The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1256 Defects in Pointing Spiritual Art

Chapter 1256 Defects in Pointing Spiritual Art
As soon as the silver osmanthus tree came out, it smiled at everyone, and then stood beside Taohua obediently.

"Hi, master."

The silver osmanthus tree is reborn from the dead, which is equivalent to reincarnation, the previous life is the previous life, and the present life is the present life.Peach Blossom has the great grace of rebirth to it, and Yingui Baoshu treats her like her own dear parents.

Taohua just treats her as a little girl and a consulting tool tree.

Seeing the silver osmanthus tree coming out, she didn't hold back and rubbed the other's little bun directly.Then tell me about your situation. "I always feel that there is something wrong with my spiritual skills."

"Master, it's probably because of your lunar magic touch, there are prerequisites, and you can't do it casually."

Silver Osmanthus Treasure Tree thought for a while before saying, "The three eras of barren ancient times, ancient times, and ancient times are the time when various avenues in this world manifest and creatures create various supernatural powers and treasures. Like the Taiyin Yuanyuan Jing and Chu Shinian you practiced. The fire source scriptures for cultivation were all handed down from that period.

The same goes for spirituality.

Strictly speaking, spiritual pointing is also a kind of treasure.

It can give spirits to all things, living, dead, half-lived, ghosts and ghosts, etc.

The Way of the Problem manifests differently.

As a very powerful treasure, this point of spirituality has been spread, and because of the comprehension of different creatures, various spiritual powers and secrets have been developed.

Your Taiyin pointing technique may be a kind of spirit pointing technique rooted in Taiyin Dao.

It may be a supernatural power, or it may be just a secret method.

But this kind of spirit pointing technique, which is exclusive to a certain way, generally has some preconditions.

For example, the spiritual energy contained in the living being itself, the aptitude of the gods themselves must meet the potential of giving birth to spiritual wisdom, and so on.

The golden sunflower tree is obviously too small, not only does it not have enough aura, but it also doesn't have the potential to give birth to spiritual wisdom. It is entirely because you plucked the seedlings to encourage you to develop spiritual wisdom.If nothing else, it will die naturally within a year.

This ginseng doll has a good amount of aura, which should be enough for its body's spiritual evolution, but it may have some ignorant spirituality just after it was born, and you forcibly elevate it and activate it.

Although it transformed into a successful form, it did not give birth to wisdom because of its lack of spirituality. You'd better plant it back in the ground for this little thing, and wait for it to slowly re-condense its spirituality and give birth to its wisdom again.

If this little guy is away from the land for a long time, he will become more and more stupid.In the end, it is not certain that it will die completely. "

Her words immediately made everyone look at Taohua who caused trouble with condemning eyes.

If it wasn't for her confusion, how could a good golden sunflower tree die in the family, and there might be another good spiritual ginseng? !
Peach Blossom has an embarrassing expression.

"Then how do I know what kind of spiritual plant can withstand my spiritual point?"

"It must be at least the fifth step." Silver Osmanthus Treasure Tree said.

"This spiritual ginseng doll is obviously fourth-level, and it's still a top-level fourth-level. It still doesn't work. It's not spiritual enough. So I suggest that you use a fifth-level spiritual plant in the future. It's best to use a spiritual tree. They resist it." Yin Gui Baoshu said frankly.

"No, the spiritual trees in our family are all spiritual fruit trees. Peach blossoms, you'd better not waste things. Isn't it good to have a good pregnancy and have a baby? What are you fussing about all day?" Chu Qi immediately objected.

Peach Blossom: "..."

Silver Osmanthus Treasure Tree: "..."

"That red phoenix wood is about to advance to the fifth level. Peach Blossom, you wait a little bit. When they advance, you can use the red phoenix wood to practice." Chu Shinian said immediately.

As soon as Chu Qi heard this, he immediately started to stare at Chu Shinian. "Just pamper her. Why isn't the red phoenix wood a spiritual plant? It doesn't cost money to grow one?"

"Cough cough, but Taohua's supernatural powers need to be practiced more. Or did they awaken their supernatural powers for nothing?" Chu Shinian defended his wife.

Taohua also nodded quickly.

Indeed, indeed, you can't let me awaken my supernatural powers in vain, right?

Chu Qi rolled her daughter's eyes angrily. "Okay, take it easy." After speaking, he left.Chu Dashan also smiled and bowed to his daughter, and went directly after his wife.

Since she left the family affairs, several sons are still in charge of the family property.He will be old and happy, and live a life of retirement in advance.

The only thing that made him unhappy was that his sons did not get married and had children.

The little girl from the third family has always been ill.

The little face was blue and white every day, and he didn't dare to hug or touch it.

Let them have another one, not only the third child is not happy, but his wife is also not happy.Even my own wife is not happy.

Don't look at my daughter-in-law who doesn't get close to her little granddaughter, but Chu Dashan knows that it is because of her little granddaughter.Her daughter-in-law doesn't miss her own Saburo having another child.A sick little girl, if her father had other healthy children.How to live then?
Let's wait until the little girl grows up.

After seeing off her parents, Taohua immediately threw the little ginseng to the silver osmanthus tree, asking her to take the little guy to live in the small world.The aura over there is stronger than Lingshan.Besides, the level of the world over there is high.Unlike Lingshan, which grows in its own realm, the spiritual plants have level suppression.It is easy for Little Spirit Ginseng to break through the fifth and sixth ranks.

"I heard that the little girl from the third brother's family is getting worse and worse. Now she is so bad that she needs to drink the doctor's elixir every day to survive. Logically speaking, even if Wei Lingshuang is a seaman, she won't let her go. The little girl's illness is so weak. I only look at a three-year-old child." Chu Shinian said a little puzzled.

"Third brother complained to you again?" Taohua asked.

Chu Shinian nodded awkwardly.

"Third brother is suffering. Good boy, oh..."

"Well, I'm actually not impressed either. The combination of sea people and people on land, although the first and second generations are sick is something that can't be changed. But our family can't afford to support a weaker girl. But our little girl Girl, I don't know why, when I was born, although my body was weak, my spirit was still good.

Now not only is he weak physically, but also mentally weak.

Although my third sister-in-law didn't say it in her heart, she was secretly blaming us for insisting on bringing Lingshan to Baidou world.

There are many poisons in the Baidou world, and she thinks it is the environment here that has harmed her daughter.

You see, it won't be long before she encourages my third brother to leave the Baidou Realm with his family, and go outside as casual cultivators to set up a separate family. "

Taohua Road.

"What?" Chu Shinian was shocked.

"What's the matter? She has always been self-prepared and feels that she is a member of the Hai tribe. She should not live in the Chu family where the situation is complicated. She hopes to live with the third brother and build a family business by herself. A peaceful life." Tao Hua said as expected.

(End of this chapter)

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