The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1236 Big Snake Bone

Chapter 1236 Big Snake Bone

Chu's annual pharmaceutical research and development costs are almost reaching 50.00% of the total sales of pharmaceuticals.

Fortunately, the Chu family didn't only have one profitable business, otherwise they probably wouldn't be able to persist.

Pills and medicines are not like formations. In the case of a limited market, continuous research and development will cost people a lot of debt.

This is the Chu family, which has a solid foundation and can solve most of the raw material problems for medicinal material research.In addition, Taohua has other ideas, so since the establishment of the Chu family, the research of new prescriptions and new medicines has never stagnated, and it has been cultivating talents and developing at a high speed.

What it has developed into now is probably only the head of the family and the limited high-level members of the family who clearly and comprehensively know what is going on.


Nothing good was found on the beach except for the bug caves.

But someone found a huge snake-like white skeleton with a length of more than 300 under the beach submerged in sea water.Although I don't know what big snake transformed this bone frame.Don't know what year it is from.

But once the bone frame was dug out, it was able to automatically displace the seawater.It was buried under the sand, but the toxins in the sand did not infect the bones.It seems that there is a kind of power in the bone, which pushes away the sand, mud and so on, without staining the bone at all.

The entire huge bone frame was found intact, and it was dragged out and placed on the beach.

It looked like some kind of dragon.

"What kind of skeleton is this? It's really not a dragon?"

"No, I heard it's some kind of big snake."

"Why is the big snake so big and long? Look at that thick-waisted one, it's almost as big as a private house."

"I feel like I could walk around in it."

"Then you are too short."

"Without personal attacks."

"I just told the truth, why don't you dare to face the truth?"

"Fuck off."

I heard that huge animal bones were found on the beach of Chu Shinian's island.

Mingzhe also came with people, as well as Ding Wen and Wu Shixin.

Then everyone gathered together, ran to the big snake skeleton, looked up and down, and looked back and forth.Emma, ​​this skeleton is really too big.

"Is there any remnant soul left here?" Mingzhe asked.

Taohua shook her head. "There is nothing, but there seems to be a kind of power in the bones. It looks like some kind of big snake. I can't be sure." In fact, Taohua used Qi Tianjian to brush.It is said that this is the skeleton of the blue blood serpent.

It is a kind of snake that grows in the deep sea and under the earth all the year round.He only loves to live in underground rivers and deep seas.

As for why this big snake died on the edge of her island, she really didn't know why.

"We don't know much, so we can't see it no matter how we look. Why don't you inform the owner of the Nu Customs, let him come and appraise it for us. Let's see what kind of powerful animal's bones it is." Mingzhe suggested.

That's fine too.

At least if it was identified by others, Taohua would not say it by herself.

The owner of the Nu Customs and his grandfather were invited over.In fact, Mingzhe went to anger the customs master, and old man Hang posted it himself.

They have no choice but to follow.

The spaceship landed quickly.

In addition to Old Man Hang, Chen Min, who was recovering from his injuries, also came over.

Let's all look up at the huge snake bone in front of us.

"What kind of snake is this?" Chen Min looked at the big bone in front of him, his eyes were also very surprised.

"Are you sure it's not Jiaolong?" Old man Hang asked sideways.

My grandson gave him a blank look, and then looked carefully before asking another young monk beside him who was carrying a sword, "Sima Lingjian, show me, what kind of snake is this?"

"My name is Sima Ling, not Sima Lingjian." The young monk rolled his eyes angrily.He gave the angry customs master a vicious look.This guy always likes to make up names for people.

"All right, Sima Lingjian, hurry up."

Sima Ling was so angry that he wanted to throw up his sleeves and leave.In the end, he was arrested by the angry customs master. "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I was just teasing you just now. I know your Sima Ling."

Hmph, Sima Ling used his nose again angrily.

Then he walked around the big snake skeleton several times.Then climbed up to the head of the big snake and searched a few times.Finally, he said, "This is the cub of the blue-blooded serpent from the ancient times. It should be a little snake that was just a few years old.

The eggs of this snake are about ten feet high.It is thirty feet long at birth, and grows one hundred feet every year thereafter.Its skeleton is only more than 300 long, and it is estimated to be a little snake cub a few years old. "

"How long is this thing an adult?"

"The time they lived is too far away from us. I don't know how long an adult snake is. I know that someone has seen a blue-blooded snake that is [-] feet long sleeping in the depths of a certain desolate ancient lake." Sima Ling's eyes He looked quietly at the angry customs master and explained.

Emma, ​​it's so scary.

The angry customs master really didn't expect this big snake to have such a history.

"How could there be such a big snake in ancient times? Could it be a kind of divine beast?" Nuguan asked.

"Master Guan, you guessed it right. This is a kind of divine beast. Although it is a snake, it is also a divine beast. It is also a divine beast of the water attribute. It can compete with dragons in the sea and underground rivers. It is only far in number It is not as numerous as dragons, and it was extinct too early, so it is difficult to get a glimpse of it in the history books of mankind."

This kind of big thing was probably only available in the ancient Manghuang period, and Sima Ling could think of it in his mind.

"Then why does it appear in the Baidou Realm? Could it be that the Baidou Realm is as ancient as the Shenting Great World?" the head of the angry customs asked suspiciously.

"Then how do I know?" Sima Ling asked.

"It's really hard to say." Old Man Hang and Chen Min were both thoughtful.

"Peach Blossom Girl, can you sell your bones?" Old Man Hang asked suddenly.

"Sell." Tao Hua said immediately.

"Hahaha, why don't you think about it, just say you bought it." Old man Hang asked hurriedly.

"It's useless for me to keep it. This thing may be useful, but it is the skeleton of a divine beast. Even after so long, it is not something that little monks like us can refine and use. Let's add it together and smash it desperately It probably won't be able to make a crack in its bones." Tao Hua said with a wry smile.

At the beginning, she also collected some of these big bones. What's the use? It's still dusty in her Taiyin Stone Pagoda.It's not as good as the bones of the spring dragon, which can be used to cultivate Lingshan anyway.

"It's still clear to you that I took the 800 million spirit stones for this skeleton. What do you think, is this price acceptable?"

"I picked it up for nothing, and I can still pick up 800 million spirit stones, so it's a bargain for me." Taohua laughed directly. "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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