The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1239 Longevity Pill

Chapter 1239 Longevity Pill

"You are angry with the good customs master."

"The Wrathful Customs Master is our great benefactor for rebuilding."

"The owner of the angry customs has an order, and he will not refuse."

"In the future, wherever the Lord Guan points, I will fight there."

"Nuguan Customs mainly wants you to recruit us as retainers. We can follow you."

"Ahem, I know that a store owned by the owner of the angry customs wants to recruit people."

"I, I'll go."

For a while, my voices rose and fell.

The annoyed Customs Master crouched in the Guan Master's mansion with a special dreamy smile on his face.

He didn't know when he became such a popular celebrity.The key is that the reputation is still so good.

I'm really a little embarrassed!
Fu Sulan looked at the angry customs chief with a good mood, left Xiaoxiao, right hehe.

Look stupid.

"I said, are you okay?"

"What's wrong, it's not enough to laugh, you are too lenient." The angry customs chief snorted.

"You laugh so stupidly, it's hard to watch." Fu Su said.

The head of the angry customs: "..." You are here to piss me off so that you can inherit my property, right?
"Our people said that a large number of large fish skeletons were found on the seabed in the eastern waters of Nuguan Pass, but we don't know if they are divine beasts."

Upon hearing this, the angry customs master regained his spirits immediately. "Go, go and have a look."

They also have talents in Nuguan.The boys of the Taichu Sword Sect are indeed the most powerful. Look, it's only been a few days, and a large number of big fish bones have been discovered.

When the head of the angry customs came, many people had already arrived.

Even Hang Xinghe and Chen Min came.

However, after many identifications by everyone, "This is a deep-sea catfish. Although it is an ancient alien species, it is not a mythical beast." It is powerful but does not grasp the rules of the road.

"It's a pity." The angry customs said.

"It's not a pity. Since this kind of ancient bones can survive so many years without decay, they must become some kind of precious materials. Besides, they can also be used to refine various bone refining pills. Although there are no bones of divine beasts It's precious, but it's not a bad harvest. The key is to keep enough. It's also beneficial to sell it directly to Zongmen." Hang Xinghe said.

"It would be nice to sell directly to the sect that refines medicine." Upon hearing this, the head of the angry customs immediately said, "There is more money."

"Have you completed the resource share of your sect today?" Hang Xinghe complained angrily.

The angry customs master was suddenly startled, dripping with cold sweat.Oh dad, he last year, the year before last, the year before last, ahem, since he came here, he hasn't paid any resource share in recent years.

"In the past, you all said that the Baidou world was poor, so poor that you had nothing. We also believed it. Looking at it now, you are not too poor. You even have mine veins. You are so rich. If you don't turn in the resources of the sect, it will be wrong.

Just paying taxes is not enough. "Hang Xinghe nodded to his grandson and said.

"You should turn in part of it first. These fish bones count. You don't need to save your ore veins yourself. First, fill up part of the vacancy in previous years. Then after a few years of hard work, you will make up for the previous vacancy. It's all over. You don't want to have a bad debt waiting for you when Li leaves, do you?"

"Oh, I have been poor for five or six years. Not only did I pay my own money, but I also borrowed a lot of money from outsiders. This time I finally got back some blood, and I have to pay back the resources of the sect. It's so miserable. It's going to be impossible to live."

The angry customs chief patted his thigh and cried for a while.

Seeing the monks of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect around them, they almost held back their laughter and their stomachs twitched.

"Okay, let's see how you forced the children. This Baidou world is good now, but it was really poor before. It's not surprising that the children don't have enough resources to hand over to the sect. The sect itself doesn't want it. You are in a hurry. What? Pay it little by little. You can always pay it off." Chen Min came out to smooth things over.

Otherwise, Lao Hang will not be able to get off the stage.

The point is that the angry customs master is really shameless.

This style is really similar to that of Lao Hang back then, cough, cough, he didn't say it out, and he didn't expose Lao Hang's background.

In fact, seeing the resources of the Baidou world appearing little by little, it is necessary to hand over the resources of the sect in the future.


Unless they are already resigned and are still in office, they must make up for their previous share of resources.No matter how many years you have been stationed here, anyway, if you have not completed the mission of the sect, when you leave, you will definitely not have a high evaluation.

Unless you want to be bad, but if you want to make it bad, there must be someone in your sect. If there is no one, if you are bad, the sect may let you die of old age here.

Of course, there are elders in your family who have applied for the Zongmen's charter for you, so you don't have to pay it back.

You can resign normally.

The head of the angry customs has only been here for five or six years, and he and Hang Xinghe have come here one after another. Lao Hang will definitely not allow his grandson to apply for some kind of sect franchise because of this share of resources.Then don't show favors, return favors?

The favors of the Taishang are so good, so how good is it?

Don't think about beautiful things, brat.

Besides, there are only so few resources, so it’s not enough to do something.Raising a batch of golden sunflowers also increases the share of resources.

The problem is that the owner of the customs is angry and doesn't want to pay it back. I finally have a surplus, so why are you forcing me to pay more?Besides, others haven't paid it back yet, so why should I pay it back?
The angry customs chief said, I shouldn't be the one who was taken advantage of.As soon as Chen Mintai said it, the angry customs owner went downhill, saying that he would pay it back later.

Hang Xinghe was speechless.

The bones of the big fish were taken away and sent to the warehouse.However, they did not send it out to cover their own share of resources turned over.

At least four or five months later, news came from the Zongmen, saying that the Zongmen's share of resources turned over before today was halved.

The angry customs master was delighted to send those fish bones up, which was equivalent to a year's share.

One million golden sunflower seeds were sent up, and it was worth another year.

Four years left.Pay it back next year.

Hang Xinghe is so angry, it's all because the brat is too treacherous.

But that was all four or five months later. Following the discovery of a large number of large fish bones by the owner of the sea, Taohua and the others also discovered something in the deeper seabed.But not bones.But a lot of shells.

There are too many, layer upon layer.

The whole trench is full of this stuff.

Some were empty, but some actually had pearls appearing inside.

There are all kinds of colors, and the smallest one has a big thumb belly.Sometimes one can be found in a large shell, and sometimes a dozen or more can be found.

What is even more gratifying is that these pearls have strong beauty value and life extension value.

With their family, a batch of longevity pills can be refined in batches.

However, the refined longevity pill is only a first-order elixir.There is no life-extending effect at all above the Golden Core Realm, and below the Golden Core Realm, monks can extend their lifespan by a year or two.The lower the cultivation base, the better the life extension effect.But can't eat the second one.Even eating it didn't work.

Ordinary people can extend their lifespan by three to five years, and they can also eat a second one.Life extension effect is halved.The third one is completely useless.

(End of this chapter)

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