The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1267 Belonging

Chapter 1267 Belonging

It is useless to go without fewer people, but it is not worthwhile to have more people.

Using large deep-sea water animals, whales, etc. to refine animal bone ships, you can't make much money if you refine less.And selling is also a problem.The key is to sell one or two boats alone, and it is difficult to find another home.

But if there is more refining, there are not so many people.

But if the Baidou Sword Sect was hunting animals, the shipbuilding could be entrusted to the Chu family, and finally sold in the name of the Baidou Sword Sect.

"That's fine. If they make fewer ships, let's just buy five of them. It just so happens that we also lack empty ships at Nu Customs." The owner of Nu Customs felt that he should take care of the business of the young couple of the Chu family.

After all, my family holds a lot of shares over there.

Fu Su didn't speak.

It didn't take long for the Chu family to start their business in Fuguan, but they made a lot of money.Fu Sucai didn't believe that they would lose money if they suddenly wanted to build a ship.It depends on how they do it.

The Baidoujian sect immediately activated the four thousand golden pills.

It's not too far from Nuguan Pass.The three whale groups in the deep sea near the Nuguan Pass were blocked.

A strangling at sea and underwater directly killed more than 20 large whales.This task is considered complete.Four thousand gold elixirs go hunting animals, even if one person takes one sword, the whale will die completely.So there is no danger at all.

At the same time, many Golden Cores took the opportunity to display their big moves and showed their combat power.However, anyone who helped the Baidoujian School to kill the whale with one hammer.There are also many sect contribution points obtained after the task is completed.

The resource treasure book that can be traded and exchanged is also more advanced.

The Chu family sent out a large number of craftsmen at one time to build 25 Tier [-] airships and five Tier [-] void ships.

The void ship is not big, but there is no problem at all for the short-distance void voyage to Baidoujie and the nearby Baihaijie.

This is the first time the Chu family has built a Tier [-] void ship.

I have collected a lot of relevant knowledge before, and I have practiced with my own spirit wood several times.Mountains of spirit wood and various shipbuilding materials were destroyed.It was only then that the current Tier [-] airship and Tier [-] void ship were built.

Of course, the Chu family's ability to refine the Tier [-] void ship also benefited from the void battleship that the Chu family had obtained.

That void battleship has already recovered to Tier [-] by itself.

The Chu family's new Tier [-] void ship refers to other people's designs in many places.

It's like a universe furnace, like a battleship defense array or something.There are also various attack formations and so on.

As soon as the new void ship came out, the Chu family had a caravan, and they drove the void ship to the White Sea Realm.I brought a lot of goods there, and I brought more goods back.As soon as the goods brought back are disposed of, this trip has netted millions of spirit stones.

It's so lucrative.

Without further ado, the Chu family kept two void ships for themselves, and sold the other three directly to the greedy angry customs master.Even 25 airships were sold to the angry customs master.

Obtained a large amount of spirit stones.

Then each Jindan who participated in hunting whales at the beginning was divided into [-] spirit stones.

There are Zongmen contribution points that can be exchanged for things, and finally there is a lot of spirit stones that can be taken.This immediately mobilized the enthusiasm of the Golden Cores of the Baidou Sword Sect.

"No, we still have to hunt whales."

"It's okay if it's not a whale. But it's not necessary for general ones. It must be a five-level monster. The skeleton of a five-level monster can be refined into a fourth-level void ship at the beginning of the fifth level, and a fifth-level void ship at the peak of the fifth level. Void Ships make money. Empty ships make hard money. Not worth it."

"Hey, hey, everyone is so ambitious. You forgot the time when there were no spirit stone flowers, did you? The airship earns less, less. But it's good for hunting."

"It's useless to hunt well. The Chu family plans to build a hundred spaceships. The task of hunting the spaceship demon bones has long been taken over, and now the rest are all spaceships."

"I'll go, who is this, to start so fast?"

"If you are not active in making money, you have a problem with your thinking."


The Golden Core cultivators of the Baidoujian Sect are busy forming a group to hunt down sea beasts.

Other forces and shops in Nuguan were also tempted.

Concentrate a large number of golden core monks to hunt demon bones, and then find someone to refine them into airships and void ships.It is indeed very profitable.

Whose power is not as good as a few shipbuilders?

If the Chu family can do it, so can they.

As a result, the large underwater beasts near the Nuguan Customs have suffered disaster.Numerous Jindan and Nascent Soul cultivators chased their butts and drove them away.

They also kept beheading their companions.

It simply made them unable to live, moved away, and the whole family moved away.

Without your sea, are we still alive?
The large sea beast ran away, but the Golden Core cultivators still didn't want to let them go.They simply rented airships to chase large sea beasts.With airships they can travel farther.Able to hunt more large sea beasts.

It will also be able to spin more spirit stones.

Within five or six months, just by hunting sea beasts, the casual cultivators in the Baidou Sword Sect became rich.

Not one or two, but a real wave of people.

In today's Baidou Sword Sect, the sword cultivators are not the ones who study how to create their own big moves that can severely damage the sea beasts with one move.It is to study the sword array, how to effectively encircle and suppress large sea beasts, prevent them from escaping, and reduce losses for themselves and others.

For a while, the big and small sword formations and big moves were all researched by them.Then it was staged against a group of aquatic giants one by one.

Treat the behemoths as the best targets for actual combat tests.

Will your own creativity work, Shangshui Beast.

Anyone who can kill a large water beast will do, and everyone will praise it.

You can also pass on your art publicly, but those who learn your big move will naturally have to pay for it.

If your self-created big move doesn't work, the water beast has nothing to do, and finally ran away.

Then you're going to be ridiculous.

At least for a few months, everyone will laugh at you.

Many people with tender faces simply went to retreat for several months to practice.

Although there are few self-made successes, there are many failures.

But everyone learned from the experience of successful people, and in a few months, they created fifty kinds of big moves.And there are some big moves, even the angry customs chief applauded repeatedly after seeing them, shouting that they are creative.

There are also various freshly baked sword arrays of different sizes.

To defeat the strong with the weak, a group of small golden elixirs can counterfeit the great monsters of the five realms, relying on the newly created sword array.Some even feel very surprised when the angry customs take the initiative.

He didn't expect that a group of small Jindan and casual cultivators could do their own tricks and sword arrays so well.

The Chu family simply sent Bai Doujian to make a living.

Chu Shinian and his wife had a wonderful time playing with a small sword.

Needless to say, in less than a year, the Baidou Sword Sect has completely taken root in Nuhai Pass.Many Loose Cultivation Gold Elixirs have a great sense of belonging to it.

(End of this chapter)

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