The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1238 Free opportunity to pay homage to the beast

Chapter 1238 Free opportunity to pay homage to the beast

But that's their business, Tao Hua doesn't care.

"Then your bones of the beast..." Hang Taishang was a little embarrassed.

"Grandpa, take it away. This was sold for 800 million spirit stones. Besides, if there is one, there will be two. We found one, and there may be another nearby." Taohua said confidently, even if there is no one in our tower, there is still stock.

So confident little girl!
Old man hang and old man Chen looked at her helplessly.

The angry customs master gave her a mark of a bull's cross in his heart.

Mingzhe also said, "Maybe I can also dig the shallow sea near those islands. Even if I can't find anything, it won't cost much."

"Yeah, let's all dig, what if there is something?" Chu Shinian encouraged.Anyway, apart from his wife, Mingzhe in front of him is also a super lucky boy, the son of Tiandao, maybe he can dig out something.

Mingzhe was moved immediately after hearing this.

The key is that his own three peak leaders are also mountain spirits born from divine beasts.

In case... If Shan Ling really grasped the avenue in front of the divine beast, then he would really be angry.

No, I can't think about it anymore.

Hurry up and stabilize.

This time he's going to keep a low profile.Even if the corpse of the divine beast is dug up, it must be dragged back quietly, and it will be hidden first.

The angry customs chief was even more moved when he heard this.There are also many shallow sea areas near Nuguan Pass, and the most important thing is that they have a lot of people.How could they not win over Mingzhe and Chu Shinian?
Definitely, have to dig more than them.

as long as there is.

If there is something in mind, everyone will leave quickly.They all left Chu's island soon.

After they left, Chu Shinian said, "Taohua, why did you sell that big snake bone?"

"Isn't there a shortage of spirit stones recently? I want to add some spirit stones." Taohua said.

" need, we have quite a lot of spirit stones." Chu Shinian thought about his own spirit stone reserves.

"However, we used hundreds of millions of spirit stones directly to purchase those Yuehua collection instruments and Yuehua treasures. These spirit stones have been spent and have not been replenished until now. The profit from selling golden sunflower saplings and seeds The spirit stones that were taken were also purchased as Yuehua spiritual objects.

So even if we have a rich family, we will see the bottom of the Lingshi if we continue to spend it like this. "

Chu Shinian nodded seriously.

"Besides, if the total number of spirit stones is too small, there will be a shortage of spirit stones in the Lingshan market. At that time, the price of spirit stones will skyrocket, which will put pressure on the sale of other items." Taohua said again.

Chu Shinian also nodded again.

Peach Blossom was right.

"But 800 million spirit stones may be a drop in the bucket," Chu Shinian said.

"Tell Chu Liyao to come out quickly. Tell him to take it and find the bones of the divine beast. I remember that he has already cultivated to the Golden Core Realm?" Tao Hua said.

Humanoid treasure detector Chu Liyao!
Chu Shinian pursed his lips and smiled, okay, let that kid come out for a stroll.

"That's a really good idea. I'll call him out right now."

Chu Liyao was recruited just a few days after he broke through to the Golden Core Realm.As soon as he came out, he was called away by Chu Shinian. "I entrust you with a difficult task. Find all kinds of large bones buried in the deep and shallow seas around our island. Corpses are also fine. As long as they are indeed the corpses of divine beasts, even if there are only skeletons left, then we can also earn money." Go to millions of spirit stones.

Now Lingshi is nervous in the family, I think you have heard it too?This time it's up to you. "

Chu Liyao seemed to be chirping.

The concubine felt that this task was impossible.

"Can you change someone? I can't."

"No, you can do it."

"I really can't."

"You can do it."

"I beg you, Commander, I really can't do it."

"The whole family is counting on you, how can you say no? Do you want everyone to be unable to take out two spirit stones from their pockets?"

"Woooooo...I can do it."

So Chu Liyao set off with the excavation and construction team.

Just two days after they set off, they found the skeleton of the giant ancient shark. The beast was right.

Because they are all skeletons, and they are all water systems.Tao Hua simply contacted the head of the Nu Customs again and asked him if he wanted it?

The owner of the angry customs hasn't found anything yet, and someone has a baby, it's really... not convinced.

But we can't find the same one at home.

So the owner of the angry customs gave a price of 900 million spirit stones.

With a wave of Taohua's little hand, it's sold.

The shark bones were dragged away.

The owner of the angry customs has no place to put shark bones, mainly because he doesn't want to waste a lot of space on the storage ring.

So he directly put this skeleton in the open space outside his grandfather's unmodified palace.

There was already a pair of big snake bones.

These bones are so tall, so big, and so long.

Many monks who have never seen what a real beast looks like came to pay their respects in person.

This side has turned into a street of street stalls and snacks.

Anyway, after reading the bones, what to eat and what to buy, is this normal?

So normal.

Even the monks from the neighboring cities came to take a look when they heard the news about the bones of the beast.

A true beast, even if there are only bones left, the special coercion and the residual dao rhyme and power on the bones are enough to open everyone's eyes.

Some people even made a breakthrough just by looking at the bones of the divine beast.

This time is incredible.

These beast bones can actually help people break through the realm.

The angry customs master actually let everyone enjoy it for free.

Oh my goodness, Master Nuguan is indeed our good customs master, he is really a good person.

As a result, monks who came to see the divine beast became more and more in an endless stream.

Even the head of the angry customs came back suspiciously, and ran around the bones of the beast several times.Then I doubted myself: Can the bones of the beast I brought back really be able to make people break through?

Anyway, Nuguan has been particularly popular recently because of the incident of the skeleton of the beast.All kinds of inns and dwellings in Nu Customs are full.

If someone comes again, they will be on the street.

But the angry customs master didn't let the monks sleep on the street.He simply asked people to set up a group of tents near the bones of the divine beast, providing them to monks from the outer city who needed a place to stay.

There are tent huts, and there are tent restaurants.Then there is a tent entertainment room, where everyone can chat with each other and exchange cultivation experience.

Hold a practice experience exchange meeting or something.

Guanzhu also thought of an idea casually, but it made Nuguan angry again.

Because many monks feel that they have been sublimated by being close to the divine beast, and then exchanged experience with other monks, and then...the number of monks who have broken through the realm has jumped.

As a result, Master Nuguan has almost been upgraded to become the great benefactor of the reconstruction of many casual cultivators in the Golden Core Realm. It is because of him that everyone has this opportunity to communicate and improve.

Of course, the most important thing is that the benefactor provided a free opportunity to pay respects to the beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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