The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1278 Green Light Book

Chapter 1278 Green Light Book
"I don't know, I haven't studied it before." Taohua said.

The angry customs master laughed and said, "Then can you feel how powerful that thing is?"

"Bring more people. We are not sure. We are only a small golden core, and our perception is very poor. We only have a vague feeling." Taohua sighed.

"Yeah, I only realized the abnormality after Mrs. Peach Blossom told me."

"I think Luo Wei probably didn't notice it himself. Besides, Luo Wei is a very determined person. Otherwise, that residual spirit wouldn't just dare to secretly influence him a little bit." Chu analyzed.

"I think Luo Wei's soul quality should also be superhuman.

He may have a very ordinary soul. Taohua said, "Otherwise, how could that disabled spirit choose him instead of others.It would be better to choose a sword cultivator from the Absolute Beginning Sword School who went into the sea at random.

Among the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning, as long as they use their powers to go to a certain subordinate world to guard for hundreds of years, nothing can be recovered. "

"Ahem, our Absolute Beginning Sword Sect is not that bad. It won't feel like it has been restored for hundreds of years." Old man Hang coughed.

"Okay, forget about the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning. But Mr. Hang, are you capable of taking that thing?" Taohua asked hurriedly.

"Yes." Old man Hang said. "Beihai, is that thing useful to you?"

Zhang Beihai's old face was about to wrinkle with joy.

"Oh, this Baidou world is my guarantee. I can still find a spirit. Oh my god, my Xuanwu Dongtian will definitely be able to advance this time."

"That's not necessarily true. The spirits of the wood barbarians are generally of the wood type." Hang Taishang couldn't hold back the cold water on him.

"I just need the spirit, who cares what attribute it is. As long as I let my Xuanwu Dharma eat it, my Dharma and Dongtian can be promoted to the seventh level with it as food. I have been waiting for this thing for a long time, okay? .”

"You're really lucky this time. The treasure that old man Hang and I lack for promotion to the seventh level is not spirit. Except me and old man Hang, no one here dares to fight with you." Chen Min complained.

"Hahaha..." Zhang Hokkai said.

"But I don't quite understand, even if the Baidou world used to be brilliant and had all kinds of spirits, but now it has been so many years and has undergone major changes, the world is about to come to an end, how can there still be spirits left? " asked the angry customs master puzzled.

"It's not surprising at all. It turns out that the more spirits there are, the more likely there will be some fish that slip through the net." Chu Shinian said. "That's why we go to the mountains to collect herbs, if the amount of herbs is small, even if it's low-level herbs, we'll get rid of them.

But if there are many herbs, you can see them in just a few steps.Then we will specifically select those important ones to pick.Not too important, just walk by. "

Chu Shinian was talking about human nature.

Essentially, Terran wins by wit.Many other creatures are imitating the human race.

Although Chu Shinian didn't know what happened back then, Chu Shinian felt that he could still guess.

Even if you guess wrong, you have nothing to lose.

Of course, he wasn't completely guessing.

He felt that at least [-]% to [-]% of his guess was the truth.

Taohua nodded, she also guessed so.

Many spirits have disappeared, but it doesn't mean that there won't be one or two lingering.

"Mingzhe, let's go, let's find Luo Wei." Zhang Beihai couldn't sit still.Pull Mingzhe and leave.

other people:"……"

After less than two hours, they came back.

Luo Wei with a dazed expression and a headache.Moreover, Zhang Beihai was holding a small black bottle in his hand.However, he was not completely without loss. There were many wounds on his body, and there were bloodstains on his face.

After they left for half an hour, Chen Min followed.

The two masters who came back came back together.

There were no injuries on Chen Min's body or face.

"Beihai prepared a lot of hole cards, and they were exhausted fighting with that spirit, and the ship almost capsized." Chen Min said with a smile on his lips.

Zhang Beihai glared at him angrily.

"Chen Min."

Hahaha, Mrs. Chen laughed heartily.

Peng, just as the two empresses were talking.The little black bottle in Zhang Taishang's hand burst directly.

A black light flew out and rushed towards Taohua's head.

Apparently he was rushing to seize the house.

Suddenly, a green light flashed on Taohua's hand.Then a phantom like a book appeared in her hand.Without further ado, Taohua picked up the virtual shadow book that was as thick as a brick, and knocked the black light down to the ground.

Immediately fell into a coma.

bump! !

It's honest.Even the empresses felt that if the thing hit their heads, it would be unbearable.

Hang Taishang quickly took out a large pile of high-level spirit-sealing talismans, and sealed the black light of a human figure on the ground to the inner three layers and the outer three layers.

Then put it in a high-level sealed jade box.The outer layer of the jade box was covered with several layers of seal symbols.All are high-level seals.

Zhang Beihai twitched the corner of his mouth weakly.

"Beihai, no matter what mistakes you make, you can do it again and again, you can't do it again and again." Old Man Hang said with a serious face.

Zhang Beihai nodded. "I just received this thing, and I'm really a little excited."

"Even if it's possible for us to enter the seventh step in one step, we can't drift away." Chen Min also stared at Zhang Beihai seriously.

"Little Peach Blossom, what did you hit that spirit just now? Why did you knock it out like a brick?" Zhang Beihai purposely shifted his gaze away.

Taohua handed Zhang Beihai a small book with flashing green light.

"What is this... I'm just a book of inheritance made by Mu Xin of Xiangen." Zhang Beihai had just turned a few pages before sending the book back to Taohua. "It's just your family's inheritance spell, right?
It looks like a small spell, or a small supernatural power? "

"There are some very good inheritances in my family. They are all small spells, but when they are practiced to the level of true meaning, they become small supernatural powers. And these small supernatural powers seem to be able to transform and advance.

My little cloud and rain technique has transformed into falling clouds and turning into rain.

This should be a higher-level spell than the small spell.

However, it was born and transformed from the little supernatural-level little magic, the little cloud and rain technique.But for some reason, after being promoted, it is just spells, not real supernatural powers.

Shouldn't a small supernatural power be advanced to a supernatural power or a great supernatural power after transformation? "

Taohua asked suspiciously.

"Haha, the transformation of small spells into small supernatural powers only happened in the very old days when monks created various supernatural powers and secret arts.

All kinds of supernatural powers and secret methods created later are supernatural powers are supernatural powers, and secret methods are secret methods.The same is true for transformation and promotion. "

(End of this chapter)

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