The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1257 The special blessing effect of Qi Tianjian

Chapter 1257 The special blessing effect of Qi Tianjian
"Will your third brother agree?" Chu Shinian asked with a frown.

"Yes, after all, it's his wife and his own daughter. My third brother is determined not to let go of his own daughter. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he is willing to try it with his wife and children." Taohua said.

"You mean, he actually felt in his heart that the little girl's condition worsened because we came to Baidou Realm?" Chu Shinian's voice became colder.

"I don't mind, don't change your face." Tao Hua pinched his face with a smile.

Chu Shinian sighed, "You know, there is no toxin in Chu's Lingshan that cannot be isolated."

"The child is going to die, can we not let others take the blame?" Tao Hua laughed.

"We didn't let them have a mixed-race child?" Chu Shinian said angrily, "If I knew there was something wrong with the child, I shouldn't have given birth to her. What a pain."

"They are both biological parents. If it were you, would you not want it? Anyway, if it were me, I would give birth to Brother Chun and my belly no matter what." Tao Hua said softly. "Don't be angry, although the third brother and the third sister-in-law have some ideas, they have never shown it.

Why?It's not that I don't want to make me sad too.

The little girl is my eldest niece after all. "

Chu Shinian felt blocked.

"Then if your third brother really wants to leave, is he going to give up everything here, or leave for a while?"

"My third brother is more shameless than my third sister-in-law. If he makes up his mind to leave, he will know that I will notice their thoughts. Parents will also know. So he left this time. will never come back.”

"Do you want to be so terrific?" Chu Shinian said helplessly.

"My third brother, eldest brother, and Xiao Wu are all more like my mother. They look very open-minded on the outside, but they are actually very stubborn. Speaking of which, my second sister and fourth brother are just like my father. We are more amiable and make money."

Chu Shinian: I believed in your evil?

What kind of character are you, I don't know yet?

"Anyway, I can't let him propose to leave alone. Help me, secretly encourage those ambitious and capable members of the family, and let them take their clansmen to go out independently."

When Chu Shinian heard this, he immediately said, "Are you planning to kick out some rotten leaves?"

"What do you mean by kicking out some rotten branches and leaves? Before we went out of the border, the family was always trapped in crisis. Every step was dangerous. Back then, it was normal for the family to be able to twist into a rope and develop together.

But when we arrived in the Baidou Realm and allowed the family's Golden Core cultivators to go out, did you really have no idea when they came into contact with the pioneering Golden Core casual cultivators from the outside world?

The Chu family has at most one more spiritual mountain than those pioneering Sanxiu Jindan families.

But Lingshan doesn't belong to them, and it won't be passed on to them in the future.

How many members of the Chu family do you think are really united with us, and can work for us in their hearts?

Besides, when we first went to the world, we gathered too many monks and ordinary people who were thinking about it.

Give them a chance this time and let them go.They are allowed to take the void ship of the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning to return to the Divine Court Great World, or go to the nearby battlefield outside the border to open up wasteland.

Of course, it is also possible to stay in the Baidou world to open up wasteland.

The toxin in the Baidou world is getting worse day by day.

Of course, I think they will go to the White Sea Realm on a large scale.The land reclamation over there has just entered a period of rapid development.

There are opportunities. "

"You feel that the hearts of the people are disturbed, and the thoughts of the clansmen are mixed. Want to adjust?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"I just feel that in the past, in order to promote the spiritual veins and ascend to the upper realm, we have been suppressing the thoughts of the family members and strengthening the cohesion of the family. Only in this way can the Lingshan be cultivated at the fastest speed.

Now Lingshan has entered a period of steady development.This is a long accumulation period.

At this time, we are using the previous pressure strategy wrongly.

They are all tribesmen and monks and common people who had no conflict with us.

I don't think it is necessary to confront, suppress, or impose constraints.

Those who want to go still have to go.

Those who want to stay will still stay.

Why should we be that bad guy?

Letting them out, our tentacles can also spread out, so the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. "

"Then what if they really have no way to gain a foothold outside?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"When they leave the Chu family's Lingshan, I will transfer their real estate into a large amount of resources that can be inherited. If they can't gain a foothold in this way, then come back and be an obedient citizen within the territory of Lingshan, and give birth to children for Lingshan and our Chu family. Do you want to make a contribution?" Tao Hua rolled her eyes and said.

Chu Shinian was directly amused by his wife.

Not to mention his daughter-in-law's quick thinking. "However, let's take care of this matter secretly. Many people hide their small thoughts now. I have to inspire them all.

Thinking all day about what it is to be in the clan, it is better to go to the outside world to develop, there is a lot to do. "

Chu Shinian said listlessly.

"After you leave, you won't be counted as a family member. The benefits of previous family members will also disappear. When you secretly promote it, you have to let everyone understand this."

"It's just two families, isn't it?" Chu Shinian asked hastily.

"Well, I have a treasure called Qi Tianjian. I told you about it." Taohua thought for a while, but decided to speak directly. "This is a treasure that is beneficial to planting and breeding. As long as I am the patriarch, it can bless the whole clan.

This is only after I cultivated to the Golden Core Realm and my connection with Qi Tianjian was strengthened.

I said that although I have made a lot of spiritual wood arrays, I will bless the clansmen.There shouldn't be so many descendants of the wood spirit root.

Not only are there many descendants of Mu Linggen, but there are still so many children who choose to become husbands of Lingzhi, which is even more weird.

Later, after I reached the Golden Core Realm, I realized that it was Qi Tianjian's contribution.

It will allow our Chu family to give birth to more Lingzhi husbands.Even if the clansmen did not become husbands of Lingzhi, our descendants of the Chu family would be naturally close to Lingzhi.Then feed something and live something.

If it becomes two families, their blessings will disappear.

In the future, the clansmen with wood-type spiritual roots born in the blood of future generations will gradually become normal, not as many as our family.

So try not to recommend them to grow elixir and fruit as their main business.

That was the end. "

Chu Shinian was really dumbfounded when he heard the result.What kind of treasure is this, it can even bless the blood of the tribe.

"Our original little broken world, it seems that there is a real secret, and this kind of treasure can be born. What about other people who have a treasure? Will they become as powerful as you?"

(End of this chapter)

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