The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1274 Shells hide magical powers

Chapter 1274 Shells hide magical powers

There are so many people in the Baidoujian faction, which casual cultivators and forces dare to come to find fault?
Besides, the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect had already received its own jade cocoon for copying the exercises.

This kind of thing is unique to one family, not as good as everyone.

Even if this kind of exercise is to be handed over to the Taichu Sword Sect, at most it will be exchanged for some merit points of the sect.On the contrary, if the family keeps this exercise as a foundation, at least there will be no need to spend a large amount of merit points to exchange for this exercise in the future.

No one is a fool.

Naturally, one can be kept.

Because of the Taichu Sword Sect's several major families have mastered the exercises.Then the other hands should not be chasing and killing Zhou Xiong.After all, Zhou Xiong has already given away his skills, if you kill Zhou Xiong again, wouldn't that be a blow to the big families of the Taichu Sword Sect?

Zhou Xiong was saved like this.

His deeds also let many casual cultivators see the strength of the Baidou Sword Sect.

Backed by the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect, the Baidou Sword Sect already has a certain deterrent power and the right to speak in Nuhai City.

But this little sect has only been established for a few months?

It's amazing.

And on the other side of the Xuanbing ruins, the Xuanbing is also being continuously melted by the new sea water.So the ruins began to be exposed in large areas.Many casual cultivators rushed down to the bottom of the sea to search for various ancient treasures.

Some people arrived early for some high-level magic weapons, or fragments of spirit treasures.Someone looked for some seeds that remained alive.

Someone also found a piece of fifth-order spirit gold...

A large number of relics were excavated by casual cultivators and Zongmen monks.

Then they set up stalls and sold them directly in Nuguan City.

The scene was more lively than the vegetable market.

There are too many bargainers.

Taohua pulls Chu Shinian to hunt for treasure.

Walking and walking, I came to the booth of an elderly Jindan monk.

There are many colorful shells with bowl mouths of various colors on his booth.But his shells seem to have been polished, not as complete as the shells of spirit shells collected by others.

And most have only one half shell.

The other half went somewhere.

As soon as Taohua saw these shells, she didn't want to leave.Simply touch the shells one by one.

"Little lady, are you going to sell it or not? If you don't sell it, I can't let you touch it anymore." Lao Jindan said hastily.

"Uncle, do you have these shells in your hand?" Tao Hua asked.

"That's all." Old Jin Dan said, "I sold everything I found under the sea, and only these shells are left. Or, if you want it, give me five hundred spirit stones and take it away. "

"Uncle, let me see more." Tao Hua touched fifty shells one by one.Then he said, "Uncle, are you sure you want to sell me?"

"What do you mean? Don't you think these shells are not worth five hundred spirit stones?" Lao Jindan said angrily, "You said you little lady, you have touched it several times, why don't you sell it? Okay, okay, hurry up and go. Don't delay me from selling things."

Tao Hua laughed directly when she heard this.

"Uncle, these shells are from an ancient human tribe called the Muman tribe who specialized in supernatural powers. These 55 shells are exactly 55 supernatural powers. Are you sure you want to sell me five hundred spirit stones?"

"Ah?" Old Jin Dan was taken aback. "What you said is true?" The old man put all the shells in his hands reluctantly.

"Naturally." Taohua said, "What did I lie to you for? I also found it very unbelievable after I found out. That's why I touched them one by one. I thought that there were supernatural powers in one or two shells. It's in the shell."

Clap Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng, five men immediately ran beside the old man, four Golden Cores, and one Nascent Soul.

The oldest Nascent Soul cultivator is from the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning.

"My father really has supernatural powers when he found these shells? But when we inspected them at the beginning, the divine sense also carefully scanned the inside and outside of the shells. Nothing was found."

Taohua nodded after listening, "After this kind of shell, monks with single spiritual roots of the wood system, or monks with full spiritual roots of the wood system, will have supernatural powers when they penetrate into it. There must be no similar monks among you, otherwise you would have discovered it long ago. I am a wood-type full spiritual root myself. So I noticed something unusual about these shells from the very beginning."

"Junior brother, what do you think?"

The Nascent Soul man raised his head and asked towards the sky.

Immediately, two Sword Cultivators of Absolute Beginning, who were also in the Nascent Soul Realm, appeared in the sky.

"Bring your things, bring them, let's go to see the Guan Lord."

"it is good."

As soon as they left, the explosive news that 55 magical powers were hidden in a group of shells immediately spread in the market.And it spreads very quickly towards the surroundings.

A lot of forces are greatly embarrassed.

Why are they not the ones who discovered these supernatural shells?
The angry customs master looked dull.

He looked at the pile of shells on the table.These little things actually stored supernatural powers.

And there are dozens more?
Usually one is rare.

"Grandfather, do you think so?"

The angry customs master hurried to ask his grandfather.

"I don't have a single line of wood spirit roots, I'm also full of wood spirit roots." Old man Hang carefully looked at a pile of shells.Xiao Taohua should not be deceiving.

In other words, these things are really magical shells.

Old man Hang looked at Lao Jindan and his son, and at Taohua and their young couple.

He said in a solemn tone, "I'm afraid you really made a big contribution this time. The sect has regulations. No matter how many people discover supernatural powers at the same time, each sect will give the discoverer [-] merit points.

There are five of you, father and son, that is two million and 75 sect merit points.

Have you figured out what to exchange? "

The old man Hang said to them first and then looked at the Taohua couple, "You are not from the Zongmen. According to the rules, you and your wife can each make five requests to the Zongmen. As long as the Zongmen can do it, you will definitely do it." I promise you."

"Can this request be kept? We don't have anything to mention right now." Chu Shinian frowned and looked at Tao Hua, who shook his head directly.He said this to old man hang. "Besides, we really didn't do anything. It was Taohua who told the uncle about the actual situation of the shells."

The golden core old man immediately let out a hearty laugh.

"This is called fate. Thank you, little girl, for discovering such important news, you are willing to tell me directly."

Tao Huaxin said, I will use Qi Tianjian to touch it, and I will make a copy of the supernatural power.I accepted you 55 copies of supernatural powers, how can I not tell you what is in the shell?
Am I like that?
"I didn't think of it just now, but now I think of one. I can use these supernatural powers. I took a few glances. They are probably wood-type supernatural powers. I will make a copy for the Lingzhi husbands in the family to use. I don't know if it will work." No way?" Taohua said.

"Yes." Old man Hang thought for a while and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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