The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1240 Consciousness of Chu Surname

Chapter 1240 Consciousness of Chu people

This low-level longevity pill has limited effects on monks.

But its effect on mortals is gratifying.

For most mortals whose lifespan is about to reach the limit, as long as this kind of life-extending pill is not too expensive, anyone can be ruthless enough to buy two more pills to eat.

In fact, it's really not expensive. The pearl is the first generation of longevity pill researched with other low-level herbal prescriptions.

According to the dispositions of Chu's alchemists and physicians, it is natural to fiddle with such prescriptions so cheaply.It's too expensive, and the family won't promote it at all.The cost is cheap, the effect is good, and the potions and elixirs that can crush similar products in the market are vigorously promoted by the family.

Therefore, a thumb-sized pearl combined with other herbs can be refined in one furnace, and more than 30 longevity pills can be refined.It also greatly reduces the cost of Yanshou Dan.

The valuation of a longevity pill was set by the doctor to 300 Yuan Lingshi.

This is mainly because the effect of the longevity pill is rare, and these pearls are from Baide.Who knows if there will be more in the future.

Because of the scarcity of this elixir, the Longevity Pill was sold out as soon as it was released.

Mortals and old monks frantically snapped up this pill, and sold it short as soon as it hit the shelves.

Everyone is not stupid, if the pearl is gone, the value of this longevity pill will only become more and more valuable.

Outside Wuyuan Mountain, the monks of the Chu family are still cleaning up the big trench.A large number of shells and large and small pearls were dragged up.Available in a variety of colors.

Because Chu's Longevity Pill is a one-off sale of pearls, there are not many takeaways on the market.

Now they are still studying how to use pearls to get a batch of Zhanyan Pills and sell them to monks, that can make a lot of money.

However, no suitable formula has been found so far.

But the shells they dragged up were taken by Ziyue Island again.Xiaozi and Xiaoyue asked to grind these deep-sea shells into shell powder and sprinkle them on their islands.

Taohua received requests from the little ones through Xiaopang, what else can she do?

So a large number of shells were sent to certain workshops in Wuyuan Mountain, and then they were ground into shell powder, and bag after bag were brought back, and then sprinkled on Ziyue Island.As long as it falls on Ziyue Island, these shell powder will be integrated into the land.

After a long time, the shell powder absorbs more.Taohua was shocked to find that the land of Ziyue Island had a kind of integrated colorful light.It must appear every night.

Although this color light is not very obvious, it is indeed shining.The land of the island is glowing.

How scary.

Many monks of the Chu family took a stroll around Ziyue Island when they had nothing to do. They took a look during the day and carefully at night.

"What's so rare about these shell powder?" Chu Shinian also came to ask.

Taohua shook her head, "I don't know for the time being, this is done by the mountain spirits themselves."

"Do things yourself?" Chu Shinian gritted his teeth, "What are you doing? I can't communicate with you yet, so I'll make troubles first."

"Yeah, I also think that these new generation of small mountain spirits are much more difficult to deal with than Xiaopang's. Fortunately, this is the mountain spirit created by the earth unicorn. If this is a mountain spirit created by some monkey, I guess I will have to deal with it." Head burst."

Chu Shinian wanted to laugh when he heard that. "Are you shooting yourself in the foot with a rock?"

"Don't be mad at me. Tell me, I'm bored." Tao Hua said immediately.

Chu Shinian coaxed her with a smile. "Okay, I won't talk anymore. Why are you so grumpy recently?"

After Taohua heard this, she was also a little suspicious. "I don't know, I'm really a little irritable recently." It's annoying to see everything.

"Didn't you have a good rest?"

"No, I've had a good rest recently, and I don't have any troublesome things to bother me." Tao Hua thought to herself, didn't all those troublesome things be pushed to you?

Chu Shinian also knew that his daughter-in-law had nothing to do except staring at the excavation work in the underground.

"If you're upset, take a break. It's the same if I do the work you're doing," Chu Shinian said.Now there are far less common affairs within the family than before.

As the bottom and middle-level managers gradually mature, many things can be resolved in their hands without feedback to the upper family.

For example, the disputes between the two villages of Lingquanshui, such as the appearance of a certain spiritual land in the two villages, or how to deal with the intersection of the two towns.

As Wuyuan Mountain continued to absorb the earth energy of Baidou Realm.

There is a large area of ​​animism inside the entire Lingshan domain.

In the original mortal land, even if there is no spiritual vein in the ground, it is possible for the animism to be promoted to the spiritual land.If it is discovered by the people of the Chu family, they will call the land masters to survey the scope of the spiritual land and plan how to cultivate it.

Then call the formation masters to set up and cultivate the formation.In less than a year and a half, a miniature spiritual vein will be cultivated here.

Some miniature spiritual veins are formed directly in springs, streams, pools, and ponds.Then there are Lingquan, Lingshuitan, Lingxi and so on.If such pure natural resources are left aside, they will be protected or occupied, and then they will be consumed as they are used.

But the Chu family is actually the best at construction.

All kinds of spiritual places in the family, the spiritual veins are specially cultivated by people, and the influence and spiritual energy of the spiritual veins have always been increasing, and there is no such thing as less and less, and finally consumed.

I have seen too many spiritual veins being continuously cultivated and growing day by day.

It also continuously brings various conveniences and values ​​to the daily life of the people.

Therefore, the people under Chu's rule have already formed the idea that whenever they find a spiritual vein, they will find someone to mess with it.

Don't say anything else, let's cultivate it first, so that we can get more benefits in the future.

If you can't cultivate it yourself, you can find a family to cultivate it.

In short, the benefits of being the discoverer are indispensable.

Of course, those who can be cultivated by themselves, the family also allows everyone to cultivate by themselves.Anyway, the cost of cultivation materials and formation materials can be paid by yourself.

Cough, cough, most people don't know how to cultivate them by themselves, and the cost of cultivating spiritual veins and spiritual lands is really too high.

Unless it is those extremely rich families, ordinary people will not do this kind of thing anyway.

I found a spiritual land, I found a new spiritual vein, and I reported it to the family, wouldn't it be nice to ask the family to give me annual dividends?
Why should I cultivate it myself?
If there are professionals, I can't afford it at all.

"Okay, wait until I don't want to do it." Tao Hua said after thinking about it.

Anyway, when you feel disgusted and bored, you can take a short break for a few days.

This is the advantage of having a man of your own who can work.

She was really a fool to think about her previous life.Get the man out early, why would you be forced to marry by those old guys?There are men who can not only make themselves lazy temporarily, but also solve a group of old guys in the family.

Alas, she was so stupid at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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