Chapter 1241
Some people in the Great Trench are constantly mining shells and pearls.There are people underground who are constantly mining the bluestone veins.It is said that nothing happened to her.

Who knew it wasn't this night, it wasn't the full moon.The blue moon suddenly descended.

This time the blue moon is not aimed at certain people, but for all the creatures in the Baidou world to see it.

What's even more powerful is that this time the dark clouds and lightning chased after him again, but they were directly defeated by the blue light beam emitted by the blue moon.

Dark Cloud and Lightning are completely defeated.

If Taohua happened to stay in Wuyuan Mountain this day.Wuyuan Mountain became a space of its own, seeing the appearance of the blue moon immediately thickened the space barrier above the Lingshan boundary, and even created thick clouds for itself to avoid the blue moon.

Taohua felt that Lanyue might find her immediately.

Now separated by thick clouds and space barriers, the light of the blue moon can only faintly fall into the inner boundary of Lingshan.At most, make yourself a little uncomfortable.

He couldn't take away his consciousness so easily again.

It's just that the family members who stayed on Jinri Island and Ziyue Island didn't know if they were clever enough to find a place to hide first.

And those tribesmen who stayed in the deep sea were not affected by this blue moon.

For a long time, Taohua thought that Baidoujie seemed to have the power to fight against Lanyue.Now it seems that even if there is such a force, it is probably very weak, and it is not Lanyue's opponent.

What is this blue moon?

In the early morning of the second day, Taohua and Chu Shinian hurriedly contacted the Jindan of the Chu family stationed on the two islands.

No one has anything to do, everyone has heard the Patriarch talk about Lanyue.As soon as he saw the moon changing color, he immediately found a hole in the ground and hid himself in it.The two islands originally had some sea erosion landforms, and there are really many caves in the reefs.

When it came to Mingzhe, Mingzhe dug a deep underground hole for himself, and he was fine hiding in it by himself, but Shizheng didn't notify his subordinates and slaves in time.

This time, Lanyue lost 98 people inexplicably.

Several of them are his confidantes who are very optimistic about the future.

Oh my god, he bought more than 500 slaves after earning so many spirit stones, and now, he didn't have one-fifth of them.Mingzhe's face turned blue.

But he has not lost as much as Ding Min and Wu Shixin.The loss of both of them is a relative.

Five, one male, four female, and five members of the Golden Core realm disappeared.

The other islands of the Qianshan Society were also full of mourners. Everyone didn't arrive first, and it wasn't the full moon, but the blue moon suddenly appeared.In the Giant Whale Islands alone, more than [-] people have disappeared.

What about the angry customs?


If only more.

When Mingzhe went to report missing persons to the owner of Customs Nu, he heard the loud curse of the owner of Customs Nu before entering the attic where the owner of Customs Nu often works.

It turns out that this time, more than [-] authentic disciples of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect also lost more than [-] people.

How many of them are there in total.

Less than 1000 people.

They didn't lose so many true disciples when they fought against the Wandu people.

This is also the loss of the affiliated world and the disciples of those subordinate sects.

Nu Customs directly cut off more than 4000 people.This is all Jindan monks.Slaves are not counted as human beings here at all.

The Giant Whale Islands only lost more than 100 Golden Cores.

Lan Yue dared to be so crazy, the old ladies of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect couldn't believe it.

Hang Xinghe received the damage reports from various cities, and his hands were shaking.

This time it was really too miserable, the loss of the entire sect in the Baidou world was no less than a world war.

It's thanks to Taichu Sword Sect's foundation and many disciples, otherwise it would be really painful.

But this is just the beginning, Hang Xinghe has foreseen that their Absolute Beginning Sword Sect will probably lose more disciples in the future.

"Tell the Zongmen that the future battles on our side will be more difficult, and more combat swordsmen will be needed, let them open their mouths, and let more of our chief swordsmen from affiliated worlds and affiliated sects be admitted to the headquarters Zongmen.

Then let them come to fight in the Baidou Realm as true disciples. "

Chen Min nodded, "Okay."

Every time the sect needs a large number of disciples to fill the hole, it will use this method of drawing blood.

Draw blood from affiliated worlds and affiliated sects to make up for the massive losses of their own sect in the Baidou world.But affiliated worlds and affiliated sects are not stupid either.They will also signal to the whole world or the entire sect that those casual practitioners and family members will come in to replace the best disciples of their own sect to enter the upper sect.

Then enter the Baidou Realm battlefield from Shangzong.

Of course, where there is danger, there is opportunity. If he behaves well and is favored by the Shangzong, he will easily integrate into the main sect of the Taichu Sword Sect in the future.

But even with such an encounter, this blood-drawing strategy is still a typical method of strong stems and weak branches.

If the affiliated worlds and affiliated sects of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect had no complaints at all, that would be a lie.

But there is no way to complain, who makes his family subordinate?

Affiliated forces are unlucky.

Shangzong can think whatever he wants, regardless of whether you like it or not.


Hang Xinghe's side is full of mourners, but the ten thousand poisonous people next door are terrifying.

An entire tribe has disappeared.

What the Wandu people over there said was that the high priests of the human tribe almost popped their eyes out.

Who would have thought that such a weird thing would happen.

Many people want to quit this Baidou world directly and return to the Great World of Ten Thousand Poisons.

But it's so easy there.

Their spirits of all poisons do not agree with them doing this.

An oracle was also issued, asking them to find the secret of Lanyue.

How to do this, there are fewer and fewer people.After the high priests met, they simply began to sign again that people would come to the Baidou world, and there were a lot of signs.People from small tribes, refugees, war slaves, etc., are all signs.

The reason for using it is also good, to find the secret of the blue moon for the spirit of ten thousand poisons.So you can't leave your hands, can you?

Either come by yourself, or let your slaves, refugees and subordinate tribes come in.

Those large and medium-sized tribes, where would they come to such a dangerous Baidou world.Just send back a large number of small tribes, refugees, and slaves around you to the Baidou world.

This allowed the high priests sitting in the Baidou world to have a large number of manpower again.Moreover, the number of people who came to sign this time was more than they expected.After all arrived, it surpassed their peak population in the Baidou world.

With such a large population, they are not afraid of Lanyue robbing them for the time being.

However, after Lanyue took away a large number of people before, Wan Duren also began to strictly guard against Lanyue.

How did Lan Yue hide when he found out.

Near your own home or where you act, you must dig some particularly deep cellars and holes.

(End of this chapter)

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