The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1242 Attack

Chapter 1242 Attack
But what worries the higher-ups of the two worlds even more is that this time the blue moon rhythm has a large population, where have they all been taken, and what have they been taken to do?

Just when everyone was worried, within half a month, Lanyue made another move.

This blue moon took away a large number of people again.

Although the losses of the Wrath Customs and the Giant Whale Islands this time are far less than the losses of the first time.But there are still losses.

The key is that the blue moon appears out of time and unexpectedly.We can't defend against it every night.

However, it made a move. Originally, everyone didn't want to defend every night, but now it has begun to change.

In the evening of this day, before it was completely dark, people on various islands began to shift positions.All the islands have also been adjusted to the automatic defense of the formation.On this night, the blue moon appeared again.

It's fine if it's just a blue moon.

There are also a large number of mysterious people appearing all over the Giant Whale Island.

These mysterious people are generally at the peak of Jindan or Nascent Soul realm.

Holding a sword in his hand, the moves are still the sword moves of the Taichu Sword School, and some secret techniques are from the Taichu Sword School.

They cooperated tacitly and killed dozens of islands in one night.

It was only at dawn that we quickly retreated.

The two islands of the Chu family were also severely damaged by the mysterious person.

Four or five Jindan of the Chu family were seriously injured.

Fortunately, there are not many mysterious people in black on the island.But there are really many formations and Jindan monks left by the Chu family on the island.More than 500 people remained.The black mysterious person obviously didn't know that the Chu family had left more than 500 golden cores on the two islands.Moreover, teleportation formations supporting each other were arranged underground on the two islands.

In the house that Taohua arranged on the ground, teleportation arrays of various sizes were also placed all over the place.As long as they are cultivators of the family, they can use the family's teleportation array with various special identity cards.But Wawairen is much stronger than the brand, and there is no way to use Chu's teleportation array.

Because Chu's identity card is a one-time recognition card.

You can only recognize the master once by dripping blood, and if you drip blood again, you will explode yourself.

Those mysterious people obviously didn't expect that the identity card could hide this kind of recognition formation.

So when chasing the Chu family monk, he obviously didn't catch up in time.

However, formations and buildings on the two islands were destroyed a lot by them.

The Chu family suffered relatively little loss, and Mingzhe was almost killed.Fortunately, a hidden master of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect beside him grabbed him.I heard that the other party is from a special department of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.

The expert invited by Mingzhe was the one who lived near Taohuajia Island, and was directly killed in his talisman-making room.

Even Wu Shixin, in order to protect his wife and clansmen, used secret techniques to explode his combat power, which caused his golden core to crack and his foundation to be damaged.Since then, the constant road has been compromised, and even the lifespan has been reduced for decades.

Ding Wen's sister-in-law hugged him and cried to death.

It turned out that Wu Shixin himself listened openly.His wife and clan members are fine.

However, the couple did not dare to stay in the Giant Whale Islands anymore.

This Baidou Realm is too dangerous, Wu Shixin and his wife and clan plan to leave.

Before leaving, they first visited Mingzhe.Mingzhe was naturally reluctant to let them go.Simply help Wu Shixin find a wound medicine that repairs the foundation of the body.But there is nothing he can do about Wu Shixin's golden elixir.

Wu Shixin and his wife came to bid farewell to Chu Shinian and Taohua again.Taohua and his wife are quite reluctant to part with each other.

"Brother Ang, why don't you melt the golden elixir into your body. Our husband and wife have a special medicine called the demon pill. After eating it, as long as you are determined enough, brother Ang, you can rely on this demon pill to defy the sky." Change your life and rebuild your foundation. Brother Ang, at most you will spend some more time to restore your golden core.

It shouldn't take much time to rebuild it again, right? " Taohua took the initiative to give Wu Shixin and his wife a suggestion.

Wu Shixin gasped, "Is there still this kind of elixir?"

"Of course there are. If not, I wouldn't say it." Taohua nodded.

Wu Shixin and his wife looked at each other.The temptation is a little too much. "Is it really possible to change fate against the sky and modify qualifications?" Wu Shixin asked.

Taohua nodded, "Ziyan, come out and let Wu Shixin and his wife take a look. He just took the Yaodan." Chu Ziyan also walked out immediately.Wu Shixin took a closer look at the other party's breath, and immediately felt something different.

Chu Ziyan simply stretched out his hand and asked the other party to check his pulse.

Wu Shixin hurriedly went to investigate.

Then he gasped.

He didn't know what Chu Ziyan's original aptitude was, but now Chu Ziyan's aptitude was amazing.He didn't expect Chu Ziyan to have such good aptitude now, he would be thankful to have half of him.

"This demon pill has a major flaw, that is, if you don't have enough willpower, you will definitely not be able to survive it. If you can't survive it, you will die." Chu Shinian specially reminded.He had already seen that Wu Shi's confidence was moved.

Wu Shixin didn't discuss it with his wife this time, so he said, "I want to try."

"Husband?" Ding Wen looked at him in surprise.

"If I succeed, I can continue on the road, and I can go further. It's just a life-threatening. The tone is like this, go back and wait to die, it's better to die now."

"Husband." Ding Wen burst into tears. "We still have kids."

"Let me try." Wu Shi said.

"Okay." Out of trust in her husband, Ding Wen directly agreed with her husband's decision.

Taohua directly handed a small box to Wu Shixin.

"Brother Wu, let Chu Shinian take care of you and take your medicine. Sister Ding Wen and I are waiting for you outside."

Wu Shixin finished the small box and nodded.He took a deep look at his wife, and then resolutely left with Chu Shinian.

It took about two hours longer before they came back.

Ding Wen looked at him many times.

Wu Shixin became younger and his skin became whiter.But the hair and eyebrows are gone.

"You are..."

"Bones were lost when remodeling the body, but they can grow back later." Wu Shixin didn't talk about the thrilling process of taking the medicine.Even if he felt that his willpower was okay, he almost didn't hold on.It was Chu Shinian who yelled loudly and woke him up.Let him persevere again.

"Then your cultivation?"

"It's gone completely, and we can only start training again from the Tongmai state." Wu Shixin said in a good mood. "But my foundation has grown thicker, and my aptitude has also changed. My original cultivation aptitude was at best mediocre, but now hehe... I won't say much."

"The effect is really so good?" Ding Wen looked at him in surprise.

"Come and feel it." Wu Shixin put his wrist beside her, allowing her to check her pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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