The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1276 Spirit

Chapter 1276 Spirit

"Does it feel unsmooth when performing supernatural powers? Is it connected? Is there a feeling of stagnation and stagnation?" Chu Shinian asked.


Seeing his wife nodding, Chu Shinian was extremely puzzled and asked, "Is there something wrong with these supernatural powers?"

"Or is there something wrong with this wooden barbarian?"

"Perhaps there is something wrong with the person who left the magical power behind." After hearing Chu Shinian's guess, Tao Hua also expressed her own guess.

Chu Shinian nodded: "It's all possible."

"Why don't I ask someone to find out that there are other news about the Muyoumu barbarians in the ruins." Chu Shinian said again.


A few days later, Mingzhe came with a young monk.This new head monk has a medium color, but he has a bookish look all over him.Some are like those great Confucians who have read poetry and books in the secular world.

"This is..." Chu Shinian and his wife received them alone.It looks like the newcomers don't know each other.

"Let me introduce you. It's just my new friend. Brother Luo Weiluo."

"Brother Luo." Chu Shinian and his wife saluted in unison.

"This is Chu Shinian and his wife who founded the new Baidou Sword Sect." Mingzhe introduced to Luo Wei. "I met Brother Chu, Mrs. Chu." Luo Wei, like Chu Shinian and his wife, looked at each other carefully.

"My Brother Luo, since I came to Baidou Realm, I have been studying the relics of civilization that this world once had.

According to him, there used to be a very mysterious cultivation civilization in this Baidou world. " Mingzhe said.

"Mysterious cultivation civilization?" Tao Hua immediately became energetic when she heard it. "What kind of mysterious civilization?"

"I call the whole civilization the totem civilization." Luo Wei said.

"Totem civilization?" Tao Hua almost exclaimed in shock, "Is there such a civilization?"

It's not that she hasn't seen it.On the contrary, she saw it in a special relic in the original world, and also obtained some totem inheritance.What really surprised Taohua was that there was such a special civilization in Baidou Realm.

"Indeed, their monks or the entire cultivation world is based on totems."

"Totem, how was it built?" Chu Shinian asked in surprise.

"Come and see."

Luo Wei drew a set of totems from all the broken totem patterns he found.

"Look, these are some mysterious caves I occasionally found in the Baidou world, all kinds of ancient strokes and some interesting patterns rubbed from places that are suspected to be ancient ruins." Luo Wei gave to Chu Shinian and his wife A display of some rubbings of ancient paintings.

Many people are worshiping a certain huge beast, towering trees, and some huge rocks, mountains, lakes, and rivers.There are also people who worship the flames in a certain firepit, and the flames form a huge flame giant in the firepit.

"The appearance of the ruins under the sea really helped a lot this time. The mysterious ice is gone, and many people go to the sea to search for treasures in the ancient ruins. I also took the opportunity to find a lot of interesting things. Take a look at these jade cocoons. They are all The Muman tribe is the gods of the main tribe and the gods of the sub-tribes. These records write that the witch told us that everything in the world has spirits. They can respond to our spirits and are willing to respond to our spirits. We can worship them, Let them be gods who shelter and help us.

As a result, more totem warriors were born and the Muman tribe grew stronger. "

Luo Wei put seven or eight jade board books that looked particularly vicissitudes in front of Chu Shinian and his wife.

This is really amazing.

There is actually such a description in the ruins under the Xuanbing.Tao Hua picked up the ancient jade board books one by one, and then looked at them carefully.The result did not understand.It's all lines, she doesn't recognize them.

It was Luo Wei who gave Taohua another reference table of ancient and modern characters that he compiled by himself, and Taohua was able to understand the meaning expressed in the jade board script again.

The key is that Luo Wei was able to master this ancient language and make a translation table.

Really great! !
Tao Hua secretly admired it, thinking that there are indeed so many geniuses in this world.

Luo Wei, who looks very inconspicuous, is actually so capable.This is almost becoming a decipherer of ancient history.

"I don't know if you two are interested in this kind of totem cultivation civilization." Luo Wei asked.

"How do they practice? Just draw a picture of the gods and spirits, can they practice?" Chu Shinian asked puzzled.

"No, this kind of totem must be tattooed on yourself to be useful." Luo Wei said.

"I have seen some very broken strokes. At the beginning, someone carved the totem of the gods, and then they began to worship the totem. The totem part by part glowed, and finally the totem warrior grasped the powerful power.

This kind of power is not at all the same as our hard practice of breaking the mirror. "Luo Wei said.

"Then which one is more suitable for our human race to cultivate?" Chu Shinian asked again.

Luo Wei stopped talking.

"The current way of cultivation." Mingzhe finally asked Luo Wei to answer Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian: "..."

"Although this ancient cultivation civilization can no longer keep up with the development of our human race, I think this branding totem cultivation method may also give us some reference." Mingzhe said.

"I personally feel that this way of cultivation is very special, very mysterious, and very interesting."

"The question is whether you have discovered it. This kind of totem cultivation method, first of all, you have to make sure that there are spirits in the world, and this kind of spirit still exists. Look at this Baidou world, where are there spirits? Cough cough, it is just a Yuebai Qilin is still alive.

The remaining moon master doesn't know if it is a spirit?

And that silver dragon with Yuebai Qilin...

Do you think it is more suitable to be the spirit on the totem? "Taohua thought about it, and felt that this ancient cultivation method was a bit unreliable.

Mingzhe and Luo Wei were speechless at what she said.

"Even if you want to resume the development of this totem cultivation method, you must have a spirit. If you don't have a spirit, where can you communicate with the spirit in the totem and help others practice?"

"Is it true that the Baidou Realm has no spirit?" Mingzhe pondered.

"If there is a spirit, the Baidou world will not become the same as before, where it is poisonous everywhere and will destroy the world." Taohua said.

Chu Shinian also nodded.What happened to Yuebai Qilin and that silver dragon, Yuebai Qilin had already said.

Now this world has decayed to the extreme.It should be soulless.

The spirit should have been eaten by that fairy corpse as a gift for resurrection.Small snacks one bite at a time.

Every spirit that condenses mysterious power is tonic.

For the fairy corpse, there is something to eat, and there is also the possibility of resurrection.The fairy corpses should have taken advantage of Yuebai Qilin's sleeping time, and should have hunted them down long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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