Chapter 1253

"In this cosmic space, there are probably not many of us Holy Spirit Race. The energy here is too scarce. We can't afford to support us." Yuebai Qilin looked helpless.

"Is the whole world actually alive?" Chu Shinian was surprised.

"Naturally. I am alive, and the world is alive." Yuebai Qilin said.

"Is that poisonous fire phoenix we saw before a holy spirit clan?" Chu Shinian asked curiously.

"Are you going to reach the peak of your golden core soon?" the other party asked again.

"Can't we ask about the poisonous fire and black phoenix?" Chu Shinian asked again.

Yuebai Qilin simply turned into a young man dressed in white, with a handsome appearance and an air of elegance and dignity.

"The poisonous fire black phoenix is ​​actually a primitive ancestral spirit born in a world itself. This kind of spirit is similar to us, but there are essential differences.

In other words, we are alive, and birth is a big world with inheritance.

They are the big worlds that the small worlds in the space of the universe grew up on their own. After a long time of baptism, after some encounters and chances, they catalyzed their own wild wisdom.That's why it was so greedy for that silver dragon.I want to devour the other party so that I can go one step further. "

"They're both the will of the world. What's the difference? One was born, and the other was born outside of himself?" Chu Shinian didn't understand.

"If only it were that simple." Yuebai Qilin said with a sigh. "A born spirituality with its own heritage. A self-born spirituality. Do you think it can be the same? Let me put it this way, those self-born spiritual world will see us like a blind bear sees honey. Can't wait to eat it up, Eat clean."

Chu Shinian gasped.

"But you don't have to worry about it now. You are safe until you restore your own world."

"I'm a human being now, and I don't think I can become a certain world again." Chu Shinian felt that he didn't even dare to fantasize like that.The gap is too big, there is no possibility at all.

"You want to go humane?" The other party was not surprised.

"Can't you?" Chu Shinian asked back.

"It's not impossible. It's just that if you follow the human path, then you, the true spirit, will be trapped in this cosmic space forever." Yuebai Qilin said.

"Huh? Why?"

"Because there is something that does not allow the human race here to take the path of ascension. He wants to trap the human race here forever." Yuebai Qilin said, "I have no choice. I can't beat it."

Chu Shinian's eyes were dull, "Is there really such a thing as ascending?"

"Actually, it's migrating from a place with thin energy to a place with dense and rich energy. The quality of life there is far higher than here. The creatures here will become fairyland." Yuebai Qilin said.

"Does the fairy clan really exist?" Chu Shinian asked in confusion.

"It does exist. The current situation in the Baidou world is still a leak made by myself. Many years ago, I liked a fairy. Others called her Taiyin Immortal Lord. Later, she was defeated and died. I will send her body here, saying that her last wish is to stay by my side forever. So I foolishly left her body in Baidoujie."

Chu Shinian immediately reacted.

Then he looked at him like a silly dog.

"What kind of look is that in your eyes? I really didn't expect that in order to revive her, she actually wanted to eat my original idea. If I knew that she had such an idea, I would have smashed her fairy corpse into thousands of pieces." up.

Speaking of which, you are not much smarter than me.Haven't you been tricked by Immortal Zihuo?

But you are also ruthless enough to fight him to the death together.I heard that Zi Huo is still half-dead and hiding.Afraid of being caught by you. "

"So what if I find him now, I can't deal with him." Chu Shinian laughed at himself.

"No, it has absorbed your essence. As long as you stand in front of him and protect yourself again, he will definitely die." Yuebai Qilin said. "Why doesn't Taiyin dare to fight with me, because she is afraid of death."

"Absorbing our original sea is simply drinking poison to quench thirst. I really don't know why they would do this?" After Chu Shinian finished speaking, he frowned again.

Was he really a big world in the first place?
"If they don't absorb the essence of the world, especially our world essence, how can they survive?" Yuebai Qilin laughed at himself. "Unfortunately I found out too late."

"Then what are you going to do? Can that poisonous fire black phoenix come over to help you?" Chu Shinian asked hastily.

"It has suffered such a big loss, and it will take at least tens of thousands of years of cultivation to heal its injuries. How could it possibly run over rashly. But don't worry, I have other options." Yuebai Qilin said.

"What do you mean?" Chu Shinian was puzzled. "Could it be that besides the poisonous fire and black phoenix, can you find other wills from the world to come over and help you deal with the Taiyin Immortal Lord?"

"What kind of help, who do you think can help me? I didn't tell you just now that we are the best food for other world wills born." Yuebai Qilin said. "So as long as I hook up, the will of the world will be willing to manifest and eat us."

"Us?" Chu Shinian asked again. "What do we mean?"

"Even the silver dragon that ate my original sea, it doesn't want to be spared. If some come, there will be a fight. I will let them fight first. When they are almost finished fighting, I will play again. Cut off one of its tails today, Shave it a paw tomorrow. Someday I'll squeeze it out."

Chu Shinian was not at all optimistic about Yuebai Qilin's naive approach.

"The silver dragon is not a fool. It can't see that you are trying to weaken it. You can see if you hook up with something next time, it will hook up with that thing first, and then practice to carve you up. Then Then fight, put that thing down, she will not worry about anything, because of the bumper harvest. You have all become her food."

Yuebai Qilin blinked his big eyelashes, charming peach blossom eyes.

"That insidious woman might actually do something like this."

Chu Shinian heard the toothache, "You are not a child anymore, haven't you seen such a simple routine before?"

"Ahem, no. I was in a deep sleep most of the time. If it wasn't because of you gone this time, I wouldn't be awake. Of course, if I hadn't woken up earlier, maybe the sea of ​​origin would have dried up, and I wouldn't have woken up. Not found."

"Then you don't even know how you died?" Chu Shinian was surprised. "How did you do it? Why don't you be stupid?"

"I said brat, are you looking for smoke?" Yuebai Qilin said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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