The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1255 The silver laurel tree takes shape

Chapter 1255 The silver laurel tree takes shape
"I use you for protection? Are you as good as me? Besides, I am eighth and you are seventh." The old man plausibly said.Staring at the big eyeballs and scolding his disciples.

Shi Lei was not angry either, and let the old man scold him with a smile.

"You still protect me, and I protect you." The old man said.

"Yes, yes, the master protects the disciples." Shi Lei echoed.It's like coaxing a child.

This made the old man angry.

He stared at him several times.

At this time, someone is about to fly down the Lingshan Mountain of the Chu family.

"Let them go. I'm just talking to two little guys, what are they doing down?" the old man said angrily.

When Shi Lei heard this, he went out to stop people without saying a word.

"The two of you, and that little guy named Mingzhe, are the most blessed and well-connected people I have ever met. It is really rare. In the past, there was one in hundreds of thousands of years, but now I have met three in the Baidou world. To say that I really did not come to the White Fighting Realm in vain."

The old man laughed.

"You all have to work hard in the future. Although the human race has established a large number of territories in this airspace, it has a small population and lacks foundation. You should practice hard and strive to become the mainstay of the human race as soon as possible.

All right, see you later. "

The old man disappeared in a flash.

He came to see Chu Shinian and Tao Hua with his own eyes, and he also wanted to meet these little experts who were making trouble.They successively produced the poisonous fire black phoenix, silver dragon, and moon white unicorn, and they were seized by Taichu Sword Sect to capture the silver white moon and the big white cat.

In other words, both good and bad are caused by these little guys.To be honest, when he has cultivated to his level, he values ​​chance more and more.These little guys are nothing more than golden cores.It will be able to bring these opportunities that even their seventh and eighth ranks covet.

His old man was looking forward to them.

Anyone who secretly opposes him will bear his wrath.

"This old man is very interesting." Tao Hua smiled after the old man left.

Chu Shinian gave her an angry look.He couldn't believe that he had already seen it. The old man regarded them as artificial treasure hunters, and Taohua would not be able to see it.

Taohua just smiled, "By the way, the silvery white moon has been taken away, will the blue moon still appear?"

Chu Shinian also fell silent after hearing this, because he didn't know about it.There is no idea in my heart.

While everyone was worried, several months passed, and the blue moon never appeared again.

Tao Hua awakened her fourth supernatural power.Lunar point of spirituality.

Taohua had just awakened her supernatural powers, so she touched a big golden sunflower tree planted next to her house on Jinri Island.

After the golden sunflower tree was touched, the body shook slightly for a while, and a young face appeared on the trunk of the tree. "Hi, master."

"It's really done." Taohua looked at the face in surprise. "How are you? Is there something wrong?"

"No, just a little sleepy."

"Huh? Why is that?" Tao Hua was puzzled.

"I don't know, I just feel sleepy. Master, I'll go to sleep. I'll talk to you when I wake up." The faces on the big tree soon melted into the big tree again.No matter how Taohua summoned the human face, it never came out again.

The golden sunflower wood seemed to be hollowed out all of a sudden.Even the lush leaves and fruits that originally grew fell to the ground one after another.

Although the big tree did not wither, it did fall into a deep sleep.


There are still sequelae of this spiritual touch technique?
Taohua was a little surprised.

At the beginning, she never expected that this spirit point technique would have such a strong sequelae.Even the golden sunflower wood is no longer good, so if you change the spiritual root next to it, maybe it will be... okay.

After all, golden sunflower wood is only a low-level spiritual root.

Hastily rushed back to Xianyang.Peach Blossom asked someone to dig a sapphire spirit ginseng.It's just an old ginseng, it's still the batch of green jade spirit ginseng that I first planted.At that time, it was still the seeds of ginseng.

Later, the small seedlings of these grass ginseng have transformed into spiritual ginseng.

The peach blossoms are blooming again.

Lunar point of spirituality.

The spiritual ginseng has changed a lot this time.

It actually jumped out of the pot.Then it evolved rapidly in front of Taohua.Directly from a spiritual ginseng, it became a white and fat little doll with big spiritual ginseng flowers and leaves.I saw the little doll shake her head, and the huge flower and leaves shrank in a circle, and then shrank again.It quickly shrank to the point where it looked like a doll's head flower.

It looks great hanging on the doll's head.


Wow... The little baby looked at Peach Blossom, and suddenly burst into tears.

"What's wrong? Who is crying?" Chu Qi rushed in in a hurry.I saw a strange little doll being stared at by my daughter.

"I thought Brother Chun was made to cry by you, but it turned out not to be. Whose little doll is this? Why do you just watch it cry without coaxing it?" Chu Qi came over angrily, snapped He patted his daughter on the back.Then he went up to pick up the little doll and coaxed him.

The little doll stopped crying after being coaxed, and looked very good.

Chu Qi also asked someone to bring milk, intending to feed the little guy.As a result, the little guy didn't drink. "Why can't he have milk? And what kind of thing is this head, oh my god, who is so vicious to feed a piece of grass on the head of such a cute child?"

"Mother, that's not a baby, it's a spiritual ginseng." Tao Hua laughed.

"What? Spirit ginseng?" Chu Qi was shocked when he heard this.She looked carefully at the little baby in her arms. "No matter how you look at it, this is a chubby little doll."

The little doll bit her finger and looked at her pitifully.But Chu Qi's family was spoiled.

"This is really a spiritual ginseng. I awakened a new supernatural power, called the Taiyin Point of Spirit Art. Then I experimented with this spiritual ginseng, ahem, and clicked out the little doll in your collection. It looks like the human race Little dolls are no different."

"It's still a little different. This kid's eyes are a little green." Chu Shinian walked in at this time.He had seen this little thing from a long distance.

This little guy seems a little silly.

Not only the eyes are green, but also not very flexible to look at.

"This is the little doll that you tapped out with your new supernatural powers. Is this equivalent to the transformation form of the spirit ginseng? Has it suddenly changed from an ordinary little spirit ginseng to a thousand-year-old transformed little spirit ginseng?" Chu Shinian was not sure. asked.

"I don't know too well, just wait and I'll find someone who knows how to do it and ask." Taohua thought for a while, and let the silver osmanthus tree transform into a stroll.

After hearing Taohua's instructions, Yingui Baoshu immediately transformed into a ten-year-old girl and appeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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