Chapter 1263
"This one doesn't have the qualifications to dance, and doesn't challenge the perseverance. Anyone will be allowed in?" The angry customs chief was shocked.

"He specializes in opening a sect to do business." Fu Su said with a look of envy and admiration. "What a genius idea."

"It was kind of fun, indeed.

They have a special practice field where they can practice swordsmanship.There are also dedicated seminar rooms where swordplay can be discussed.There is also a special teleportation array that can go to the retreat room for retreat.You can retreat for as many days as you want.But there is a fee.

There is a set of standards for payment.Compared with other practice rooms in our city, the collection of money is no different.But there are many practice rooms.

Thousands.Choose whatever you want.

Whenever you want to practice, there are vacant practice rooms for you to use.

A lot of casual cultivators directly joined the Baidou Sword Sect because they aimed at such a good practice room. "Hang Xinghe said.

The key is freedom.There are many resources, and the payment is not expensive.Recruiting people naturally made many casual cultivators satisfied.

"And they have little fairs every afternoon. Bartering.

Sometimes three or four small trade fairs can last until evening.

For each small trade fair, each person who enters is charged an entrance fee of one spirit stone.If it is a day, you need ten spirit stones.As long as it is not a special trade fair, you can go in and participate.

They do business, throwing baskets of spirit stones into the warehouse every day. "Hang Xinghe said enviously. "Where it is like you, Nuguan has never been really rich.

And my old man will always post you. "

"Hearing what you said... I don't think they can make money? The entrance fee is one spirit stone per person, how many spirit stones can they charge? There is also barter, how many spirit stones can they earn? ?” The angry customs chief was puzzled.

Fu Su looked at him with a look of hatred for iron.

Hang Xinghe also looked at him with a look of incomprehension.

"There are monks in the Chu family who are very good at analyzing and completing all kinds of basic sword skills and sword arts. They have special childcare. Every time they go to small fairs to barter, they get all kinds of skills. They exchange a lot. Even casual cultivators thought that the Chu family had all kinds of sword arts and sword skills.

So they traded all kinds of sword skills and sword skills that they had obtained unintentionally.

The Chu family traded [-] copies of the basic five-element swordsmanship and swordsmanship alone.The solid five elements foundation and swordsmanship of the entire Nuguan Customs will no longer be sold. "

"Not only that, the Chu family also trades various rare spirit crystals, which are used to improve the quality and level of various magic swords. Sword repairers are going to be so happy, spirit crystals are used a lot, and even magic swords in the golden core state can also be used.

A large quantity will really improve the quality of the Golden Elixir Sword. "

"So good? Then where did these special spirit crystals come from?" The angry customs chief was puzzled, "What minerals did they find?"

"No, there are a lot of formation masters and crafting masters trained by the family. I extracted them from the bursting aura of the Baidou world. They refined a small box for refining the surrounding aura. There are 36 formation masters and twelve At this time, it is just right to refine a special spirit crystal in the shape of a very standard oval gem for 1000 yuan."

"Ah? Array Master can still be used like this?" asked the angry customs master in surprise.

"I've carefully seen how they refine the spirit crystals. It's really powerful. There are more than 30 mages, manipulating the big formation, and they cooperate very tacitly. It's exactly 1000 yuan for twelve hours." Hang Xinghe sincerely admired it.

What kind of brains do you think, you can design such a formation and refining weapon.

It can also allow so many formation masters to cooperate tacitly to complete this great cause.

If there is no foundation for this, if you want to cultivate such a qualified formation mage, and design such a powerful formation and refining diagram.

It is absolutely impossible to complete such a large-scale project.

No wonder people can make money.

"Then this is too powerful. You have to have spirit crystals to refine the formation map, you have to count magic tools, and you have to have a large number of formation masters who cooperate with each other tacitly. Without that step, you can't do it."

"People's formation masters seem to be carved out of the same mold. They can be combined wherever they go, and cooperate with each other tacitly. The formation masters in our sect are all too unique. The key is that their methods are similar to those of others. It's hard to put together.

Most of them can only fight alone.It's hard to get together to do something together.

Now I admire Chu Shinian's little daughter-in-law more and more.I heard that many of the policies of the Chu family were formulated by her.It was she who defied all opinions and trained so many professional masters for the Chu family.

If our sect can produce such a powerful person, I can wake up from my dreams with laughter. "

"I heard from Ah Si that his master has fallen. Maybe Chu Shinian will join our sect, and his wife won't be able to follow him at that time." The head of the angry customs said with a smile.

Hang Xinghe shook his head and said, "Guanghan and those people have gone too far.

If Chu Shinian resolutely refused to admit that he was a disciple of Guanghan, then he probably wouldn't be investing in Taichu.Guanghan frightened him, he would not easily throw himself into such a big sect who schemed against him so viciously and schemed against his master. "

The angry customs chief frowned upon hearing this.

"Old Tong's death is indeed a bit wronged."

"Be confident and remove that bit. It's just wronged." Hang Xinghe sighed. "It seems that he and your parents are a generation of monks. But because of the crystallization of luck, the promotion to the sixth level was delayed. I didn't expect that he would end up dead in the end. It's really embarrassing."

"Then Guanghan insisted that we hand over Chu Shinian?" asked the angry customs chief.

"It's useless to say it. Chu Shinian is not a disciple of their sect. Tong Tianxing replaced his apprentice Chu Shinian's with a strand of his own soul, and placed it inside the sect. He also got a vest for the little apprentice, Chu Yun. Chuan, instead of Chu Shinian himself, was registered in the clan book.

Speaking of which, neither the soul card nor the book had anything to do with Chu Shinian himself.There is no reason to punish him. "

"Although Guanghan has tacitly agreed that Chu Shinian is Tong Tianxing's junior disciple. But Tong Tianxing has not been officially paid in the sect. Therefore, according to the rules, Chu Shinian is not considered Tong Tianxing's disciple." Hang Xinghe sneered.

"Guanghan Jianzong is about to lose all face now."

"Then will they send someone in to kidnap Chu Shinian? Or encircle his family's Lingshan, capture his clansmen, and threaten him to submit?" asked the head of the angry customs curiously.

"What can I do if I can't get into the Baidou Realm?! Hey, I'll let their masters come in."

"Gao, grandfather, you are superior in skills." The head of the angry customs praised with a smile.

"What is this, Chu Shinian, sooner or later he will realize that he still has to join a big sect. Small sects can't support him at all."

(End of this chapter)

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