The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1264 Innate Ottomu Essence

Chapter 1264 Innate Ottomu Essence
At this time, Chu Shinian didn't think at all that he had to be from a famous school to be able to support him.

He is also very interested in doing this little white fight.

The key is to be profitable.

An incomplete basic exercise, in the hands of Taohua and others, can introduce a dozen different basic exercises to new heights.

Even he felt a flash of inspiration occasionally, and he also produced a book or two of basic exercises.

However, in just one month, he actually collected and replaced hundreds of basic exercises.

There are more than 600 supplementary exercises, and there are more than 56 pieces of various miscellaneous arts.There are more than [-] kinds of Lingjue for tempering various magic swords alone.There are also [-] kinds of elixir formulas for tempering magic swords.

In order to expand the income on a larger scale.Chu Shinian simply angered the customs master again and rented a whole street of new shops.

Then, various spirit wines, secret medicines for tempering magic swords, arrays for maintaining magic swords, array disk combinations, etc. were opened for sale in different categories.

Not to mention that although other shops in Nu Customs also sell similar products, what the Chu family sells are completely different from them.The Chu family saw every opportunity and specialized in selling what other people didn't sell.The Chu family is rich in various spiritual fruits.

Therefore, the supply of brewed fruit wine is in short supply.

The Chu family has its own spiritual mountain, its own spiritual spring, and its own fruit trees.Therefore, the cost of brewing spirit fruit wine is very low.This allowed the Chu family to earn Lingshi in batches.

"How much did you say?" The angry customs master couldn't close his ears.

"I said, if things go on like this, the Chu family will have a net income of about [-] million spirit stones a year just by selling all kinds of spirit fruit wine."

"How much... How much?" The angry customs chief looked at his little friend in horror.

"Just for fruit wine, there is an income of [-] million spirit stones." Fu Su said.

"Three hundred million? Lingshi? My Nuguan only has a net income of 3000 million Lingshi a year." The head of Nuguan said in astonishment. "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

"What 3000 million, since we planted the golden sunflower tree, the golden sunflower fruit alone has made a lot of income. Adding in the output of other elixir and spiritual food, there are about 5000 million spiritual stones a year. "Fu Su glared angrily at the Customs Master.

"The Patriarch of the Chu family, what's his name?"

"Chu Peach Blossom."

"Isn't that a golden baby? It can make a lot of money." The angry customs chief said in surprise.

Fu Su nodded.

"Monster-like ability to make money. I really underestimated her before. No wonder the Chu family was able to rise rapidly from a grassroots mortal family. In a decade or so, they have cultivated a sixth-level spiritual mountain, and the whole family has been promoted from the small world." Fu Suxin said, this speed is really faster than riding a Pegasus.

No wonder those old monsters of Guanghan Sword Sect took a fancy to his Lingshan.

Speaking of Lingshan, I'm afraid he also fell in love with the head of the Chu family.

"How can a small spiritual mountain in their family be so powerful?" the head of the angry customs was puzzled.

"When Chu Shinian and the others first came to the Baidou Realm, they brought about 1000 clansmen and mortals, and monks. Now it's only been a little over six years, and they still let them out more than [-] million people.

Now Lingshan has a population of 8000 million.

There are 6000 to [-] Golden Core monks alone.

If this number takes another two years, it may not be able to double. "

Hearing this, the angry customs master's eyes narrowed slightly.

"We only have [-] to [-] Golden Core cultivators in Nuguan Pass. They only need a few decades to catch up. The problem is that decades will pass. They probably have accumulated a group of Nascent Soul Realm cultivators."

"How could their high-ranking monks be so fierce? This is almost catching up with some small worlds controlled by the sect."

"The sixth-level spiritual mountain in their house is no different from the small world." Fu Su said as a matter of course. "The most important thing is that for the breakthroughs of monks in our sect and other affiliated worlds, the accumulation of cultivation usually depends on either hard work or elixir. Spirit flowers and fruits are usually used as medicine, so that they can maximize their improvement. Their value. However, in the Chu family, people started their business by planting. Most of the spiritual fruits in the family are cow hairs. The population of the family basically eats spiritual fruits every day, and eats spiritual fruits every day.

The elixir or something can only be used when breaking the boundary. "

When the angry customs master heard this, he was so envious.

"Think about it, Lord Guan, the fourth-order spiritual fruits you have used in your daily practice in recent years are basically from the Chu family. Other families can't cultivate so many fourth-order spiritual treasures." Fu Su directly exposed him. "The taste of the fourth-order spirit fruit is very good. Much better than the spirit pill, right?
It's a pity that Chu's fifth-order spiritual fruit is really rare, otherwise we can continue to take advantage of it. "

Cough cough cough...

The angry customs master glared at him angrily.

Fu Su was not angry, and continued to laugh. "Chu's monks take a lot of elixir, and they take a lot of spiritual fruits. Spiritual fruits not only have no erysipelas, but also have the effect of washing the body, expelling dark wounds and erysipelas. Although other monks with other surnames are taking elixir to advance, they are idle If you have nothing to do, you can go to Chu's to buy spiritual fruits to wash your body.

Therefore, there are a lot of high-level monks cultivated by them in Lingshan, or talents with high-level monk potential.

There is no way to do this, who makes people rich in resources. "

Fu Su conveniently took a fourth-order panlong peach from the fruit plate in front of the Nuguan master, and ate it.

The annoyed customs chief glared at him, but Fu Su pretended not to see it.

Speaking of which, Chu Shinian is quite a man.

When he wanted to be an individual, not only Guan Zhu but also Mr. Hang, as well as him and several empresses, all received the fourth-order spiritual fruit that the Chu family paid tribute throughout the year.

"If you want to eat yours, why do you always come to eat mine?"

"Who told you to have a good relationship with Chu Shinian? Every time they come to give you more spiritual fruits, they always give you more? I heard that they sent you ten third-order spiritual ginseng last time? Each spiritual ginseng is worth one How long is it?" Fu Su said enviously.

Cough cough cough...

The angry customs chief stared wide-eyed, who?Was it the talkative who told Fu Su about this?
"The third-order spiritual ginseng planted by others is at most one and a half feet long, one foot and eight inches long, and the spiritual ginseng sent by the Chu family is actually one meter long. You didn't even tell me?"

"People's ginseng is one meter long. That's because they not only have sixth-order spiritual veins underground, but also the earth spirit array, as well as the nourishment of the innate Yimu essence. The spiritual ginseng grown out is naturally different from the nearby spiritual ginseng. Same." The head of the angry customs said eloquently. "How did the spiritual ginseng we saw come out? It's just a elixir garden opened on the fifth and sixth-order spiritual veins. Except for one spiritual vein, there is nothing. It has been cultivated for hundreds of years, and at most it is They have worked for several years. Just talking about the medicinal power of spiritual ginseng, their 600-year-old spiritual ginseng is not as good as other people's five-year-old ginseng."

(End of this chapter)

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