The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1275 The magical power in question: flowers bloom and fall

Chapter 1275 The magical power in question: flowers bloom and fall
Now that old man Hang agreed, the other empresses had no objections either.After all, it was discovered by others.He also told the old Jindan of his sect.

Soon a female sword cultivator full of spiritual roots in the nearby big city came.

She is also from the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.

Hang Xinghe asked her to come here because she wanted to verify whether there were really magical powers hidden in these shells.

When the female sword repairer came, she gasped in surprise when she saw the shells.

Then after Hang Xinghe finished explaining, he also took a shell to check it out with a curious face.As a result... It took her a long time to put down the shell in a daze, "You really have wood-type supernatural powers, but it's too profound to comprehend."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Supernatural powers, even the smallest one, unless you awakened them yourself, it's extremely difficult to comprehend, okay?" the head of the angry customs complained.

The female swordsman rolled his eyes directly.

"No matter how difficult it is, this is also wood-type supernatural power. As long as I gradually understand it, I can always learn it. But if you don't have wood spirit roots, you won't be able to comprehend it if you have supernatural powers."


The female Jianxiu was ridiculed all over her face.

Hang Xinghe: "..."

Angry Customs Master: "..."

Hahaha, the other empresses burst into laughter.

"Since it is really a wood-type supernatural power, then report it to the sect. It is estimated that the sect will not be able to move back for a while. With so many supernatural powers, there are not many sixth-level or seventh-level escorts. Don't even think about going back safely." Chen Mind Road.

"That's right, supernatural powers are so touching. When the eighth-level patriarchs come over, it's more appropriate for them to bring them back." Zhang Beihai also said.

"As for the one you want, Peach Blossom. I can only ask this girl to copy one for you. When you learn it, you can copy the second one." Hang Xinghe said again.

"Okay, then I want that supernatural power flower to come and fall." Taohua said.

"Okay." Hang Xinghe was very satisfied when he saw that Taohua was so sensible.Immediately let the female female Jianxiu find the flowers for Taohua, and make a copy.

It is very difficult for Emma to copy the supernatural powers. It will be almost five months before Taohua gets the basically complete supernatural powers to bloom and fall.

"When that female sword cultivator finishes copying all the supernatural powers, I guess it will be over a hundred years." Tao Hua used the flowers to stimulate the fruit of a rare spiritual grass, and at the same time complained about her husband's powerlessness.

"It's not bad if it can be copied. That female sword cultivator's sea of ​​consciousness space is much smaller than yours, and the total amount and quality of her consciousness are completely incomparable with yours. You continue to receive feedback from Lingshan. It is far from being comparable to ordinary monks." Chu Shinian said.

"When I was not fed back by Lingshan, my spiritual sense was much stronger than her. Without Qi Tianjian, I can also use those 55 magical powers a few times. I have a good memory, let's find out." Taohua picked the two fruits on the spirit grass down.

The spirit grass was directly reduced to ashes.

"This supernatural power consumes too much Lingzhi's potential and lifespan. It almost ends up dying. If someone's treasure tree celestial root is played like this, it will be extinct." Taohua complained.

"People outside don't have the innate Yimu essence to nourish them. A fourth-order spiritual plant needs to be cultivated for hundreds of years to mature. Thinking about the longevity of human beings, how can everyone have the time to wait for the spiritual plant to mature by itself.

When Ling Zhi matured, they would have died long ago.

So this supernatural power flower blooms and fades, but its uses are indeed not small.At least they can get spiritual fruit while their lifespan is still there. "

Taohua held two small fruits that looked like purple apples, and was very dissatisfied.

"Not only is the spiritual grass exhausted, but even the fruit has internal flaws due to its rapid ripening. This kind of fruit will produce inferior products whether it is eaten by itself or used for alchemy.

One step, one step.At the critical moment, this slight gap will become a natural moat and hold back. "

"Oh, it's better to have everything than nothing," Chu Shinian said.

What else could Taohua say, because Chu Shinian was telling the truth.

"Auctioned the two holy purple fruits." Taohua handed the fruits to Chu Shinian.

Although there is a shortage at home, there is no shortage of defective purple holy fruit.Take good care of it, and in three years there will be pieces of purple holy fruit ripening.

This fifth-order purple holy fruit is also one of the main medicinal materials of Poying Pill.

It's so powerful that it's hyped into sky-high prices.

Although the Chu family is good at growing elixir, except for the golden sunflower, few elixir flows out.At most, the spiritual fruit was sent to the head of the Nuguan customs.

As soon as the holy purple fruit came out, nothing happened.After all, although the purple holy fruit is on the right track, the number of holy fruits is too small for you.Only two.Can't make too many storms.

If the Taichu Sword Sect knew that the Chu family planted this kind of purple holy fruit in the middle of the mountain, even the medicine garden would be full of several.It is absolutely impossible to be so calm.

"We have also planted the main and auxiliary medicines of the other Poying Pills. The only thing missing is Longqiu blood ginseng and Chaoyangzhi." Chu Shinian said.

"They're all missing the main medicine?" Tao Hua was astonished.

The prescription of the Poying Pill was actually sold to the Chu family by a casual cultivator.This formula is very old, it is the formula of the old Po Ying Dan about 1 years ago.Many medicinal herbs are now extinct.The formulas of the various Poying Pills that are not popular in the major sects are all improved later.

However, if the Chu family uses the formula of Poying Pill, which is the mainstream of the major forces in Shenting, they are looking for death.

Whoever uses it, that force will come to retaliate against them.

It is better to use the old Dan formula directly.

After all, apart from Chu Shinian himself and Tao Hualiu, everyone else needs the Poying Pill to conceive a baby.

"Longqiu blood ginseng was replaced with more than 400-year-old demon blood ginseng. Doctors said that these two kinds of blood ginseng have a certain degree of substitution. As for Chaoyang Zhi, 600-year-old Zhu Guo and 500-year-old Qingmu Ganoderma were used instead. .Probably also the effect can be.

Fang Zi is making final adjustments. "

"We still have 600-year-old Vermillion Fruit? And 500-year-old Aoki Ganoderma?" Chu Shinian was taken aback.

"No, ripening."

"Our family also has this kind of ripening method?" Chu Shinian was a little surprised.

"Small spells blossom and bear fruit, and I realized that the second stage is spells: the blooming of a thought. It depends on Ling Zhifu's cultivation base and the number of spirit stones we have piled up under his subordinates. Casting it once can accelerate the growth of at least one year. But every time you cast it Every time a thought blooms, Lingzhi must be allowed to rest for three days.

Otherwise, it will cause damage to Lingzhi's body. "Peach Blossom said.

"Niu, you Lingzhi husbands are really powerful. Even a small spell can be cultivated to the second level, which is called spell: Blossom of a thought?" Chu Shinian exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, compared to the magic spell of flower blooming in one thought, I feel a little stunned when the magic power comes and goes."

"A little stunned?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

"Even when it's cast, it's not very smooth, and it feels a bit sluggish and stagnant."

(End of this chapter)

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