The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1277 Possession

Chapter 1277 Possession
"I still think I can give it a try." Luo Wei said unwillingly. "Even if the spirit is gone, we can still break out a new path through the substitute."

"It's not impossible." Taohua said. "You can try it, Fellow Daoist Luo." Chu Shinian called him Brother Luo, but she should be called Fellow Daoist Luo.Brother Luo is not suitable.

"Then, are you and your wife interested in subsidizing me with a sum of Lingshi for research?" Luo Wei asked hurriedly.

"Sure. We are all friends. We will subsidize you with [-] spirit stones. What do you think, brother Luo?" Chu Shinian asked.

Luo Wei thought for a while, although this number might not match what Mingzhe said.Mingzhe said that the Chu family couple can support him with at least [-] to [-] spirit stones.But after all, they just met him for the first time, so they gave him [-] spirit stones for nothing, which is not bad.

So Luo Wei finally left with a smile.

Mingzhe naturally followed Luo Wei.Early in the morning of the second day, Mingzhe came again.

As soon as he came, Chu Shinian made fun of him. "Oh, you have a bad conscience, and you brought someone to beat my Qiufeng."

Mingzhe smiled awkwardly, and then said, "I brought him here because I thought his research was very interesting. It's just that you two don't seem very interested?"

"If you want to restore the totem cultivation method of that era, you must first be able to draw. Who among us can draw that special totem that can communicate with the human body and communicate with the spirit?" Taohua said at this time. "Secondly, where are we going to find the totem spirit? Seeing them continue to practice and wait for the help and feedback from the totem, we will know. The totem should be an auxiliary cultivation system. The most critical main line is still in the the hands of those spirits.

Without those spirits, the tribe would not have produced totem warriors.

The third one is that this ancient cultivation method obviously requires a lot of ancient beasts from that era, as well as various elixir and ores.What year is it now, where do we go to find replacements for those spiritual creatures that assist cultivation? "

The more Taohua said, Mingzhe also felt guilty.

In fact, he also felt that even if he discovered this ancient cultivation method, it might not be of much use to them.

"It's my fault." Mingzhe finally admitted that he was also eager to find a way to quickly improve his cultivation and get himself up.So he was bewitched by Luo Wei.

"Also, there seems to be something wrong with that Luo Wei." Taohua said again, "But I'm not sure."

"What's wrong?" Mingzhe was startled.

"Don't you all feel it? When he walked by, I felt a moment of coldness."

"You wouldn't say that he was possessed by something, would you?" Mingzhe exclaimed in embarrassment.

"He often tinkers with those things, doesn't he never defend himself?"

"Defend against what?"

"It is to put various defensive methods on it, such as seizing the house, such as sending the soul." Taohua said.

"Luo Wei should be quite a clever person." Mingzhe said.

"But I don't only feel cold on him. I have also seen the shadows flashing in his eyes."

"Hey, Taohua, you have been said to be so evil, okay? I couldn't help but ask him where."

"I think you'd better not ask with your mouth. You should investigate secretly. If he is confused by something, then there must be abnormalities around him. For example, many friends disappeared one by one.

For example, the former friends disappeared collectively..."

"Then where have they all gone?" Mingzhe asked unconsciously.

"What do you think?" Tao Hua's tone was cool.

Mingzhe took a deep breath.

"No way?"

"You can ask people to inquire about it in many ways." Taohua said in a cool tone.

"I'll ask someone to inquire." Mingzhe stood up vigorously.

"You'd better ask after you've inquired about it. It's very likely that your friend has no memory of his friends' death or disappearance." Taohua said.

"Taohua, do you think he was parasitized by a ghost? Or was he taken away?" Mingzhe shuddered from suffocation, and then asked anxiously.

"It is very likely that he was fused by some residual spirit. That spirit was probably anxious to restore his own strength, so he urged him to eagerly restore the path of totem cultivation.

The point is that he is a bit out of line.

There are not many relics found in the Baidou world, and the relics of the Muman tribe were discovered even later. It has only been a few days. Why did he suddenly learn an ancient language.The point is that we didn't have any doubts at first.

I only realized it after he left, and it seemed that something was wrong.

When he was around, I always thought he was genius, strong, and extraordinary.It can be seen that he has a kind of respect and admiration for the strong.

It wasn't until he left that the middle feeling gradually faded from my mind. "

Mingzhe took a deep breath.

"I feel this way too, I admire him a lot, he is strong. I admire him a lot, respect him a lot..."

"I've been recruited." Chu Shinian said with special certainty. "Luo Wei should have been influencing our judgment from the moment he entered my house. Subtly let us accept him and obey him."

"This should be a kind of ability of that spirit?" Taohua guessed.

"Then if he is really possessed by something, what should I do?" Mingzhe turned pale.

"Go to the old ladies of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect. They can fight, so they should be able to handle this kind of incident." Taohua suggested. "Then you mustn't bring him here again. If he says that he might screw us all over again. Now, here's this for you. This is the Ten Thousand Year Black Soul Jade, and you bring it with you. You won't have to meet him again and be caught by him." Take advantage of it."

Mingzhe smiled wryly, "Luo Wei probably wouldn't use me, but that thing is hard to say."

Mingzhe said in his heart why I was so unlucky, I just came to the Baidou Realm and started fighting with the Moon Lord.After a few years of Ansheng, he encountered some kind of totem spirit again.

What kind of broken world is this, why are there so many weird things.

"Why don't you two pay me to meet the angry customs master, I'm trembling all by myself and can't walk anymore. What's the matter?" Mingzhe said aggrieved.


After hearing their report, the angry customs chief and Fu Su almost stared out of the window.

"No way, there is such a magical thing?"

"It's really amazing. The key is that we can't beat it, and we're going to be scared to death now." Mingzhe said bitterly.

What kind of fate is he, he can meet anything.

All these things gathered around him on their own initiative, could it be that he really had an accident physique?

"Possession by a totem spirit is the same as possession by a ghost?" the angry customs master asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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