The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1252 Ancient God

Chapter 1252 Ancient God
The wind, with joy, the earth, kept gulping down the colorful blood of the dragon.The colorful blood was sucked up almost as soon as it fell into the ground.Only the colorful blood that fell into the sea would not be absorbed, but it also disappeared without a trace, and I don't know where it went.

However, as long as the colorful blood falls into the sea, countless seawater will evaporate in an instant.

So it also makes the sea water disappear more quickly.

It also made Taohua's eyes sparkle.She involuntarily cast her eyes on the mysterious ice.

Losing its tail, the dragon wailed, and went straight into the sea.As he escaped, the Xuanbing under the sea kept writhing like a living thing.

The earth is also constantly changing.

The surrounding continents, mountains, and islands are constantly rising.

And the sea area sank even more.

The changes in the entire Baidou world are very frightening.

What is even more surprising is that the mainland and islands of Baidou Realm have started to lock up their own river water and underground underground river water.Life and death are no longer flowing into the ocean.

It's as if certain oceans have been completely abandoned by the continents.

Yuebai Qilin is constantly manipulating the mainland, mountains and rivers of Baidou Realm.Exclude the existence of certain sea areas.

And the poisonous fire black phoenix rushed to the sea area where the silver dragon escaped very unwillingly.Every time it spreads its wings, the black poisonous mist will wipe out a layer of sea water.

But it was useless, the silver dragon escaped into the depths of the ocean.Where is too deep, it is not the phoenix that can fly down.

The poisonous fire black phoenix wanted to fly down more than once, but he didn't dare.It is very hesitant.

After a while, it turned into a black poisonous fire sun and washed down into the sea.

The eyes of the moon-white Qilin who has been manipulating the changes of the mountains and rivers of the mainland in the sky reveal a strong sense of irony and gloating.

As soon as the poisonous fire sun entered the sea, it caused the entire sea to turmoil.

There was probably another fight in the depths of the sea.

The sea was turbulent for a while, and for a while it spun into a deep-sea whirlpool.

Not a moment's rest.

As a result, the following battle hadn't been fought for long, and everyone heard successive mournful wailing.After a while, the black poisonous fire sun turned into a poisonous fire black phoenix and rushed into the sea.Half of its body was frozen by the black ice.

After the poisonous fire black phoenix escaped, without saying a word, he flew back to his own world of ten thousand poisons.

Then Wandujie directly disconnected from Baidoujie.

The tens of millions of poisonous people who are still alive are directly discarded in the Baidou world.

The huge silver dragon swam out of the sea again with its bald tail.

It looked at Yuebai Qilin coldly and viciously.

But Yuebai Qilin is not afraid at all.

It is the way of heaven in the Baidou world. If it is in a hurry, it will protect the Baidou world and everyone will die together.

Besides, that guy lost his tail, let him make up for it immediately.If we really want to fight to the death, the possibility of ending up together is [-]% higher.

Yinlong looked at Yuebai Qilin's fierce eyes, and finally turned his head and escaped into the sea.

"Why did that silver dragon run away like a bit disheveled?" Chu Ziyan asked puzzled.

"Because that moon-white unicorn should be the true way of the Baidou world. As long as the Baidou world does not perish for a day, it will be the master of the Baidou world. That silver dragon may be able to secretly steal or forcibly seize the origin of the Baidou world. But as long as that unicorn survives, it can protect the Baidou world and perish with that silver dragon."

"Why can we die together? I think that silver dragon seems to be much more powerful than that moon-white unicorn?" Taohua asked suspiciously.

"Let's put it this way, this unicorn is Baidoujie, and Baidoujie is also this unicorn. If it wants to self-destruct, it only needs one thought. And that silver dragon, it has absorbed too much of the origin of Baidoujie. In other words, it has absorbed most of the unicorns.

But the origin of the world is the peak energy in this cosmic space, and it may be refined and used.But it is not their real master.No matter how much time has passed, as long as Qilin wants to, it will control its own body and explode itself!Even its body that has been refined by the silver dragon! "Chu Shinian said suddenly.

"How do you know?" Tao Hua asked in surprise.

"Feeling." Chu Shinian touched his nose, his eyes were also a little puzzled.He seemed to be a little familiar with that Yuebai Qilin.

And why did he know so much about Yuebai Qilin being able to perish with that silver dragon?

I saw with my own eyes that the silver dragon escaped into the ocean again, and the moon-white unicorn finally disappeared into the depths of the earth.

They ceased, and the earth-yellow veil covering the entire primordial occupancy also disappeared.

The Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning and other forces were as frantic as they sent the news here back to the Divine Court Great World.

This is really a big deal.

In less than a month, the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect has more than sixty big bosses above the sixth rank.

Then other big forces in Shenting also sent people over.

Everyone gathered together to discuss the silver dragon, black phoenix, and unicorn that they had seen before.

Since the great war, every time Chu Shinian falls asleep, he can dream of a huge world.That world was full of flames.

Whether it is the original sea of ​​the world, or the volcanoes and magma seas in the world.

Every day when he wakes up, he will feel that his understanding of the fire element avenue has increased a little bit.

This has been the case for more than a month.

In his dream, every stone and fire in that big world was so clear and so familiar.As if it was his own body.

On this day, he dreamed of that world again, but this time another variable appeared in that world.

Moon White Kirin.

This one didn't know why it appeared in his dream.

"You look at my eyes too strangely. Haven't you remembered yet?" The other party spoke.

"Who are you?"

"Do you think I'm familiar?" Yuebai Qilin asked again.

Chu Shinian was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"You can't remember it for the time being, and you don't have it for the time being. I'm here to teach you something you should know.

The world in your dream just now is the you you once were.You are that world.Our family was called ancient gods by those guys in ancient and ancient times.

In fact, we have our own family name.Our clan name is Holy Spirit clan.

Today's creatures like to call us the way of heaven, the will of the world.

Whatever they are called, they have little to do with us.Let's sleep, and next time we wake up, maybe these fragile creatures have disappeared for hundreds of millions of years. "

Baiyue Qilin said.

Chu Shinian's eyes widened slightly in an instant.

He was very surprised.

"Holy Spirit Race?" The name seemed familiar. "Ancient God?"

"To be precise, our Holy Spirit race is very rare. Ancient God, I should only be called a branch of Ancient God."

(End of this chapter)

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