The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1235 Pharmacological Research

Chapter 1235 Pharmacological Research
Old Yang snorted at them angrily.

"Everyone in our line of work, be honest with me, don't always go out and learn. What's the use of learning those messes? Look at the old man next door who encourages his disciples to learn this and that every day, but in the end he didn't learn any of them. Great. Now it’s not all a group of house repairers.

As far as their salary is concerned, one month's allowance is not enough for you to consume materials for a day. "

"Shut up, Yang Deshan, you are too much." An old master craftsman next door who was supervising his disciples repairing the house came angrily, holding a hammer.

"What's wrong with me asking my disciples and grandchildren to practice concurrently? What's bothering you? Why did you eat your rice?
You catch it every day and don't let it go. You say it every day, month after month, and there's no end to it?

Besides, we craftsmen don't all earn less, isn't it just that some people earn less?
Many of you who study prescriptions earn a little more than us, but most of you who sit in the office, dispense medicine, and dispense medicine, how much more money can you earn than us?Some are not as good as us.

What are you proud of, you old boy? Everyone just has different talents and different divisions of labor. "

"How many craftsmen do you have, and how many do we doctors and alchemists? How much do you generally earn, and how much do we generally have? Those who do our trip must have an excellent talent and an excellent brain.

You can't. "

"Yang Deshan, I will fight for you."

"Tu Anjia, come here. I'm afraid you won't make it?"

Two old men, one swung a big hammer and the other picked up a stone medicine pestle.

Listen to the heavy panting.

"You wait for me, I'll go back and call someone. Wait until my men come, and if you don't see it, you'll be hammered to death." Old Man Tu yelled.

"Come on, I'm waiting for you."

Yang Deshan is not to be outdone, "I am also a big group of disciples and disciples."

Waiting for old man Tu to leave angrily, Yang Deshan began to spit on his apprentices again, "You bastards. I have been beaten, and you dare not come up to help?! It really chills the old man."

"The last time we got started, didn't you scold us and say that we wouldn't let us get started? You also said that we are ignorant, don't know how to respect the old and love the young, and didn't see that the old man is old enough to bully others Elderly people." One of Yang Lao's disciples simply exposed his background.

Yang Deshan was so angry that he glared at him fiercely. "No little bastards, I told you not to go, so you won't go. I also told you not to eat, have you missed a meal?"

"Isn't that why you let everyone eat again, Master?" One of the apprentices exposed his old background with an innocent face.

"Get out, a bunch of little bastards, you know how to choke people." Yang Deshan was so angry that he said, "Go back and think about a new research plan. We will have a meeting to study it tomorrow morning."

A group of doctors and alchemists scattered like birds and beasts.

One of the boys who had just become a doctor was puzzled and asked the people around him, "Then there is no one around Mr. Yang, what should Mr. Tu do when he calls?"

"Our side is the testing ground, and the underground array testing ground is being built over there. The two old men didn't like each other for some reason, and then they got into each other's hands. The two of them have nothing to do now, just fight , but don’t worry, they’ll fight every day. Tu Lao didn’t have the time to bring it here. You see, he’ll come alone tomorrow.” An old senior brother explained to him.

The rookie new doctor's eyes widened instantly.

"Isn't this just a joke?"

"It's just for fun." The senior brother said. "Otherwise, do you really have any big conflicts about the two old people?"

The senior brother just laughed. "Where is there any big conflict? It's just for fun. I didn't see that even the direct disciples of Mr. Yang didn't help. If the master is in danger, how can they sit still?"

Whether it is in the Chu family or in other families in this world.Master and apprentice are like father and son is not talking about it, it is deep in the bone.Although the master almost has the right to dispose of the future prospects and lives of the apprentices.But what's wrong with some disciples who are willing to let themselves be as close as children?

Most of the masters are very kind to their disciples, and most of the disciples are able to provide for their masters until the end of their lives.

To betray the master is simply to betray one's own father. Isn't that devoid of conscience?
So when an accident happened in Tishan Town, the one who betrayed his master ended up the worst.

Of course, if the property of the Tou Dao family is taken away, the result will not be so good.

The corrupt old man who allows his disciples to steal at will and take it at will, life is also difficult now.Anyway, the family didn't feel sour and let him go, so they planned to use him to death.It is not easy to die. If you are sick, your family will ask a doctor to take care of you and you will recover.After you recover, you come back to work.

If you don't want to do it, you can't do it at home.

You did something wrong and embezzled the family property, so you have to make atonement, right?

So those gang of craftsmen, including the old man, have been living in dire straits.

It is precisely because of their fate that all the craftsmen in Tishan City can behave themselves.At least they dare not embezzle the family's things in Tishan City.As for how much he can earn from his private work, that's outside the family's management.

As long as you complete the family tasks on time, who cares what you do in private?
Anyway, I guess it won't work.

But you can buy materials.

But you can't buy too much.If you buy too much material, it will delay the production of various products of the family.Then something big will happen.

"By the way, you have decided, have you chosen who to apprentice as a teacher?"

"I plan to choose Master Zhao Zhen as an apprentice. I still think that I prefer refining various medicines, and I don't like going to the doctor to see a doctor."

The senior brother laughed directly after hearing this, "I thought so too at the beginning. Well, I think so now. My master is also good at refining various medicines. It's just that the direction of choosing medicines is not the same as that of Master Zhao Zhen. .”

Refining various medicines, medicine powders, medicine bags and refining elixirs are also divided into various types.Dr. Zhao Zhen is good at medicines for strengthening bones and tendons.His master Xu Qing is better at refining spirit potions.

Physicians and alchemists of the Chu family are very experienced in researching various new prescriptions, so if they have nothing to do, they will find a researcher in private to tinker with them.Maybe a by-product, a new category, will come out of tinkering.

Therefore, everyone divides the pharmaceutical research very delicately.

Moreover, many physicians and alchemists are researching each small branch of pharmacy.

(End of this chapter)

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