The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1266 Hunting

Chapter 1266 Hunting
"But...but..." The other party is still there.

But Fu Su didn't want to hear anything anymore.

"Tell me, who told you to come here to confess to me about being black in the Sword Fighting School?" Fu Su asked again.

"No, no one."

"Hehe." Fu Su sneered. "If you don't want to say it, forget it. You go back and pack your things and prepare to return to the family. Follow me to run the business outside, and you still have two hearts. It seems that you can't really do things for me. You should go back. The family will change me. Come support me."

"Uncle Clan, I don't...Uncle Clan..."

Fu Su was not willing to listen to her, so he left.

A certain shopkeeper turned pale with fright, and quickly turned around and ran back to try to recruit.

If she was driven back like this, she must be punished after returning to the family.

She doesn't want to be punished...

Fu Su waited for her to leave, and then called for someone to follow that silly girl.Being used by others, I still want to continue to protect others.I don't know how much ecstasy soup was poured.He doesn't like to deal with this kind of crap, so he should send her back to the family and let the family deal with her.

Turning around, Fu Su went to the head of the angry customs again, "This is the list of forces and shops that have come to complain openly and secretly in the past few days. Some of them were influenced by the Baidoujian faction, and some were simply jealous of the operation of the Baidoujian faction. good."

"I heard that the Baidou Sword Sect has brought out a large number of low-level spiritual fruits and elixir, and allows registered sword cultivators to exchange them." Angry Customs Master asked again.

"Well, they took out a large number of second-tier and third-tier spiritual fruits and elixir, and allowed the sword cultivators within the Sword Sect to use spiritual stones and other treasures in exchange."

"Third-level spiritual fruit and elixir still have a lot of effect on Golden Core monks. Second-level ones have almost no effect on Golden Core monks, right?" Angry Customs Master asked puzzled.

"It depends on where it is produced. If it is produced by the Chu family, even the second-level elixir is of high quality and can be taken directly. Although it is still a third-level spiritual fruit and elixir for those sword repairs with deep roots more suitable for them.

But for casual cultivators and ordinary sword cultivators from ordinary foundations, the second-order spiritual fruit and elixir are enough.

Besides, everyone swallowed a lot of spiritual fruits and elixir, more to eliminate the influence of erysipelas on themselves.It's not that there is really a lack of pills for supplementing cultivation.

Of course, whether it is a spiritual fruit or a elixir, it is a bit wasteful to eat it directly, but the effect of washing the body and purifying the erysipelas is quite obvious.I have also eaten Chu's second-order Aoki Ganoderma lucidum.After eating one, the whole body became hot, and a lot of black sweat stains were discharged from the body not long after. "

"Second-level Qingmu Ganoderma lucidum, it works for you too?" The head of the angry customs was shocked when he heard Fu Su's words.

"The detoxification effect of Qingmu Ganoderma lucidum is probably very good." Fu Su guessed.

"Go and ask them if they can sell me some seeds?" the angry customs said.

"Master Guan, do you plan to do all kinds of things?" Fu Su asked puzzled. "You're not good at growing elixir either?"

"I'm planning to get Junior Sister Huang. Junior Sister Huang is very good at planting elixir." Nuguan said.

"People's seeds are sold by grain. One grain costs fifty spirit stones. How many grains do you plan to get?" Fu Su asked again.

"How do you know so clearly?" The head of the angry customs asked in confusion.

"I bought [-] grains myself. I spent [-] spirit stones." Fu Su said.

The angry customs master directly pointed at him deeply, "You, you. How is your plant?"

"I'm not very optimistic. From a hundred seeds, only five will germinate. I don't think the quality of these five is as good as the Chu family's Aoki ganoderma. But I'm only a second-level lingzhi husband. If I can grow them, it's not bad."

"You bring me the remaining [-] seeds. I won't buy the seeds. Let Junior Sister Huang plant them. All kinds will become a scale. You can forget it, just plant a few and eat it yourself."

When Fu Su heard it, his expression changed immediately, "I can give you the seeds, but you need [-] spirit stones to supply me."

"What? You've already planted a hundred seeds. Do you still want fifty thousand spirit stones?"

"I spent money, why am I embarrassed to ask for it. Why don't you go to the Chu family to buy seeds yourself." Fu Su said.

"Twenty-five thousand, that's all."

"Thirty thousand, you can't take advantage of it like this."

"All right, then [-]. Junior Sister Huang is a fourth-rank Lingzhi husband, and she should be able to grow some green wood Ganoderma lucidum than you." The head of the angry customs said optimistically.

However, Fu Su was not very optimistic about the angry customs master Huang Shimei.

He went to the Chu family's Lingshan and saw how the Chu family's husband Ling Zhi took care of the elixir and spirit fruit trees.

The Chu family takes care of the spirit fruit forest and the spirit medicine garden on a large scale.

Each emergence is extremely numerous.

Only the strong seedlings will stay and continue to reproduce.

Those seedlings that grow weak are sold.If anyone wants to raise them, they can buy a few and go back to plant them.Anyway, there are many places in front of the house and behind the house where seeds can be planted.Panacea seedlings have not received much favor.Fewer seedlings that were eliminated were sold.

In the end, they can only randomly choose one of the nearby mountains.

Born and raised.

Live and wait until the year when you can pick it before picking it back.

All kinds of spiritual fruit saplings are more popular.No matter what fruit tree it is, everyone is happy to have one or two at home.The fruit can be sold to the Chu family or sold at a low price in the market.

The problem is that all kinds of elixir and spiritual fruit trees that grow in the Lingshan world will gradually grow well even if they are weak.

But once out of Lingshan, Fu Su tried it.The survival rate is really too low.

It is comparable to the seeds of rare elixir outside.

All of them can get five or six, which is not bad.

Obviously, the fact that there is a congenital Yimu Chunlong in the Chu family's spiritual mountain is probably true.

If there is no Chunlong, it really can't explain why people's elixir, the spiritual fruit tree, is so well planted.

"By the way, do you know that the Baidou Sword Sect is going to make a big move recently?" Fu Su asked again.

"What kind of large-scale operation?" The angry customs chief really didn't know.

"They plan to hunt whales in the sea." Fu Su said.

"Since the last war, the sea water has surged again, submerging most of the mysterious ice ruins, and the number of large water beasts in the sea has increased day by day. It's just that these water beasts are generally poisoned all over their bodies. After they hunt, they have to detoxify, the cost increases, and it is difficult to sell. What do you hunt them for?"

"I heard that the Chu family plans to use animal bones to build ships.

After the animal bone is detoxified, it is inconvenient to use medicine and refine weapons.But it basically doesn't matter when it's used for shipbuilding.

And whether it is building an airship or a void ship, there is no need to worry about not being able to sell it.

There has always been a huge gap in the various airships and voidships in our Baidou world. "

It is not that everyone has never thought of building a ship with animal bones, but hunting water animals in the deep sea is not so easy.

(End of this chapter)

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