn't matter if you know some secrets.

"Ah? That's too much. Aren't we doctors and pharmacists? Why did we switch to cultivating water-cleaning bamboos? Are we going to be Lingzhi husbands?" Someone said angrily.

"They have recruited a few powerful Lingzhi husbands long ago, just to cooperate with them in studying the growth habits of water-cleaning bamboo and golden sunflower." Lao Yang said. "I think we should also recruit a few. But we don't want Ling Zhifu, and we still need beast masters.

At least we have the eggs, they won't hatch, there are no newborn cubs, and there will be no fort sugar in the future.If the fort sugar in hand runs out, our research will not continue.Besides, we have to get new fort sugar as soon as possible, just to compare the effects and differences between the old and new fort sugar. "

Yes, yes, sir, you are right.

But... "Are we really going to recruit some beast masters?" Oh dad, what will happen to our research team of doctors and pharmacists in the future?
"If there is no beast master, you can feed the little ants yourself." The old man said in a cool tone. "Of course, if any of you are also part-time beast masters, you also have expertise in beast masters. I am also willing to develop talents and add burdens to you."

A group of doctors and pharmacists stepped back several steps.

"I haven't learned it."

"If I don't have another part-time job, I will be able to make medicine."

"I'm too busy studying potions every day. Where can I learn the skills to learn some beasts?"

Everyone bravely showed their hearts, we are all good comrades, and we firmly have no idea of ​​part-time jobs.Mr. Yang, you must trust us.

(End of this chapter)

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